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Everything posted by winchester21

  1. Alcohol was definitely involved- LMAO- Suprised it was not in North Carolina.
  2. There was a heated thread last summer abouth interconnects and speaker wires. It is a highly subjective topic. I have not had the pleasure of listening to anything in the ultra high bracket. However I have compared the wal-mart variety against blue jean and Nordost Blue Heaven. I would aviod the cheapie stuff at all costs- too many chances for a bad connection between the wire na the rca connector. Monster is pure overated garbage IMHO. I have a box full of them that I will sell at a yard sale or give them to my kid. Blue jean is stand up stuff- the minimum IMHO and an excellent choice for HT which is much more forgiving than 2 CH. For 2 ch I prefer Nordost Blue Heaven- I have them all around- this is the entry level Nordost model. My system is dead quiet at idle and gin clear in sonic character. My system has a wellplaced set of K horns with bass that will knock you from your chair. The Nordost is very treble specific- almost shrill- but it works quite well to compliment the bass of the VRD tubes. There is a active used market for them- figure about 100-150 per set depending on length on e-bay or AG. I think that good interconnects are extremely important particulary in a 2 ch tube setup. They do make a difference IMHO. I dont buy off on 10 k speaker/interconnect wires but I dont buy off on cheap stuff either due to quality issues. Somewhere in the middle for me.
  3. Would love to go myself but too many loose ends to tie up this weekend. I LOVE FAST CARS. It is a wonder that I am alive given some of my driving antics in years past. Enjoy the race- wish I could attend.
  4. Roger- plus one on the wearing pants comment- Our living room is a gun/car detailing/wine storage/listening room with MY STUFF. The wimps who give in to WAF attacks make it hard for the real men in the crowd by example.[] Raise a glass to ya buddy[Y]
  5. As much as would like to come back with some kind of sick humor wisecrack I will refrain[6] I have met some of the Forum members- spent the night in their houses and bought tons of gear that I have spents countless hours enjoying. I came here a year ago not knowing and wasting money. The members of this forum have graciouisly given me advice - sometimes several times becuase I tend to forget.I would never have anywhere near what I have now for the nickels and dimes on the dollar invested. We do not always agree off topic issues but that may be the beauty of the concept of sharing a common interest. It has been fun and I hope it continues for many years. Nice post- very well stated.
  6. Steve- congrats on the weight loss- it will get easier- you will feel better-the reflux may get easier to control eating less- TH- nice solution to your problem- Craig is the man- love talking to him- a real treasure in the industry and an all around great guy. Where is Ace tonite? Fini---WINE ALERT- 2007 Juan Gil- Spain- Monastrel grape-Jumilla region- I paid 15.00- Worth 30 easily. Find it and buy it. I let this open up for 2 hours. I would easily give this a 92 upon trying it for the second time- Find- buy- consume 3 huge ribeyes are waiting on a ride to Pittsburg later on. Cant wait. Weather is nice- Tomorrow is a washout. Cheers to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Some froum members whose opinion I respect rave about Jubs- personaly I love the big horns and I have a feeling I will get sucked in when I hear them. I have not heard Greggs horns but moneywise I would expect there are near jub money. They scare me as well. Ditto on opinions from trusted forum members agbout Greggs stuff. I have a motherboard already made up containing a copy of Greggs 2" horns- JBL 4420 drivers ans ALK universals. Just gotta go get it and install it. I thas been tests in a set of K horns and the report is awesome. We will see. The VRDs are pure poison if you are looking and are not ready to purchase. A forum bubby was wanting to play with tubes and I suggested the VRDS having never heard them myself-based on testimonials from others. I knew where a set was located and steered him in that direction- (hoping that I might be able to buy them from him later[6]) He bought them for a song. I was sick at my stomach when I heard them having not bought them my self. I cut corners on other hobbies and got another set a year later.
  8. I have a pair of B&K EX4420 power amps and THEY ROCK. running the surrounds and rears as out boards. I hav a SONY HT reciever as a pre pro running 7 channels of out board power and I think my Sony has HDMI issues- Not sure yet-cuts out for a split second at times. Cant speak to B&K Pre amps exceot to say that the name is killer and a super deal for 2nd hand E- bay prices. I would expect high quality in the preamp line as well.. Mac high end pre- pros sadly have HDMI issues as I understand it on some units. A buddy of mine bought the 8 grand model and promptly sold it. If my Sony is bad I will do a nuts and bolts search project to see whatr is the best for now. Problem is changing technology where todays flagship is tomorrows garbage.
  9. Not yet- but after a ton of sushi and a bottle of wine who knows[D] Maytag is an excellent choice of cheese for personal comsumption or Christmas gifts- Not real expensive but extremely high quality. I send it to customers each year- they love it. Check it out on the internet.Served in some really fine resturants here including ,my favorite high end burger joint. Listening to Mark knoffler- Emmy lou Harris- all the roadrunning- studio version on the tubes- un believable. packing more stuff to ship out tomorrow- testing wine tomorrow for the buying group- tough duty but somebody has to do it- whites tomorrow for the summer. Fini- sounds like the medicine is effecting youe sense of humor- in a good way- hope you are feeling better.[Y] [Y]
  10. I t is friggin cool whether it blows up or not- plug the sucker in and stand back[6]
  11. I have ordered a Denon 103 R whichI would like to send out for ZU mods. The nice folks at ZU indicated that the modded cartridge is 6 grams heavier than the stock one. They indicated that that weight would have to be added to achieve balance with the heavy cartridge. I know that a number of forium members are running the ZU 103 R on an SME tonearm old model removable shell model like mine. What measures were necessary to achieve the balance with this setup?? I am really excited about running this combo/ Thanks in advance
  12. Terry Dewick is the man when it comes to Mac. Just send it to him and listen to it forever- His work is gold- you willget your money back when you sell it. Side nore- Mac will sell you an original box for about 30-70 dollars for shipping.
  13. I refuse to listen to the jubilees until I have the cash to buy them. Be afraid- be very afraid. You cash has no chance when faced with VRDs- or jubilees- so I have heard- 2nd hand. I am listening to VRDS- Peach- Jolida- K horns as we speak- Mark knoffler- kill to get Crimson- AWESOME
  14. yean + 1 on cornwalls for starters- Love mine. Great rock speakers- lkie a PA in a smoky night club sitting on the edge of the stage.
  15. Go a size larger than you think that you need. Bigger is better. I like the RB81s and RB61s for most applications.The RB 81s sound amazing on pedastals.
  16. Jubilees if you are rich- k horns if you are not. K horns- peach preamp- VRD monoblocs- Thorens table- joilda CD macintosh if solid state. My 2 cts worth. Happy Hunting
  17. Just got off the phone with ZU concerning balancing the heavy Zu 103R on my tonearm and adding weight. Pulled the trigger on the PS audio pre and the 103r today. The zu mod adds 6 grams to the cart. Gotta be a heavy mother to try and counter balance. Sipping on a WONDERFUL super tuscan -Rodano Poggialupi- 2008- at less than 15 a bottle- WOW. Find and consume - you will be amazed at this for a cheapie. Boss gave me a pound of Maytag Blue cheese today- love the stuff- snacking on it as we speak- Killer!!!! We shipped 19 truckloads of metal today. Bringing in temps to try to stay above water with the volume. Loking foward to 2 wonderful days of no phones or pissed offf customers. A great weekend to all- Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Took the plunge today- bought the 103r new- E -bay 287.00 shipped. Bought the PS audio pre NIB for 600 shipped. I dont understand what all the crazy prices on a zu modded 103 r are all about. I have seen some stupid money-700- asked for them on AG and elsewhere like you cant get them. ZU takes 3-7 days to do the mod for 200+ shipping. Nice folks -Talked to them today. So I will have a shade over 5 bills invested. It pays to do your homework. I was able to call retailers on the PS audio and negoiate. I was able to buy NIB direct drop shipped from the facftory at 40% off retail and lower than used units on AG. Now the wait...............
  19. Monster surge supressors suck... I had an annoying noise -- chased the f---- er for weeks - problem- monster power surge unit. Dump all monster surge protectors and go APC- Frequently on sale on e- bay- lose the monster - you will be glad you did IMHO
  20. the second 1/2 of the roy orbison DVD it stopped doing it.......................WTF???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? help
  21. My SME has the removable shell which I am replacing with another shell without the resonance issues per my tech. I am taking the plunge and buying a 103r at midnight when funds from a sale are transfered into my account. I will but the PS audio pre tomorrow. After the 103 r is sent off for ZU mods I may be able to listen to some vinyl. Thanks once again for good advice that makes me feel soooo much better about spending ridiculious sums of money on this addiction.
  22. Recently the sound on my HT system will cut out for a split second and the blue dolby digital light will go out on my Sony HT reciever. Just for a splitsecond- then come back on and play normally. At first I thought it was my POS TW cable reciever but it also exibits this problem during DVD playback as well. I have checked all connections. Seems like some kind of HDMI issue with the receiver. It is only the sound- the picture continues normally. Ideas??????
  23. Fini- sounds like the treatment worked- good news. Thanks for the tip on the DIsc. Good price. I will buy one tonite. The TD 124/125s are the Rolex watches of turntables. They will retain their value and fixing one just means changing parts.Basically they last forever according to my research if you are willing to fix them. Sorry about the Kenwood. I am running some old Carvers and B&Ks in my HT system and they sound sooo good- but I accept the fact they are older and may check out at some point- hopefully later rather than sooner.I had a big monster Kenwood integrated from back in the 70s that finally checked out. I still have the tuner that was sold with it. I should drag all of that old stuff from the attic and see if it is worth selling. Packing up my Tercel and a pair of RB 81s to ship to happy new owners. Money for new and different stuff. Ordering the Denon 103r tonite and the PS audio pre tomorrow. The roy orbison B&W disc arrived today. Maybe get a chance to watch it tonite. Checked out the recorded last episodes of 24 and Justified- pretty good. Sipping on a Knob creek and mineral water-Cheers to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. That is really funny. There is a guy at the barber shop who expierenced the "up too long" side effects warned about in the disclaimer. A trip to the emergency room to get things fixed. He no longer uses performancing enhancing drug. This was supposed to be a secret. His GF threw him under the bus after several drinks to a GF mutual aquaintance. This one will not go away for a long time- no pun intended. He is currnetly considering a move to say Bolivia[]
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