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Everything posted by Rxonmymind

  1. Three all two channel. Master bedroom Living room Garage Working on home theater. Hard to decide if my Realistic 2100 should be in there or recapped Sony STR 7055. I won't be doing a multi channel in there. Just a twofer.
  2. A cupon though? That's insulting to say the least especially as you stated your support of the Klipsch brand. There should be a master reset that they can send to you via a $5 USB stick or something. It would save a lot of people aggravation, time and money.
  3. There has to be a way to due a manual reboot. That stinks they won't rectify this and instead are taking the easy way out by throwing a cupon at you. Pathetic. Nice looking unit too and I MIGHT have been swayed into buying one for the guest bedroom. But if this is the type of service & games they'll play I'll move on and never buy another product from them again although I do enjoy their legacy products. A company is only as strong as it's support. Circuit city found that out.
  4. Seems to be enough bass on this. Genre: Latin jazz lounge Song:Wave ( First a warning. HEAVY bass comes out on the very first note. Be ready on standby to adjust your added subwoofer just in case. On stock since they don't go as "low" won't be a problem) https://play.google.com/music/m/Tjvqfsz4j4k6aksrczonqmumn6q?t=Adios_-_Latin_Jazz_Lounge Adios https://play.google.com/music/m/Tjvqfsz4j4k6aksrczonqmumn6q?t=Adios_-_Latin_Jazz_Lounge Let me know if your looking for more bass than this? Sounds wonderful on the Belle's. Horns baby!
  5. Throw in songs on how to raise your kids and...the artists doesn't have any. Jack Johnson. I agree on love songs. I turn them off immediately.
  6. Was at a gas station awhile ago pumping gas leaning back not really paying attention to much. Done and whilst looking at the rear tire I noticed something peaking out from under the tire. Clearly a dollar bill. Rolled forward a bit and it was a $20! I was absolutely stoked. I walked around all four tire to make sure I hadn't run over any more.. Best $20 story I have.
  7. Hiya. Welcome aboard. Whatcha running with in your audio? Cheers!
  8. Oh and thanks all for taking part in the poll. I have no idea how I created a poll and not allowed people to participate. Thanks to the mods for creating a new thread.
  9. That's what I meant so the signals aren't "sloppy" & over lapping bleeding into each other. Thanks
  10. But the Belle's don't need to be in a corner correct? Just away from the wall a bit?
  11. Thanks for the clarification. So crossovers for speakers will only "tighten" up the signals given to it?
  12. I have a pair of Belle's. Beautiful, sounds great etc. On many many post I hear how this Klipsch or that Klipsch model lacks bass which has me scratching my head. I recently hooked up my newly recapped & fully restored Sony STR 7055 to them and decided to play U2 Joshua tree CD. The CD player is appropriately a Sony dvp-s 770 0 model. The CD first pressings by Island "records". Third track "with or without you" the in opening riff I was floored. The rumble the bass took on was much like a home theater sub type dimension. This song doesn't have the boom, boom opening but one continuous type. I could easily feel the lower octaves vibrate through the sofa I was on. What I'm getting at I think bass is very music dependent and not every song will have it. Thank the music gods. That would be annoying. Now switching over to my stock Realistic 2100D that had not been recapped the bass was not as authoritative and didn't have a lot of rumble. Kinda mellow. This from a receiver putting out 125 watts per channel vs the Sony 35 watts. The Sony EASILY beat the Realistic in every category. I wonder if adding new crossovers will enhance the bass it even further? The change from stock Sony to a fully recapped one was pretty drastic and noticeable. I'd like to read what speaker you have added a subwoofer too.
  13. What's wrong with round buddy. Round is GOOD. Flat is SO overrated.
  14. I'm no acoustic engineer but logically speaking changing the crossover won't help as you'll run into the same frequency regardless of changes made to crossovers. It's music dependent. Again take what I say with a grains, grain of salt. As for one being metal and the other plastic I do apologize for not being clearer. I was using my Belle's horn as an example. Also here are some "remedies" to address some of the issues for horns.
  15. It's sort of like a tuning fork which frequency hangs in the air or where you generate a sound when you take a wine glass and rub the rim with wet fingers you'llget that "humming". I believe the horn inside the Klipsch when hit with a certain frequency the actual metal will react to the frequency independent of the music and cause a "ring" or "beam". There's a scientific term when an object is influenced by sound and creates a frequency. Forgot the term. Perhaps someone can define it better. Hmmm.. maybe putting rubber rings around the horn wouldn't be a bad idea.
  16. Damn Tek. You got it. Glad he went down swinging. Prayers on the dock for you & your family.
  17. Quick someone put a blow dart in bolts ***. That'll stop him. Nothing malicious just some great hallucinogenic drug. Otherwise no I don't see anyone beating him. As for him juicing possible. After seeing so many dominate performances from athletes such as Lance Armstrong and other sprinters that just blow the doors off the competition to such a degree I have a hard time believing they are all natural. Time will tell.
  18. I want one! With couple tasers attached to them for home self defense. Also add motion detection to them and have them sit downstairs and do outside parameters check.
  19. Umm. I'm no doctor but Feng Shui tratranslates to OCD. (My best friend is Chinese and he laughs.)
  20. Ever seen the cable to a Marantz 2500? Good enough for me.
  21. Good on the pilot. Same at my work. You touch any of the ladies and man, you'll be in a world of hurt. Hope the flight attendant returns to work ok. I'm really surprised more passengers didn't check him.
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