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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Larry, China is perhaps nullifying all that is being done in the West to try to rectify the situation. I was in China in October and it isn't good. Then again, neither is Manila, Philippines; Mexico City, Mexico and on and on. I might lean a bit more towards Marks opinion that we can make a change here, for the better, but also agree with Dave. We MUST not sit on our thumbs and leave space alone. And in a practical sense, it doesn't matter if we are athiest, agnostics, religious (of any sort), if our likeboat is sinking/has holes in it, etc., we are all in the same position. Our worldview can only help to shape our response to the problem at hand. Dave, I will try ot email a repsonse to you... although I may have just given the shortest I could. ;-) Bruce
  2. Welcome John. Haven't seen you around for quite a while. Yup, the new software seems to be working pretty well, and speed seems to have increased when pages are loading. What kind of projects have you been working on? Bruce
  3. I don't totally disagree with you. Western civilization (mostly) has been a very poor steward of earth's resources.
  4. Bill, Every once in a while I have a problem, but not for some time. IE7 is rather poky. We took it off all the computers in our school labs at the college where I work. One thing I have done, and it works really well. I got an add-on/extension for Firefox called IE Tab. It allows you to set certain sites to use the IE render engine. For example, I prefer Firefox, but there are some sites I connect to that require IE. They work perfectly for me with IE Tab. Even the custom front end to our campus database. You can also switch the view back and forth. Bruce
  5. I didn't know Levon Helm had a bout with throat cancer. Very interesting article. http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/Music/12/07/music.levon.helm.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
  6. You are being pretty cheerful today, aren't you? Dave, I just have to ask, and it really shouldn't be answered here: Where is your Faith, your trust in God? Drop me an email.
  7. My friend who picked up a pair of Tangent 400s likes them a lot. $200. The Klipsch info says it they have a poly woofer, but list it the same as the HII, which is a K-24-K. I seem to recall Dennis saying that all those who wanted more bass out of the HII should look at the Tangent 400. Anyway, I knew he couldn't go wrong for the price.
  8. I'm afraid Travis is saving those dates so he and MAS can attend together... That's rough, Richard... I think I'll go back and listen to some tunes with my no bass la scalas, low powered SET amps and untreated room. It just sounds so good.
  9. There is a pair of LSI-A on Craigslist in Atlanta. Look to be in pretty good shape if you like the industrial cabs. http://atlanta.craigslist.org/ele/498563085.html
  10. Nope, he was previously a professional photographer. (still is really). His love of Klipsch products and great audio along with his knowledge got him a job at Klispch.
  11. Oh, mine wasn't a rant, for sure. Just an observation. Unfortunately, the equilibrium is reached rather slowly. It has happened though. A country manufactures goods for X price. Eventually, they demand more, get more and their lifestyle/economic situation improves, plus the product cost goes up for us at home. The manufacturer moves to another country and it starts over. Too slow by our own view of time.
  12. Part of the problem with this understanding is that for many, many of the folks in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines...on and on... they are earning a higher wage in their home country than anyone has previously. It isn't what we think they should make, it isn't what we want to make, but they often make more than they ever have before. so their own situation improves. My brother-in-law works in the textile industry. He sells industrial knitting needles, to companies that make socks, double knits, etc. He has a customer who now purchases socks made overseas, and distributes them here. Not just because they are cheaper, which they certainly are, but because they are perfectly made. Better than the ones in his own mill. He has good equipment, good needles, good workers... yet the ones from overseas still are better quality.
  13. Where is a Klipsch employee when you need him/her? The Heritage line is certainly made in the U.S. The Cinema line is also, unless it is split somewhere along the way (The Jubilees are from the cinema line, and they are certainly made here). Just because something may be made 'there' as opposed to 'here' doesn't mean it is an inferior product. Trade imbalance is a whole 'nuther story. JB is correct, though. Will you not use an HP laser printer? Oops, sorry, made in China, or Indonesia, Philippines... It's tough. Bruce
  14. Then pick it up again! Seriously, I mean that. John Holt didn't start playing until he was in his 50s, and derived a lot of pleasure from it. I have really been tempted to get a cello. There are enough violinist wanna be type out there already. I have been trying to get a cello away from a woman I work with, who played with the Chattanooga Symphony for a number of years. She isn't playing it at all, but hangs on to it... Bruce g.kennedy - I sent an email about the Taylor. COOL!
  15. And... speaking of Meyer again... he is pretty prolific in the studio. He recorded the Bach cello suites on bass. Pretty cool! If you go to his website, you can preview a lot of the tracks from his albums. A LOT of early bass repertoire. Bruce
  16. Oh it can be, and often is... but it takes money, good parts selection, and engineering effort, which is usually saved for amps well beyond "klub" status. ;-) Methinks shawn should have put in a smiley... I have some great engineer jokes... Two engineering students were walking across a university campus when one said: "Where did you get such a great bike?" The second engineering student replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it in the ground, took off all her clothes and said. "Take what you want."" The first engineering student nodded approvingly and said, "Good choice. The clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyway."
  17. I'm not sure who posted this originally, but I put the tif files into one pdf. Some of you might want it for reference. MWM_patent.pdf
  18. Dean, Did you get rid of the QSCs you were using in the past? Just curious...[:|]
  19. Meyer's wife used to do summer music workshops at the University of the South in Sewanee, TN. Edgar has come over to demonstrate some things on the bass, for her students to learn and appreciate. I think he really works hard to promote good music, no matter what the genre..
  20. Ditto everything that Woodog wrote. Edgar Meyer is incredible,and a very nice guy to boot. Won a bluegrass fiddle contest on stand up bass. He has written some of the most beautiful chamber and orchestral music recently written. You can get a taste of some great stuff with Appalachian Journey, with Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer, and Mark O'Connor. Great cd! Bruce
  21. I have a small GC Electronics iron. At least it is sold under their name. Variable temp setting with a thermostat, so that the tip temp stays pretty constant. Touch it to something big and the temp drops, and more current goes to the tip so the temp comes back up. I got it when my brother in law's business folded. It was only about $100, and I have been using it for a good 17 years +.
  22. You might also try another source, i.e., a different cd player, just to get an idea. You will hear things on the Klipsch speakers that you didn't hear on the other speakers. Even if you have to just borrow a player from someone. The source can really be a major factor. I say that, of course, and use a cheap JVC cd player that I bought in '89-'90, and admit I am pretty easy to please.
  23. I'm just dreaming anyway. I would have to add onto my house to get enough room to have them inside.Maybe I could put them in my front yard and just leave my windows open. Obviously time for bed. My gf would rightly give me grief if she knew I was still up. Later. Bruce
  24. Oooooh! I see. I guess if I built my own I could fudge a little to make room. After all, what's a half inch when you are doing them yourself.
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