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Everything posted by pmsummer

  1. Jack Casady: Airplane/Hot Tuna Dave Pegg: Fairport Convention Rand Forbes: The United States of America
  2. For some, it's a passing thing, while for others of us, it's a place of residence.
  3. Congratulations on your LaScalas! Best looking speaker in all of history (IMO), especially in RB. As John Calvin would say, "What great luck!" ;-)
  4. There sure are a lot of things being posted here that seem to prove Darwin wrong. []
  5. Just ordered a pair for my Corns. $19 each, as per the spec.
  6. I'm still interested, and If I come (from Dallas), I'll probably bring one or two sons-in-law who live in and near Austin... at least the one with the Heresys. Maybe I'll bring his Heresys and my battery powered Sonic Impact T-amp for a truly odd combo.
  7. A sense of a calling entered my life in my mid-thirties, but I knew that I was mistaken about that because I wasn't worthy "so much as to gather up the crumbs." It was at this time that my wife and I made our Cursillo (A Short Course in Christianity). On the Cursillo weekend, I forgave the clergy who I felt had let me down in the past . . . who had not lived up to my expectations. It was now that I fully realized that I had a ministry as a layman, and that the job of the priest was not to stand in for me before God. I had always wanted them to be perfect before God for me -- to be as much without sin as I was in sin. As I saw them as men like myself, sinners begging for forgiveness, the sense of calling to some form of ministry got stronger. Surely I was mistaken and only flattering myself. I prayed about it and dared to ask for a sign. "Show me", I prayed. It was the Saturday before Christmas, and I was the last one awake in the house. Headphones were on as I listened to Glenn Mitchell's (RIP) "Christmas Blockbuster" on KERA in Dallas. He played a song that caused the hair to stand up on head and tears to flow from my eyes. From the Christmas Revells, he played Jeanne Ritchie singing the old shaped-note song "Wondrous Love", a tune that was somehow new to me. I'd never heard ANYTHING that so moved my heart. It took me much work to track down and purchase the recording. It's one of my treasures. Before serving at the altar assisting the clergy one Sunday after Christmas, I prayed again for guidance, "Show me, Lord." At the Eucharist, following the breaking of the Communion Host, I looked down into the Chalice and saw that the small piece of bread floating in the wine had become Christ the King soaring over His universe and His Creation. I felt faint, and had to grip the edge of the Lord's Table to steady myself. And then the choir started singing "Wondrous Love". What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul! What wondrous love is this, O my soul! What wondrous love is this, that caused the Lord of Bliss, to lay aside His crown for my soul, for my soul. To lay aside His crown for my soul. To God and to the Lamb, I will sing, I will sing. To God and to the Lamb, I will sing. To God and to the Lamb who is the great I AM, while millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing, While millions join the theme, I will sing. And when from death I'm free, I'll sing on, I'll sing on, and when from death I'm free, I'll sing on. And when from death I'm free, I'll sing and joyful be, and through eternity I'll sing on, I'll sing on. And through eternity, I'll sing on. I had my answer, and what some would call an annointing. Serve Him, feed His sheep, and do my best to protect them from the wolves and roaring lions prowling for someone to devour. And sing on.
  8. Installed new caps from Bob in my Cornwalls last week. I was kinda shocked by the change. The change was so dramatic, that I wasn't even sure I liked it (at first). After a few hours, my internal equalizer was working properly. They sound great. I've changed caps in old acoustic suspension boxes (some EPIs) and the result was very different...primarily because the speakers had begun sounding pretty nasty (very nasally). The new caps there made a bad sound go away and replaced it with a great sound. With the CWs, the sound wasn't "bad", it was just somewhat "subdued". With the new oil cans from Bob, they was a much clearer and crisper (I don't want to say brighter) high end. Where my listening had apparently been focused on the mids, now the tweets were holding their own, and it was quite a bit different. As someone who generally prefers the more hushed "New England - European" sound signature, the more prominent highs were VERY noticeable at first. But now, they just sound great. I've even been A/B-ing some recapped EPI M100's (which I use as monitors in my office) with the Corns as a kind of tonal balance check. Very sweet. The Corns with the new caps are just simply helluva impressive speakers!
  9. On the Transmigration of Souls John Adams New York Philharmonic Lorin Maazel, conductor Nonesuch 79816-2
  10. You can track them by their droppings.
  11. I'll get my son-in-law in Kyle to bring his Hereseys (he inherited them from an uncle who had them in a bar in Dallas for years... complete with anti-beer bottle grill covers), and we can have an "ugly speaker" contest! :-)
  12. After about 20 hours of "listening" with my new/old caps, I'm very pleased with the sound. It's about 6:30 on Sunday morning, and I'm playing chamber music at a low volume... but it's all there. That's what I first heard in Cornwalls years ago: they not only sounded great at higher volumes, they sounded great at low volumes, too. KH's, LS's, and Cornwalls are the only speakers I've heard that can do this. I know there are others, but I've not heard them. Again, thanks to Bob for the caps, straps, and plugs, thanks to Andy for the great pix , and thanks to meagain for all the great questions!
  13. The deed has been done. Much easier job than recapping my old EPI 100s! Thanks, Bob, for including the females spade-connectors. My experience hasn't ben as dramatic as Andy's, but that probably says more about my damaged hearing from all those shoulder-height small explosions I used to endure. Brighter...at first not really to my liking (I was used to the old, "soft" sound, I guess). Much better stage, no gaps. More detail, without a doubt. After a few hours, I'm getting used to them. Very nice. Hilliard Ensemble/Jan Garbarek "Officium" now playing. A VERY demanding recording that will expose flaws. Sounds nice. Transporting.
  14. I'm in for now. I'll drag my son-in-law from Kyle with me (he has a pair of utility Hereseys he inherited that look like electric space heaters). I'm planning on going to the Hope Klipsch Pilgrimage in mid-June, so this could be a good warm-up!
  15. Ahhh. UA and TCU. The gun that killed the SWC may have had Bill Clement's fingerprints all over it (he paid for the gun, too), but UA and TCU pulled the trigger. []
  16. Andy, Thanks for the pics. I got my oil-cans from Bob last Monday and will be changing out the caps on my Cornwalls this weekend. Looking forward to sharing your experience! PM
  17. Actually, the Klipsch plant is closer to Washington, AR than to Hope...where the Texas revolution was planned. Perhaps we Texans actually live in greater Arkansas? Dave East of the Sabine, I'd say that was true. Washington, Arkansas... where the first Bowie Knife was forged (according to local lore). I've got an elderly cousin still living there.
  18. Bought a pair of Cornwalls in 1976 for the company I worked for (to replace the Bose 901's they had been using), does that count? I'm the second owner of my pair.
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