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Everything posted by khorn58

  1. ouch did you say 60 grit way to ruff. try using 120 or higher might take longer to sand but a lot less work in the end. be very carful as the venear is very thin 60 can go right through it.
  2. ouch did you say 60 grit way to ruff. try using 120 or higher might take longer to sand but a lot less work in the end. be very carful as the venear is very thin 60 can go right through it.
  3. ouch did you say 60 grit way to ruff. try using 120 or higher might take longer to sand but a lot less work in the end. be very carful as the venear is very thin 60 can go right through it.
  4. Go to a pro paint store and ask for a mohair fine finsh roller its also lint free and as s.mooth or smoother than foam
  5. It was comon for studio moniters back in the day to be hung from the ceiling. This looks like a early quad setup. I have some old Altec 604c in cornwall sized cabs that still have there hanging hardware.
  6. joessportster what Phase linear amps to you have and are they for sale. I am Looking for a mint 700b
  7. The repo jenssens are not the same as the orig ones not even the same builders. Your better of finding some mint orig. if you want thr real Jensen sound.
  8. Its not the mix enginers fault for the modern over compresesed pop sound ,its the Mastering enginerar who compresses the sh^t out of it so the lastes song will play louder on the radio than the last one.it all about money to be made no improments in sound. soon they will be mastering them to sound good on mps3 over full files songs. It is like the 8 track all over again full the masses into thingin they are getting somthing better.
  9. Joetubeman, Congrats on your khoprn score. looks like they are 61 maybe 62 going by your serial N0. I have 5 khorns dating from 51 to 60 and your numbers are higher than my 60. I like the look of the utilty khorn with out trim to me they are cool looking seeing the horns and crossover . Unfinshed utily are fast becoming a rare thing as most were painted of vaneared years ago.Plus stock khorns will always be worth more than redone ones as far as collecter value go. For evrey 20 model b or c I only see one d for sale. I have seen 5 jensen k33j drivers like yours for sale on ebay in the past year. to me this is one of the best drivers Klipsch ever used.I think the early khorn wood mid is the best one they ever had the sound is large and smooth. good luck with your horns
  10. Its true klipsch speakers suck and sound like Blose with out there great reflected sound. At the moment I am heating my house with wood and can get ride of your old (pre 63 klipschorns ) they have mostly real wood in and burn much better than the newer ones. so send me you old junk Khorns I will burn them for free. I can also burn Cornwall,lascalas and heresy but would have to charge a small fee to burn.
  11. "The Nakamichi OMS-7AII - Nuff said! This unit was $2K new and is smooth as silk sounding. Built when Nak was on top of their game." I would second this if yuou can find a good one Both of mine have turned bad and need new lazers. but they did last foe years and years and had a real warm nice sound. Now I am also on the hunt for a good replament.
  12. Check your gain settings on the EMU patchmix. There are three you can paly with as well as the two in your pc. The patch mix has a two on the input channel and a master out. The Input channel also has a trim insert for more or less gain. Dont forget to check your Pc gain also.
  13. EV made a scaled up 18" drivern khorn bass bin. very pricy when the come up for sale, but there are plans around for them.
  14. yup it a short horn front maybe from one of the kits they sold in the day. On could also buy just the driver alone.
  15. Just installed a E-MU 0404 card very nice. This card was only 99 what a deal. It has anolog and digital outputs/inputs as well as some good recoding software. The converters are not bad at all that come with it. I found them not far behind my Benchmark DAC 1. Right at this moment Im am listing to some internet radio(from Itunes) at full bandwith. I also can reccord the radio as I listen. Cds that have been copyed to my hard drive play back at full resolotion with out jitter.
  16. I thought jitter was only a problem with playing cd and dvd not files from your hard drives. I think about 2/3 of modern music is recoded on stock Macs and Custom pc's none have any special hard drive isolation amd most have long cable runms. a good clock can help a lot as well as a good DA.
  17. I seconfd threshold for bang for the buck used.
  18. I use my own air mix at home. It seems to sound better after many rum and cokes and B&B baked beens,But my wife thinks the air is to heavy. My dog is very happy with the blend of Air.
  19. crown psa2 very nice with cornwalls.
  20. I have the MFSL Beteales Collection I think it has all the albums in the one collection .I bought it new from tweeter. I seen them on ebay from tiome to time.
  21. My old trusty nak oms 7 cd player has bit the dust and I am waiting for the funds to buy a AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 player. so for I bought a E-MU 0404 pro sound card and jamed it in my pc wich is loaded with uncompressed aiff wave cd files. All I can say is wow this is one nice sounding card right out of the box. I hav'nt even tried it with my Benchmark Dac 1 yet, not even sure it really needs the dac 1 as the stock converters are real nice. so now I am not so sure I need a stand alone cd player now.
  22. I listen a lot with my old trusty Scott 310-E really pulls in the stations. There is still a lot of good radio in the Boston berbs. sound better thean xm to me and it's free.
  23. Nice nice job. I also use the Binks Mach 1 HVLP gun for final finsh on my Vintage vw I restore a nice gun. I have been using a acu spray hvlp gun for primer as it sparys the thick filler real well. If klipsch used this finsh they have to add 2 grand to the price. Nice nice
  24. On a good day the bus will bring 100+ on ebay. I was at a store called Lechmere back in the 80's and they had a whole pile of the lp playing buses .I bought one for 7 bucks wish i bought them all Now. Mine was the gold one and i hated the color so i painted 2 tone to match my real 67 Micro bus oops killed the value in mine. I still have the 67 and the lp bus.
  25. Wolverines were made by Ev. They were a lower priced line a step down from the sp12 and t35 thgat klipsch used. still a good speaker worth a listen
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