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Everything posted by just_like_dtel

  1. My oldest, Allie, is 5 (almost 6--in July). Then there's the baby, Rylee, who is 11 months (turns 1 on June 5). I bet that would be nice!
  2. ......If you have scrolled through each of these messages and any ONE of them even SLIGHTLY resembles you! ......If you took the time to actually post something on this thread!!!
  3. I'm taking in all of the suggestions but REALLY WOULD APPRECIATE some help in my yard! You would think with parents that are LANDSCAPERS my garden would be beautiful but I don't even have a green dot on my thumb much less a green thumb! I guess once I get you hooked on with this construction company maybe I can call in a favor huh mom??? [*-)]
  4. Other than the obvious (a cruise and the Smokies) anyone got other ideas for a FAMILY vacation??? Disney World is the other "popular" suggestions but our girls aren't quite ready for that yet! They're too little!
  5. speaking of recalls: did you hear that WalMart is recalling some infant feeding bibs? Something about lead in them???????
  6. Mom: Last night was very hectic. Took me until 1am to finish all of those online tests!!! [|-)][:S][8o|] Give me a call when you get a chance, cruise is a possibility...need to talk to you!
  7. I think mom might get a little upset if he found ANOTHER forum. I mean, after all, this one has cost him a pretty little penny through the last few years. MINUS THE FREE CIIIs, and that was just a stroke of good luck!!!
  8. Is there a prize for the fewest posts? I may have that one covered! Although they'd probably end up at dad's house 'cause I certainly wouldn't know what to do with 'em!
  9. Uh yea mom..that little "trip" on that winding road was more than just "scaring the heck out of your three teenage daughters". TRY AGAIN! More like, we really didn't think our HUGE LINCOLN TOWNCAR would make it down that THREE FOOT WIDE ROAD that you two decided to venture out on "to see where it takes us". Let's also not forget the trip made more recently when Allie (not quite a year old at that time) decided to serenade us through our HIKE to that cabin!!!!! She was certainly in touch with nature on that journey!
  10. FYI...mom's got that brisket cooking down to a T too!!!!! Ask her about that one!!!
  11. MMMMMmmmm Momma...when are yall barbecue'n again? I know it's only been like two weeks but...it's just about time again with all this bbq talk! By the way folks, that recipe is awesome!!!!!!! We've been telling her for a few years now that she should bottle/sell it!!!!!!
  12. [*-)] Been waiting on that computer desk for Allie's room. If it shows up soon, I DON'T HAVE TO TELL MOM I SAW THIS!!!!! [:|] I've never been one to "bribe daddy" but there's a good chance this one may actually work out to my advantage!
  13. okay Phil, how'd you manage that? two beautiful children, Christmas outfits etc, AND they are acting as though they really do like each other. They're even holding hands. Notice above in my Easter Bunny picture that we had to separate my girls to get them to behave. They are on either side of the Bunny Please tell us what you bribed them with!
  14. I joined while mom and dad were still in Hope last year after hearing about dad winning the CIIIs. At first just to congratulate him. Then it became my method of making sure he was still alive since, as he said, he is ALLERGIC TO THE TELEPHONE...I know if he's posting, he's still kicking! LOL[8-)] No dad, we don't think you are crazy...WE USED TO, but we gave up about 15 years ago when we finally realized ITS GENETIC!!!! I promise to be on my best behavior each time I decide to post. So far, it's worked! And as far as "letting my husband buy speakers", well, I wouldn't mind but at this point, the BUDGET doesn't allow him to buy speakers. (I love him dearly BUT He's not the most intelligent in the world when it comes to equipment...he couldn't even figure out what kind of cable we needed to hook the dvd/vcr combo to the television!) Speakers may have to come a little later on in life!
  15. Alrite, this audio(Klipsch) "club" convinced dad to buy speakers...perhaps this NO SMOKING CLUB will get him to not smoke. He's been smoking since before I was born so I sure hope something makes him quit!
  16. we are very proud of all 4 of them. Here's the other two ( I can't leave them out): EDIT TO POST: ABOVE PHOTO BY COLTERPHOTO LOWER PHOTO: UNSURE!!!
  17. gotta better pic of dads racks...will post in a minute
  18. Photo by Colterphoto Below is the much cuter version of US!
  19. I guess all those years of working in the shipyard really did DTEL in... He doesn't have hearing aids but we tell him all the time to "check his batteries"! I think his problem is what they call "selective hearing" [*-)] He hears his music just fine, but anything else, hmmm..NADA! He says "I can't hear good when there's alot of noise in the background. USUALLY, his "background noise" comes from a collection of Klipsch speakers!!!
  20. My earliest audio memory would hve to be LIFE WITH DTEL growing up--enough said! By the way, Klipsch has enhanced that life for him since I moved out!
  21. Yes, WalMart does employ hundreds...actually thousands of people. My husband is currently employed by WalMart. Not only do they "dump millions into a local economy...", from our experience, they're very generous with employees as well. They are now offering employees (regularly hourly employees such as my husband) quarterly bonuses, insurance benefits as well as paid sick leave, paid vacation, and paid personal time! Just after Katrina, WalMart offered their employees in any damaged area an instant $200-$400 "relief grant". Depending on the severity of the need, an associate could walk in, fill out a form, show an ID and walk out with a designated amount of money! In the words of my five year old daugher "WalMart is the only place in the world I can go get my haircut, get a Happy Meal, buy a toy, and get ice cream!!" P.S.-Dtel, go back up and read my comment to you earlier!
  22. I know this is soooo off of the topic AND SOME WILL HAVE MUSHY GUSHY STUFF TO SAY, but here goes anyway...HEY dad! I don't ever come on here and I don't know what made me come on tonight, BUT, I miss you! I love you bunches! Bout to sack out for the night (girls been in bed since 8ish). Just want you to know that I'm thinking about you! Love, Jen []
  23. I have a couple of great subjects to take photos of as well but I am no good at taking them! I sure wish I had an ounce of the photographers talent!
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