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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Mount Airy, Md.
  • My System
    master bedroom: panasonic 50" tv
    panasonic dvd player
    marantz low profile receiver
    heresy center speaker
    heresy decorator speakers
    klipsch 4" rear speakers
    klipsch 12" sub

    family room: sony 50" tv
    marantz dvd player
    marantz low profile receiver
    klfc7 center channel
    cornwall 1.5's fronts
    heresy rear channels
    rw 12d subwoofer

    garage: yamaha receiver
    marantz cd player
    ar-18's........(love 'em!)
    Living room
    Chorus ll's in black
    Marantz ma 500's
    Marantz pre amp and Marantz cd changer

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  1. I received an extortion email referencing my klipsch password. please be aware and change your passwords!!!!!!!!! i am logging off.
  2. Sorry for your losses. my wife and I found my son on our kitchen floor convulsing from a dilaudid overdose earlier this year. luckily he recovered this time. im a recovering addict/alcoholic and I know nothing I say can remove the pain and guilt you feel. thought my son had finally caught my addiction to AA, but I was obviously mistaken. try not to blame yourself for his death. he had a disease that doesnt care about age, gender, race, or how many lives it destroys. the serenity prayer helps me most times, but not always. prayers to you and yours.
  3. This probably sounds silly......but what the hell! Any interest in a professionally of chorus 2's? Beautiful heresys btw.
  4. if someone told me blue....I wouldn't think it would work. but they look really nice! GLWS.
  5. Absolutely beautiful! Love the heresy decorators also......just wish the woofers hadnt "greyed" so to speak. Luckily i started with empty cabs so mine havent dulled yet!
  6. Yep....paranoia runs rampant on this forum. GLWS.......nice cw's.
  7. pics would help ur sale......and satisfy our insatiable urge to see other peoples stuff!
  8. If ur on a very low dose try and keep it that way. I was on them 4 yrs 4 pain. I became addicted thru no choice of my own. Went thru a couple withdrawls due 2 my pharmacy at the time not having my drug of choice not being in stock. It was the best day of my life when i was prescribed suboxone! The pain sux but at least i joined the human race again.
  9. great! clear is the way to go. maybe even a satin finish? u can always put a gloss coat if need be.
  10. deadpool 2........it was great.......funny as hell!
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