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Everything posted by JBCODD

  1. Same here. I was disappointed.
  2. But then I couldn't feed my ego by being the "Voice in the Wilderness" All mooing aside, I grew up a Norte Dame and Noo Yawk Giants fan, but the way football damages the best athletes the nation produces kind of took some of the pleasure out of the spectacle. 🤕 I still watch the Giants when I can, but lately they disappoint. Knock, Knock Who's there? Owen...... Owen who? 0 and two! And after my first son went to Ohio State for his post grad work, I don't mind if the once hated Buckeyes succeed. -So long as they don't beat Norte Dame. 😂
  3. It's baseball season! One game left inna regular season, Brewers and Cubs tied for division. Dodgers and Rockies tied for division. Playoff possibilities are endless. There's only one October!
  4. Some friends and family on the Book uv Faces have noticed that the far stack resembles me in my hat. Quite gratifying, as that is the effect I was shooting for. We artists are very narcissistic.
  5. The sit in kayaks we have are the "recreational" type. Quite stable. When they do turn over they are quite easy to un-a$$. (Exit)
  6. Also saw a lot of wild horses on the river.
  7. Went six and a half miles down the Salt River in kayaks with my wife. I got bored waiting as my wife drove back to the launch point to switch vehicles. Ended up stacking rocks on wood pilings. Wife sez I'm odd, but she still loves me.
  8. I second this motion. Bu I would say don't post it if you wouldn't say it to the principal. Are emoticons Available? They can help convey a "tone of voice" which is absent in some text, and can help avoid misinterpretation. But over use can stunt the development of written expression skills. On second thought, since it is a Language Arts class, emoticons should probably be suppressed. JBCODD

    What I Got Today!

    A delayed birthday present from my middle daughter: -A cookbook written in my native language -and de smallest violin inna woild, so I can play a sad song when someone complains about the food.
  10. Avast, mateys: Shiver me timbers and prepare to be boarded. Get with the program er ye'll be keelhauled and made to walk the plank! Aaaaarrrrrrrrrr! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6185233/International-Talk-Like-Pirate-Day-2018-need-know.html
  11. JBCODD


    Shout out for @BigStewMan https://www.duffelblog.com/?s=Coast++mostly+saves+very+stupid+people
  12. Flew to the East last weekend for a nieces wedding. Since my birthday was that weekend, my wife took me to Niagra Falls. Most impressive. Got a shot of my Mom and all surviving siblings, with most of the spouses. (Two brothers in law were camera shy) Also got to go to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Awesome.
  13. JBCODD

    Is it the DACs?

    According to Mars Blackmon, it's the shoes....
  14. JBCODD

    NFL - 2018

    It's baseball season.
  15. JBCODD


    Big shout out to my fingers: I can always count on them. Give them a hand.......
  16. Some pix uv my birthday at Niagra falls. And an instructional card given to me by my wife. BTDubs: the chemical symbol on my shirt Iz caffeine.
  17. No. Those are Klipschorns. The Jubilee is a sort of successor to the K-horn. See pic below. It was available as a consumer item from Klipsch, but now appears to be available only as a KPT (Klipsch Professional Theater) version. Special orders may be possible, though. There are some forum members who own and swear by the Jubilee, particularly the large K-402 horn on top, which some have paired with other low frequency emitters. Anecdotal Reports are that the performance is spectacular. Graphs of frequency response and polar coverage submitted by technically proficient members support these claims.
  18. Heh heh heh..........he said hard on......heh heh heh And it's baseball season.
  19. Arizona D-Backs managers views on the interplay of geography, atmospheric conditions, and apparently, testicles. Direct quote from Associated Press. (Two years ago) "Some of the ballparks bode better for them," Arizona manager Chip Hale said of his pitchers. "The weather, the humidity helps the guys' balls move." Wonder if Bill James has done any sabermetric analysis of this phenomenon.
  20. JBCODD


    Nah it's booming. We get wind which kicks up dust, then a few drops of rain. Doesn't make the ground wet, but makes the dust stick to the cars.
  21. Don: Yes, the moniker is driven by the number of posts which you have made, at least at the lower levels. From some of the titles that long time members have, I guess there is a threshold where some editing privileges kick in. I am deemed a "Forum Veteran" cause I got a few hundred posts, not due to any audio expertise. There are, however, many members with vast practical experience, and others who combine this experience with technical education, so the forum is a valuable resource for maximizing your audio experience. Also some members make awesome hot sauce. @oldtimer.
  22. I did a similar thing when I retired from the Army. I grew out my hair and grew a long beard. I was a hospital medic in the Army, so I transitioned to a civilian LPN. I enjoyed being scruffy until I realized that the "crackles" (rales and ronchi) I was hearing in clients lungs were coming from my beard rubbing on my stethoscope bow. I shaved, then fewer people had pneumonia.
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