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Everything posted by OO1

  1. I was referring to the 20$ diaphragms for the k77 on ebay - do you have a source for 40$ k77 diaphragms that dont sound dreadful - if you do - can you kindly share it with us -On that note has does one identity the real deal vs a knock off. there are no originals diaphragms any longer being made by EV -- making these compatibles requires the original EV tooling - someone bought the tooling from EV and klipsch -shipped it to the Philippines and is making them with 3 versions - one in a cup soldered - two, the diaphragm alone - and third a tweeter , the k77F - -Their workmanship and quality are sub-standard - the ones in the cups are Grade A diaphragms - Thar are made to match the k77F tweeter - the bare diaphragms are the low grade - but unfortunately , the only available diaphragm for the k77
  2. OO1

    CL: Klipschorns Portland

    these look like sixties khorns -
  3. rap music just doesnt do it for me - it is too much and too repetitive -
  4. (I have an opportunity to buy a pair of KP-250 II's for somewhere between $100 and $200,) at that price , there is bound to be something wrong -but that is expected - so be careful either way and get back to us with pictures -
  5. I was referring to the 20$ diaphragms for the k77 on ebay - do you have a source for 40$ k77 diaphragms that dont sound dreadful - if you do - can you kindly share it with us -
  6. -Scala -Chorus 2 -Cornwall 1 -Chorus -Forte 2 , Heresy 1-Heresy 3 Forte -Heresy 2 - My favorite for every day listening Heresy 1 -
  7. a single woofer in a KP 250 is worth 150$
  8. how much power does the fisher put out - 20 watts or so -
  9. has the cast iron radiator heater at right been close to the speakers all along - since 1963
  10. Sorry Mike - when you say For a while in my original CW I had some EVM15L - what was the sound like with the EVM15L for someone who likes hard rock in a CW1 Been way too long to comment on that. Suitable I thought, not bothersome. 6khz is possible with a EVM15L - that has to be audible
  11. ok - so why is the k43 a better woofer in a Cornwall - I read that it is actually an improvement as well as the Kappa 15c -since we are on this issue - what would happen if I popped a EVM15L in the cornwall - would it be ok although it is 8ohms -tx The minute I read your original comments about too much bass I thought about your room and other equipment. If a woofer that makes less energy down low like a K43 sounds better to you then I would definitely look at these other issues. A K43 is not a better woofer than a K33. It is a different woofer with different design specs and goals. The cornwall cabinet was specifically designed for a K33, not a K43. - there was a thread on the forum with CLAUDE that spoke about the K43 and the Eminence kAPA15c being very suited for a Cornwall - my point is that I will never get the bass alike a Chorus or kp301 in a Cornwall -
  12. Sorry Mike - when you say For a while in my original CW I had some EVM15L - what was the sound like with the EVM15L for someone who likes hard rock in a CW1
  13. I doubt that they were in the great condition that these show to be , the 1980 scalas woud have had the AL network and the K55M - and K77M while the AA is k55v and K77 Alnico -this is the one I prefer the most -
  14. there are not bad at all and quite inexpensuve - just dont expect a high qiality in padding for heavier set people -
  15. ok - so why is the k43 a better woofer in a Cornwall - I read that it is actually an improvement as well as the Kappa 15c -since we are on this issue - what would happen if I popped a EVM15L in the cornwall - would it be ok although it is 8ohms -tx
  16. did you add this white foam to the speakers -
  17. I'd love to know too...the grille is in perfect condition, so it must have been off when it was damaged. They were an open box set from AcousticSoundDesign, and the note inside the box from the previous buyer indicated that he "didn't like how they sounded". I can certainly understand why... so he took a hammer and smached them - sounds like a case of speaker rage -
  18. (Lorton) to DALLAS - sure lucky I didnt sway by Lorton , OOOPS -
  19. here is another tweeter that seems to be easier to fit to the APT 50 - this tweeter will work just fine with very little modifications - this is not a CT 125 or an eliptrac but for a coulpe of $ - it will do just fine
  20. definitely a bad speaker choice for you - Heresies are best at sound at ear level - they are lifeless , by that , you mean uncolored -yep that is right - they are over 10 hours old - they are broken in , now your ears have to adapt to the speaker-as well , - - the heresy 3 is not a modern sounding speaker - although a good monitor - klf 10 is better in my book - more bass - more definition - punchier - Perhaps I should have gotten the RF82-II's like I had originally planned... - I love heresies - I have a few pairs - h1-h2-- they are like a monitor to me - ithey can give a lot of detail but dont expect bass - like the bass of the RF-82 - or klf 10 -the H3 needs a sub and with that will be very impressive - crank it up and enjoy the sound - take time to hear the H3 and then you might be surprised - just dont compare it to the newer stuuf from klipsch which is really different
  21. hi Mike - I need to simply install an apt 50 on the k77 lense - I will buy some of these cheap Motorola Piezo tweeters that have a similar lense to the k77 and adapt it -
  22. is that the same elliptical horn made of wood that SHU was mentonning above before
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