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Everything posted by oldenough

  1. Seems some people here are simply "fiddling while Rome burns"...Dreams and visions aren't the answer to the original question. Your eloquence may make you feel good and impress some, but all you are doing is ignoring the real problem, a real problem that needs solving now, regardless of the cause. The cause is the only thing that is arguable, the fact it is happening is not, thankfully the majority of the rest of the world has recognized this.
  2. Don't worry nature has a way of putting things back in balance, one good pandemic and the scourge of Homo Sapiens is solved. If that fails to materialize we will probably have bombed our selves into oblivion by then anyway....See there is hope...
  3. If you can't get most Americans to accept Darwins Theory of Evolution, then what chance does Global Warming have ?
  4. I have repaired the pegs on my rf5's and rb5's using carbon fibre kite rods, a small diameter rod fits inside the hole that is left from the broken peg, the next size up rod then fits over the first, and is the exact diameter of the original peg. The three pegs I have repaired have held up for five years now.
  5. I'll give shout-out for Tony Rice...
  6. I hope he has a day job....just gave a few tracks a listen, he ain't going to get rich with it....but yeah it's "unique".
  7. If I was closer I would be all over them speakers...Great deal there for someone.
  8. Yeah the RC7 is the one to have, I used an RC3 with my 5's and it wasn't bad at all....but then along came an RC7. Not sure how well the newer offerings match-up, but they must be an improvement over the Polk as far as timbre matching.
  9. If klipsch gets the amplification right, and you can bet they will, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with active speakers. My absolute favorite speakers were the Paradigm Active 40, I will kick myself until the day I find another pair...The design of the speaker being developed alongside it's amplification could be a match made in heaven. I can also understand some not liking the thought of being "stuck" for choice of an amp, but my experience was very positive.
  10. I'm shocked and saddened by this news...and yes, this community will miss him so much, very few, if any, have made the impression around here in the way that Boxx did. Condolences to you Alex and all your family.
  11. Three more that need using less. Hero. Miracle. Thank god. (especially in the context of a disaster, where others perished) Sorry just realised this is for "audio" related terms....my bad.
  12. Wow! What a tragic loss to humanity....Btw Mario Cuomo also breathed his last today....
  13. I'm going to quit making promises I can't keep....
  14. Minus 10 Celsius here this morning...I believe that's 14 Fahrenheit.
  15. I'm guessing that the Russians do make speakers, anyone know if they make anything of note?...not trying to change the subject...
  16. Yeah you should think about it......Throw a conspiracy theory into the mix...that's as crazy as the dictator himself....
  17. Interesting...I guess there is a finite amount of anything, I could understand the concept of a finite amount of "knowledge", but having a hard time with finite intelligence, after all even when we get to the point where we know all there is to know, will we know it, and just stop looking?....I think we will have managed to kill ourselves off before then, but the thought is interesting to me... the only way we could know that we’ve learnt everything is to have already known everything.Exactly my point....I think!!
  18. Interesting...I guess there is a finite amount of anything, I could understand the concept of a finite amount of "knowledge", but having a hard time with finite intelligence, after all even when we get to the point where we know all there is to know, will we know it, and just stop looking?....I think we will have managed to kill ourselves off before then, but the thought is interesting to me...
  19. Yes indeed, terrible that a brutal dictator, who starves, imprisons and forces his subjects to worship him, should be made a mockery of by a rag-tag bunch of liberty loving Americans....Shameful, what were they thinking?
  20. Sorry Boxx, hope I didn't offend you...
  21. If you can get a laugh with a Fart or a F**k, then why bother trying to be clever with your humor...
  22. Nope!! Seth Rogan + Funny= oxymoron.
  23. I really must buy me an SPL meter, I'm obviously not getting the full enjoyment or experience from my "home theatre"....
  24. Beautiful dogs Boxx also one of my favorites, my neighbour has one...don't leave it home alone...
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