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Everything posted by lynnm

  1. Joe Congratulations! You will enjoy your Khorns just as I enjoy the Expedit shelving unit you pointed me to! Watch your back Amigo...Those Khorns are heavy buggars!
  2. DOH! Another lesson from the Homer Simpson School of HiFi Troubleshooting. A friend took care of our felines while Rosey and I ran off on a camping weekend. Brian as always had my permission to use my stereo while I was away. When I got home he mentioned that he had played a Charlie Parker CD and found that there was no sound coming from my right side Klipschorn. He therefore shut everything off and informed me when I got home. I checked out his observation and DAMN he was right! I knew that my amp was unlikely to be the culprit as I had listened to numerous LPs before he told me and all was as it should be. I therefore changed cables etc. back and forth and came to the conclusion (after about an hour's mucking about) that my much loved Cambridge D500se had gone for a dump. I hadn't mentioned to SWMBO that there was a problem with the CD player and was thus very suprised to hear Leonard Cohen's Democracy rattling the timbers from both channels when I came in after being out for an hour. The problem turned out to be that CD.Every other CD I played worked fine but that CD had no absolutly no output on the right channel. The lesson of course is to rule out the simple stuff ( even if highly unlikely ) first!
  3. Barney ..... Barnet was a typo.... ( Fat Finger Syndrome )....In any event we agreed that in exchange for him staying out of my house I would issue a public apology for my inhospitality. I hereby acknowledge that I was horribly unfair in my rejection of his efforts to find a warm and quiet place to nap and will next spring erect the mother of all bat houses for his sole use. For his part Barney has apologised for his ungentlemanly comments at our last encounter. I would repeat the translation but the language is such that any computer monitor unfortunate enough to display his comments would immediately burst into flame. In fairness to Barney he did state that at the time he had eaten a few dozen mosquitos that had snacked on my ankles and had become grossly intoxicated and was at the time of our contretemps suffering from a world class hangover. We parted amicably!
  4. Sounds to me that one of your output tubes developed a cathode to plate short. If so you will likely have blown a cathode resistor at the same time. You need to have a tech take a look at it.
  5. Well he didn't come back yesterday....maybe he is p*ssed about my inhospitable attitude. I give him credit for being a feisty little son of a gun. The last time he was in he landed in my bathtub and couldn't get any traction so it was an easy matter to wrap him up in a small towel and turn him loose outside. The little guy cussed me out roundly. I think he was ready to go a couple of rounds with me Hopefully he will stay away now.
  6. Actually I haven't any problem getting him to exit stage left but these 4:00 A:M bat roundups are getting to be a bit of a pain the assets!
  7. For three nights running we have had a brown bat in our house. Each time I have managed to get him/her/it/them ( at the risk of sounding speciesist..They really all look alike to me )out of the house. I don't want to kill the little pest A: because they really do play hell with the local mosquito population and B: it/he/etc. is kind of cute. I have scoured the house looking for where he is getting in and have found nothing. Any non-lethal suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  8. My condolences Griff. In time you will know that you have healed because at some point you will realise that you have had a memory of her that carried no sadness with it. You will of course have sad moments after that but once you discover that a fond memory had carried no grief you will know that you are on the road to being healed. That said, as a former therapist , I can tell you that the grieving process realistically takes about 3 years....Don't try to rush it...You cannot.... And denying grief only perpetuates it.
  9. It's a scam. Actually all the racket comes from that little bookshelf speaker suspended from the ceiling! AKA That pedal to the metal Avant Garde setup would sound very nice indeed as it would set someone back a couple of hundred grand...Let alone the amps etc to drive it. Avant Garde stuff is lovely indeed but frankly does not compare to Klipsch on a cost benefit comparison.
  10. That would be a damned good deal if they are exactly as described as they list at about that price EACH in Canada!
  11. "The Khorns aren't a pair of speakers playing music, they are devices which transform a room into a sound "womb". It is simply unbelievable; you would have to hear them to believe it... and when you do, you would have to own them." Prior to getting my Khorns I had a pair of KLF30s that my wife and I dearly loved.When I found an affordable pair of Khorns within "road trip" range< 700 mile round trip >my wife said If you want them that badly go for it! but I can't imagine them sounding any better than what you have already. My buddy and I trudged off into the wilds of British Columbia ( Kelowna ) and after an exhausting trek returned to High River,Alberta with the Khorns. I shoved them into the available corners and fired up Leonard Cohen's "Democracy."My bud rolled his eyes and said this is fantastic! My wife listened for all of 30 seconds and said," OMG the room is the speaker!" A few months later SWMBO walked in on me as I was rope caulking a midhorn and said "WTF are you doing to our speakers?? ( This from a lady who had damned near allowed her mother to talk her into becoming a cloistered nun !...Not joking here! That was her mother's fondest wish before Rosie got hooked up with a Prostitu..Err Protestant ). There are speakers that image better,give a more detailed soundstage,or have a more dramatic bass presentation but when all is said and done the sound of the Khorn is so integrated and real that as another friend of mine said just yesterday "I have never in my life heard another speaker that sounds as good as those!" In an amazing coincidence my friend had emigrated from South Africa to Canada about 50 years ago because of the policy of Apartheid but still retained a great love of the music of his homeland.Purely by chance Paul Simon's Graceland was on my turntable and I played Homeless and a few other cuts for him. I had to laugh because I had some pressing issues to deal with but my friend kept asking me to play various cuts over again. He was astounded by the sound of the Khorns. I was not the least suprised at his reaction as they still have that efect on me nearly every time I listen to the music they reproduce.I have progressed from marvelling at the sound of my speakers to marvelling at music I hear.
  12. "If I remember right, the only reason Tawny and Tickles hang around Thebes, was because of his sound system. That's just what I heard...I don't know if they qualify for forum members or if that is even true.." I interviewded the girls and neither knew that he had a stereo! Tawny said "Holy crap! I just hadn't thought of him having ears too!
  13. "Secondly, women in general aren't as critically minded," LOL....If your wife or GF ever sees that post you will damned soon learn just how critically minded a woman can be! My wife FWIW was only mildly interested in our stereo system until I bought KLF30s. Those really did get her attention. She was a little sceptical when I found a pair of Khorns but went along graciously,( but mainly because she understood how badly I wanted them ). A couple of months later she walked in on me as I was rope caulking a midhorn and went sideways...."WTF?? are you doing to our speakers !( This from a lady who had once damned near let her mother talk her into becoming a cloistered nun!)Up to that point it had been my stereo and my speakers. My experience certainly validates Painful's comments.
  14. Any year/version of Cornwall is a good bet.
  15. I recently heard a comedian comment: I'm getting older,getting a little bald,got arthritis in my left wrist......They told me about going blind but they didn't say anything about arthritis!
  16. An inexpensive and very effective technique you could try. My wife and I close all windows and doors in our house except for one window at the front of the house and the window in our bedroom.We place a fan in the window at the front of the house which blows to the outdoors. This fan pulls the hot air from the house which is replaced by air that is drawn into our bedroom from the outside. On numerous occasions we have had to get up and turn off the fan in the middle of the night because the bedroom was getting too cool. Often others have complained to us the next day that they had had a poor night's sleep as their house had stayed hot all night long.
  17. I have owned KLF30s and now have Khorns. Both are great speakers. I cannot/will not fault the 30s except to say that the 30s were great sounding speakers but my Khorns simply disappear when the music starts.
  18. A very solid unit and very good looking.
  19. Joesportster recommended this unit. I was unable to find his original post this time around. As Joe said this shelving unit will handle about 2000 LPs. Well worth a look. Pic in next post.
  20. This is an audio forum. Take your politcs elsewhere please!
  21. Most of mine are already alphabetised but I still have about 600 to clean. I am in my prime buying season so I expect that I will have that puppy up to capacity in a year or so. Thanks for the Heads up Joe. The unit looks great in my den. I'll post a pic when I have it loaded up.
  22. I liked that shelving unit so much that I bought IKEA! Well errr an EXPEDIT shelving unit at least Tnanks for the suggestion....Of course I have to rearrange my den,build the %^$##@#$%ng thing and then transfer all my 1100 LPs to the shelving. Thanks A Lot Jerk!
  23. I have a sneaking suspicion that may happen. They are superb!But then so are almost all Klipsch speakers Heritage or otherwise.
  24. In the unhappy event that the hearing in that ear does not recover...consider a hearing aid.My system sounds one hello of a lot better with my aids than without.
  25. 1982 Klipschorns Ariston RD80sl Shure V15 III Antique Sound Lab AQ1003DT Dynaco PAS 3 Dynaco FM 3 Cambridge Audio D500se Flexy-Rack
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