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Everything posted by K5SS

  1. I had 4 RP-140SA speakers sitting on top of 4 RP-160M’s and I absolutely hated the look. Not only are the RP-140SA’s small in comparison but what really got to me was the different material that covers them. Why on earth Klipsch went with a different vinyl wrap, within the RP series, has me at a loss.
  2. Stay faaar away from Emotiva pre/pro! <— Coming from a long time Emotiva AMPLIFIER fan. I have no experience with pre/pro’s from Marantz or Anthem (have owned some top model Marantz receivers, for reference), so I will bow out.
  3. At least they ended up with someone here. Congratulations!
  4. I wish those were closer!
  5. Nice setup! The Emotiva will not be too much power. Just let the Emotiva run the 5 main speakers and let that beefy Marantz run the rest. The only thing that you should look to upgrade are the subs. They are good performers for their price range but the rest of your system out classes them with ease.
  6. I believe those marks are from people pushing on the cones and nothing more. Unless someone pushed really hard, it doesn’t effect the sound. Just leaves behind major eye sores.
  7. I offered $1,800 shipped, which I was hoping was enough but someone paid $1,899 + shipping. I knew, with the rarity, making an offer was risky but everyone works with a budget and $1,800 was mine. Thank you again for posting OP, they were almost mine.
  8. They make some quality products.
  9. Just threw out a, what I hope they think is a fair offer. Now the waiting begins.. Thank you for posting this thread Joe!
  10. K5SS

    What I Got Today!

    So far I am very pleased! I have had many amps over the years and this one has something special. Yes, wrestling into position wasn’t easy, she’s a rather big girl. Haha
  11. I got in on that deal, when they were on clearance. These are amazing speakers and these have me thinking...
  12. K5SS

    What I Got Today!

    Picked up a minty B&K Reference 200.7 S2. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I have purchased 3 “high end” receivers from this company and I wouldn’t hesitate to buy a refurbished unit from them, many times over: https://www.accessories4less.com/make-a-store/item/denavrx4400h/denon-avr-x4400h-9.2-ch-x-125-watts-networking-a/v-receiver-w/heos/1.html Put the saved money towards a outlet special SVS Subwoofer, they are currently having a sale on their already discounted outlet subs, for Memorial Day weekend.
  14. I am using the 3400 to drive a Martin Logan setup at the moment, which are pretty difficult to drive, and the 3400 does a fantastic job. I can’t remember what online publication it was but they bench tested the 3300, same amps as the 3400, and it scored very high and the reviewer was very impressed. I used a Denon X3300 to drive 4 160M’s and a 450C Center and I never felt a need to add an external amp, even when I really wanted the new lights in my rack.. With that said, I am going to purchase a beefy 3 channel amp, since these Martin Logan speakers are 4ohms and are notoriously hard to drive. Get a quality subwoofer and cross those speakers over around 80hz, and the 3400 will have plenty of power with the stress of the low-end removed. I am a strange though, my audio journey doesn’t have a volcano that I can just toss a gold ring into and have it come to an end so I keep pushing forward until I go insane;) Isn’t this hobby great?!
  15. That is some very nice gear! Your Yamaha Receiver is top shelf but the power output drops drastically when more than 5 channels are being used. If I was in your shoes, I would buy a 5 or 3 channel amp to drive the main speakers. That will take a ton of stress of the receiver and add all the headroom you’d ever need in a normal sized room. Oh, a second 115 would also help;)
  16. The RT series subwoofers were serous pieces of equipment and very highly regarded. I don’t think the amp in the K100SW would be a good match for a woofer that was designed to handle 700 watts RMS. I would imagine that sub amp is optimized for that woofer and was designed that way by Klipsch. Just my thoughts in the matter.
  17. Didn’t bother to do any research but these look cool! https://portland.craigslist.org/clk/ele/d/frazier-x15-speakers/6570413195.html Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Not sure where you are located but there is a single cherry CF3 in the Seattle area, for $275.. That sure would make a fine center;)
  19. You will need to change some settings in the Onkyo’s menu, to get the best out of the sub. The main change is setting your main speakers to small, which tells the receiver to send lower signals to the subwoofer. People have their own preferences on crossover settings but I like 80hz for most applications. I am sure more knowledgeable people will chime in.
  20. You would probably be fine with some of the larger bookshelf speakers, especially if you are augmenting the bass with dual 12” subwoofers. I would get the best subs and center, your budget allows. Moving from towers to bookshelf speakers should free up free up quite a bit of cash, for the rest of the system. The WAF will also be improved.
  21. I know it isn’t for everyone, that’s for sure. Just found some of the information very helpful. I started intermittent fasting about 8 months ago and cutting about 80% of the carbs out of my diet and I am down a little over 55 lbs. When I stepped on the scale and it said 247, I made some serious diet changes. With my height, 6’, I should weigh around 185 lbs and I am currently sitting at 192. Another month or two and I will be at my goal weight and that is when I start working with a trainer to start getting shape, not just weigh less. I just wish I would have seen this documentary earlier because I could have used some of the information, which would have made the process a little easier.
  22. Warning, fantastic health/nutrition documentary ahead: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Where are you located? There is a single CF-3 in the Seattle area..
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