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Tom Adams

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Everything posted by Tom Adams

  1. Tom Adams

    Monsters, Inc.

    Bought it and watched it this past weekend. Aside from the obvious great animation, graphics, and sound...what I like about this movie was that there are several "things" going on in the background away from the main characters or action. So, it forces you to watch the movie several times in order to catch things that the animators obviously put in to see if anyone catches it. Did anyone notice that one of the toys being pulled out of a toy box was a "Woody" doll from Toy Story? And yes, there's plenty of humor in there that would go over a kids head. It's funny to watch a child give you that "dog whistle" look when you hear something that's funny as hell but it's over their head. I mean, you're cracking up and they just look at you like you've lost it. Yep - great movie! Tom Adams
  2. Hey fini - Her draped over a K-Horn sure beats my atheletic socks, eh? BRAHAHAHAHA......... Tom Adams
  3. I picked-up a copy of Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band's Live from New York DVD and was most impressed. Not only was the audio very good, but the camera work was excellent. It's wild to see Bruce's well worn Fender Strat with sweat running down the body or the pick scratches on Stevie VanZant's black-bodied Fender. Bruce is one guy I would pay $100/ticket to see for he works his *** off on stage and gives one the impression that he's there for you. HBO captured a really great performance by a genuine rock & roller. I'd highly recommend it for your collection. Tom Adams
  4. I'm like so shocked at you guys for not including Emerson, Lake & Palmer's "Pictures at an Exhibition" or "Brain Salad Surgery" Tom Adams
  5. Hey fini - You mentioned seeing one (some??) of them on PBS. What do you think the chances would be of contacting PBS and seeing if they had a copy of the program in their archives and getting a copy to you? I'd be willing to bet it would be right next to the documentary of "The History of the Gym Sock" Tom Adams
  6. I'm shocked!! I coulda swore this topic would generate more dialog. : Ok - since I started this thread, lemme answer my own question.... If I could keep one one album/CD, it would have to be KC & the Sunshine Band - Greatest Hits. Tom Adams
  7. boa and dougdrake - How about these two?? Electra Glide in Blue White Line Fever Tom Adams
  8. <sorry - wrong thread> This message has been edited by Tom Adams on 08-08-2002 at 04:35 PM
  9. Here's one for you guys.... A law is passed that only allows a person to own one album (CD). So the music police show up to confiscate your collection. Which one do you keep and why? Tom Adams
  10. Mike Lindsey said: "Tom, Where the heck have you been?" Well golly gosh Mike <blush>...how nice of you to notice my absence. I've been in lurk mode for many months visiting the board from time to time. To be perfectly frank, there's a certain poster here that I got tired of, so I kinda swore off the list for a period. And that's all I'll say about that publicly. However... I've got a new project looming on the horizon that involves my Heritage Cornwalls & Heresy's and a dedicated HT room of the 15'x25' or so size. Will probably use my Mitsu 46" widescreen at first, but would like to eventually go dropscreen/projector route like NOZ has done. I'd also like to use a screen that is acoustically transparent like in movie theaters so I can locate the center channel directly behind the screen. <sigh>...dreams, dreams... Tom Adams
  11. Very nice NOZ. If you don't mind a few questions... 1. What is the size of your room (LxWxH)? 2. Is it the photos or have you painted the walls a dark color (black?)? 3. Will you be placing the RC7 behind the screen? Thanks! Tom Adams
  12. LOL.... While reading this thread I had a flash back to a Cadillac commercial this past weekend. The music they chose was Led Zeppellin's "It's Been a Long Time". John Bohnam must be rollin' over in his grave. Oh - pop music. Well, my feeling is that there are some very catchy songs out there. Unfortunately, the mass marketers (you know, the ones that tell us what's hot & what's not) look for trendy bands and then forced those bands to play songs they find the way the marketers want it to be played. In the "old" days, bands with real staying power either wrote the songs themselves or found diamonds in the rough songs and molded them into "their sound". I guess when one is faced with the decision of either a multi-million dollar record deal or goin' down your own road at your own pace, many cave in. Tom Adams
  13. Not justifying the prices of this place, but someone once put into perspective for me the kinda of folks that pay for stuff like this. And it went like this: "Tom, do you know what the difference is between a hundred thousand dollars and one million dollars to very wealthy folks?" "Uh...this is a trick question, so I'll bite. What is it?" "It's one zero Tom." Tom Adams
  14. Wow....nice, very nice indeed. Definitely looks like a lot of head scratching occurred in order to pull off a great HT without it "looking" like a HT room. Best of both worlds and definitely high on the WAF chart. Question - can you expound on the Crestron Controllers? Thanks!! Tom Adams
  15. Very nice setup. I always enjoy seeing other people's "stuff". We talk so much about our gear - sometimes it's nice to put an image to a description. How do you like your Toshiba DVD player? I've been toying with getting a progressive scan DVD to replace my current Toshiba SD3109. I'm kinda jealous that DL came over so you could photograph him in person, but such is life. Thanks for letting us share in a little bit of your world. Tom Adams
  16. Recently bought the Chili Peppers "Off the Map" DVD mostly cause I'm a Chili Peppers fan and boy was I surprised. The recording was extremely well done and there is DTS as well as DD formats. The surround information is just as it should be - very subtle with no artificial clapping, cheering, etc. The only nit pick I have is that it looks like the performance was shot over two or more nights because during one song Anthony's hair is sticking straight up from one camera angle, but is laying down from another camera angle. OTOH, maybe it's just me. Anyhow, the dynamics are good and the sound is very tight for a live recording. I also think it was well shot without a lot of post video gimmics & such. I'd recommend it for those of you into their genre of music. Tom Adams
  17. I'm no lawyer - but I did stay at a Holiday Inn recently. My perspective is that the damage and attempted repairs have little to nothing to do with this "case". The simple fact is that SA took on the responsibility of being your shipping agent when they agreed to ship the unit the last time. Further, the actual shipping company (FedEx, UPS, etc., you didn't say) also shares in the responsibility of tracking/finding your property. Personally, that is where I think your focus should be. SA said it went out, so they need to show some type of shipping document that has some evidence that the box changed from their possession to the shipping company - i.e. UPS signature, assigned tracking number, etc. Additionally, Denon repair center said they didn't get it, therefore the onus is on the shipping company to prove that it was delivered and taken outta their possession by someone at Denon. If the shipping company cannot prove they delivered it and there's documentation they picked it up - BINGO! They're on the hook for your stuff. One question not answered (asked?) is, was the unit insured by the shipping company? By you? By SA? If it was insured (hopefully for the right amount), the solution might be as simple as filing a claim. My condolences - this type of thing can be a true *****. Tom Adams This message has been edited by Tom Adams on 01-12-2002 at 11:34 AM
  18. Wow Colin - thanks for the memory jogger. Like you, I too worked at my college coliseum and it was there I got to see many acts. As an aside, how I got the job there was kinda funny. A friend of mine worked there and told me they had an opening for someone to run spotlights. I told him I had no clue how to operate one, but he said don't worry, just tell them you do and I'll teach you. The operations lady interviews me and asks have I worked with bands before and I said yes (that was the truth - my older sister had a rock band for several years and I worked with her). She asked if I had run spotlights and I said yes (lie). She asked if I had ever operated a SuperTrooper and I said yes (bigger lie). First concert as a student (slave?) roadie and SuperTrooper operator was for Kansas. My friend gives me this 10 minute crash course on how to change out the carbon arc rods, how to insert gels, how the iris works, hands me my headset, says "Just do whatever the lighting director tells you" and runs off to his spotlight. Forged by fire I was. Learned fast, had a great time, made only one spotting mistake and no color mistakes. I was in friggin' heaven. Best group I worked with - Barbara Mandrell & the Statler Brothers. True class act whether you're a fan of country music or not. Worse group - Waylon Jennings (learned the true meaning of road whores). Stretched the truth of my experience and got to work with the rigging crew that flew the P.A. system for Heart (that was nice concert too). Gino Vanelli was pretty cool to work for and attracted many women. Anyhow, it was great way to see & hear many acts and not only was it free, I actually got paid! Dragging this thread kicking & screaming back on topic...I like to listen to live music as much as possible not so much for the music, but also for the performance. This past year I did quite a bit of travelling and whichever city I was in I tried to find out where a "locals" spot was for live music. In San Antonio I got to see SRV reincarnated in a place called Tequilla Mockenbirds (beer & Tequilla only). Watched this 20-year Tejano with a beat to hell strat go off into another world as I sat there sipping Porfidio anjeo. No one else was in the room as far as he was concerned - just him and his strat letting loose the blues in manner that was a cross between being in a trance and being possesed by SRV spirit. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about what I saw & heard. Seen many a great guitar player, some famous and some not so famous, and this kid rocked. Each year I get to work the local Jazz festival (outdoors event) and that's some great music too. Only thing I ever won in my life was a pair of backstage passes to see Rod Stewart. Saw the Police (Syncronicity tour) and had ringing in my ears for two days after a Van Halen (David Lee Roth days) concert. Oh my ged...Alice Cooper, I saw Alice Cooper! There was Lynyrd Skynyrd (Freebird! Freebird!...) and The Doobie Brothers. And in a college bar in Layfette, LA many moons ago I heard this ged awful loud 3-piece band from Texas that was good but destined to go nowhere - WRONG! Yep - ZZ Top was just as loud and looked the same then as they do now. <sigh> Alas the daydream comes to an end. But perhaps not. There's a weekend looming and my newspaper has a night club happenings listing. Hmmmm...wonder who's at the Velvet Elvis or if Denny Phillips is playing anywhere. Hey, maybe EROK trio will be at Savannah Blues. Yes Klipsch is close to live, but not quite. Tom Adams
  19. So was his system where they conducted the "Is it live or is it Memorex" test? I wonder if this dude had the power company come out and drop in a dedicated transformer for him?? Tom Adams
  20. No...not related to Forrest Gump at all. Wish I were though seeings how he posesses many, many shrimp recipes. My point was that anyone with a glimmer of knowledge of speaker cabinet construction wouldn't have made the criticism you made (cheap shot IMHO) of Klipsch speaker cabinets. A little research on your part would reveal that Klipsch has a very long history of being very careful with the way their speaker enclosures are both designed and fabricated. Prior to a Klipsch speaker getting voiced, I'm fairly certain that cabinet resonances are elminated so that the voicing only involves crossover and driver tweaking. To my knowledge, you've never listened to any Heritage series or any other Klipsch line other than Reference. So what measurements/data/listening tests have you performed to substatiate the "coloration,unwanted vibrations,deformation of the original,loss of midrange purity and so forth" comment? Listen, it's obvious that you've spent a lot of time & money listening to some serious gear and there's little doubt that that knowledge is a plus here. However, I just wish that you'd take the hint that many posters have politely dropped on you that the sarcasm you seem to feel is funny is, in fact, not. Additionaly, while you may not intend to sound like a snob, your enthusiastic defence of your gear has, on many occasions, put down folks' stuff and gives the perception of you "looking down your nose" at others. One only has to look at how many times you've had to apologize for your remarks being taken the wrong way to validate my point. My sincerest apologies to the list for wasting the bandwidth. But I said it and that's that. Flame away. I've taken it from the best. We know return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Tom Adams
  21. Wow...thanks for posting. The photos definitely provide some food for thought for my own future HT. His old setup was nice (don't know if I could handle all that purple, but that's just me) and this new endeavor is quite admirable. Are you & your friend the ones we see in the photos? Some observations: - The use of the cabling tray really shows some class. I mean, all those cables/wires will be hidden and it would be easy to just say screw it and let 'em fall where they will, but your friend didn't. A gold star for attention to detail. - The use of pocket doors is a great idea for it eliminates having to factor in door swing. Again - attention to detail. - Having plenty of room behind TV/equipment to work on things is very nice. - It's too bad some of the equipment couldn't be hidden and therefore allow front mains to be placed flush with the front of the TV. From the photos, I'm assuming the fronts will be in front of the equipment racks. I guess this is the comprise necessary to display his very nice equipment. - Unless I'm seeing it wrong, it appears that the distance from the left side of the left equipment rack to the left wall of the room is not the same as the distance from the right side of the right equipment rack to the right wall of the room. Is this so? In fact, it almost appears the TV frame isn't centered. Maybe an illusion?? Tom Adams
  22. Finally, finally, finally...TheEar posts something that quantifies his knowledge of speakers. Nothing. Amazing, simply amazing. :-/ Tom Adams
  23. My two cents worth.... Sling Blade One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Tom Adams
  24. Hopefully this won't be taken the wrong way, however I really have to wonder what Klipsch's priorities are on this issue. Case inpoint... This Klipsch website is one of the best that I frequent and I'm glad that Klipsch sees the value in it. However, it takes resources (money & people) to make it happen and if memory serves me, this site has gone through one major re-do and two or three enhancements in 2001. That is a major comment of resources. So the rhetorical question is, which is more important - spending resources for a fancy website or getting your flagship speaker line up & runnin'? Tom Adams
  25. Well...IMHO, I think a car audio system can be made to sound quite good. As for whether it sounds as good or better than a home system is apples & oranges as far as I'm concerned. I mean, comparing the sound of a car audio system to a home system is like comparing a home system to a pair of headphones. Both have their own sonic traits. To me, the trick is matching various drivers so they work together in the various places they have to be installed. The second important piece is an active equalizer for it's the only way to tame the car's interior. This is where very good car audio becomes a black art. I have very inexpensive drivers and amps in my pickemup, but they work very well together. And while my system can't generate huge SPL's, it wasn't designed for that. Mine was designed for moderate sound levels with tight accurate bass, vocals that were pronounced without harshness and crisp highs that didn't feel like your ears were being pierced with an ice pick. A RTA was used to achieve a flat response at both driver & passenger ear levels. From there, the system was tweaked a bit more to please my ears and not just the RTA's mic. I bet you'd be shocked to hear what my pickemup sounds like and even more shocked at how little I really spent. Tom Adams
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