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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. I wonder if any of you guys know this track?
  2. But since we´re talking about little Klipsches. I´m so happy i reactivated und restored my KG1.5s; listening to this thread´s music now and they still sound awesome. And this forum motivated me, thanks!
  3. I am Spock is the audio-book version of Leonard Nimoy´s book, read by himself.
  4. Actually the first time i hear Bill sing, well, sort of. Great. Have You ever listened to "I am Spock"?
  5. "Little" Epic CF3s? Like 102 lbs little? ^^
  6. Didn´t know him. Another one on my list. Thanks Shiva!
  7. How many times have i thought or or writen something along those lines as well... ^^ You´re welcome.
  8. That really is great workmanship! Congratulations!
  9. Although i haven´t used it for that purpose yet, maybe "Handbrake" offers that function. It´s free-ware and aviable for PC and Mac. I´ll look into it when i´m back from work.
  10. Welcome to the forum. I can´t answer Your question directly since i don´t own KLFs. Others, i´m shure, will have suggestions, but You may run into a problem - whatever other center you choose, most likely it will not match the 30s soundwise. Would that be acceptable toYou?
  11. I´m sorry Marvel if i went over board ^^. Yes i know, youtube will do that for you, happened to me too a few times.
  12. If i was to make a guess what led You...
  13. Congratulations on Your new set-up, looks great! I can´t wait to get my Heresys running... But for that, i have to change my to change my hifi-rack as well so i can fit those in. I will build my own rack as my next project, already have the wood panels standing in the other room. Planing on using my HEs for stereo only. So, what´s next? Still lots of space in that picture. ^^
  14. The video is depressing, wonder how Marlene Dietrich would comment about this cover:
  15. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Ok ^^, while watching the Humungus in Mad Max 2, Max is eating a can of dog-food. Do You remember JohnJ. ?
  16. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    If only i could find that can of dog-food right now!
  17. Two of my favourite pieces from this OST. Sadly the mics on the second track can´t cope with the ochestra...
  18. No You´re not, but have You thought about having a new cabinet made or make one yourself? What would You do with the left-over speaker, a waste, no?
  19. Did have a look at the brochures about the KG2 & KG.0-line. Owning the 1.5 myself (and beeing happy about every time they play.), i have to say i´m really intrigued by these KG2s, looking at them, they really look like smaller Fortes. I´d love to listen to them - well, little chance of that, i guess...
  20. Correct me if i´m wrong, but wasn´t the KG-line what the R, RF and RPs are today? KG were sold during the 80´s and 90´s and then replaced. + what Billybob said.
  21. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Guessed as much, really old news. Wish i could have seen it on the big screen...
  22. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Lot´s of music i´ve come to like over the years i first heard in movies. Does anyone here know "Heavy Metal"? Several animated chapters, combine to a movie. Part of the BGM was BOCs "Veteran of the Psychic Wars", like that one too. This movie started my interest in Journey as well, or Steve Nicks, or, or... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_Metal_(film)
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