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Since when is $250k a year, middle class?

Hifi jim

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At the risk of being blunt.....

Who gives a crap??

More importantly....why do YOU give a crap? You say you're not concerned about who makes what, but then level some criticism about what they own and try and draw some relationship to you. WHY DO YOU CARE??????

That's part of the problem in this country - people spending waaaaay too much time being concerned about who makes what. Or worse yet - being concerned about what other people do PERIOD! Seriously - please explain how one's life is affected by what ANYBODY else earns?? There is no impact other than the self-imposed needless worry/concern.

To me it's real simple - I do the job I'm paid to do and do it the best I can. That's all I have to be concerned with. If I believe I'm worth more and can't get it where I'm working, then America affords to me the opportunity to exercise my freedom by firing the boss and going some where else. I have never concerned myself with what others I work with (my peers) make, but boy-oh-boy do I know those that do. As for my opinion of them I'll not go there. Regardless, I could give a flying flip if my income or your income or anyone else's income makes them poor, middle class, wealthy, filthy rich, whatever. I'd much rather be concerned about being labelled friendly / unfriendly, honest / dishonest, good / bad, etc. Seems to me that's more important and it never has anything to do with money.

Sheesh.....it must be so nice to have one's life in such perfect order that the only thing one has to be concerned about is other people.


100% in agreement.

At some point these people who make more money than the norm, got up off their asses and went to school or started working as hard as hell to get where they are. At least all the ones that I know.

Worry about your own life and leave everyone else the hell alone!

Grow up.

Get a life.

And every other cliche that applies here.

I think this pretty much said everything I thought about this absured thread.I also make wayyyyyyy less than 250k or 150k or 100k etc....I do like people with money though,they need a house,I'll build it.This is just another shot at a socialist agenda,hate the rich/semi rich/semi well off.When they're all gone you'll really be beachin'.

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My manager called me into his office one time and quite point blank asked me 'Are you rich?'. That's not proper, is it?

I answered 'if any of us were truly wealthy we would not be indoors on a day like today'. But I always felt funny about his asking.


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This is just another shot at a socialist agenda,hate the rich/semi rich/semi well off.

I thought we were leaving politics out of it. At least that was the first sentence in my post, but here comes the right wing always ready using their favorite cliches, socialism, elitist, yada yada...
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This is just another shot at a socialist agenda,hate the rich/semi rich/semi well off.

I thought we were leaving politics out of it. At least that was the first sentence in my post, but here comes the right wing always ready using their favorite cliches, socialism, elitist, yada yada...

Are we on the same planet here?You started this kooky thread because your gang is gonna tax all the rich people (250k and above)because they're"rich".So....you're trying to convince somedody that 250k is rich,pretty simple.

You too can make 250k or 500k or 7,8,9 etc.. digits,at least for NOW.You may have to work very hard,get much higher education,sacrifice time with family and friends,be stressed to the max etc...I for one will never hold any of that against a person or impose a penalty because the choose to.I actually think they should be given a prize for NOT dragging this country down,THEY make the world go round.I however value my time with family friends and just foolin' around,I'm lazy,I just want enough to get by.I certainly don't think it's right to take money from hard workers(working above and beyond normal hrs)and give it to some sorry sob that's settin' home sellin' the pills they get for free.

You also need to get off this name callin' dealeo,I won't call you a left wing loon if you won't call me the right wing

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Are we on the same planet here?You started this kooky thread because your gang is gonna tax all the rich people (250k and above)because they're"rich".So....you're trying to convince somedody that 250k is rich,pretty simple.

Same planet? Obviously not. The Wall Street Journal, a conservative publication prints the story, and I raise the question of what's middle class. Out come the right wingers swinging. Most posters answered my simple question with a simple yes, no or borderline. The right wing feels compelled to throw mud in my face for daring to ask what a persons wage is. How misinterpreted is that? I didn't write the story, I merely attached it, and asked others their opinion of what economically constitutes middle class. Maybe these right wing fanatics should be upset with their own paper for such a story. I have no problem with people making any amount of money, I'm not sure I can stress this enough. But certain people feel compelled to call it envy and every other cliche they can throw down. You say "... you're trying to convince somebody that 250k is rich". No. I'm saying 250k in Tennessee is at least upper middle class. What is wrong with that? Oh, it's my point of view that's what's wrong. Others have tried to convince me that 250k is solidly middle class for reasons given, many good ones at that. They did so without name calling, without throwing mud and without interjecting politics as I asked. And then came some others who felt compelled to make attacks against me for whatever reasons. I don't get it.
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Are we on the same planet here?You started this kooky thread because your gang is gonna tax all the rich people (250k and above)because they're"rich".So....you're trying to convince somedody that 250k is rich,pretty simple.

Same planet? Obviously not. The Wall Street Journal, a conservative publication prints the story, and I raise the question of what's middle class. Out come the right wingers swinging. Most posters answered my simple question with a simple yes, no or borderline. The right wing feels compelled to throw mud in my face for daring to ask what a persons wage is. How misinterpreted is that? I didn't write the story, I merely attached it, and asked others their opinion of what economically constitutes middle class. Maybe these right wing fanatics should be upset with their own paper for such a story. I have no problem with people making any amount of money, I'm not sure I can stress this enough. But certain people feel compelled to call it envy and every other cliche they can throw down. You say "... you're trying to convince somebody that 250k is rich". No. I'm saying 250k in Tennessee is at least upper middle class. What is wrong with that? Oh, it's my point of view that's what's wrong. Others have tried to convince me that 250k is solidly middle class for reasons given, many good ones at that. They did so without name calling, without throwing mud and without interjecting politics as I asked. And then came some others who felt compelled to make attacks against me for whatever reasons. I don't get it.

If I wan't to read the "wall street journal"(which I don't)I don't come here for it.If you want to make a "statement"of your "views",be prepared for alternative views.Go back and read,you're the one that started the"right wing"bs(I suppose that's name calling)I know I'm not right wing by a LONG shot,I am solid center,it just looks like right wing nowdays from way far left.

Last,I'm sure you're a nice guy and I don't want to sling mud on ya,hell I don't even know ya.I do know when it's raining or if someone is just whizzin' in my boots.Have a good one,nothin' personal,just bs(I need to find a better source of entertainment while listening to music).

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So, they should sell most of there stuff so they can afford the extra 3%?

They are obviously in need of some money management skills because the 3% has yet to affect them, and they still feel like there're only getting by. The article states that after the bills are paid they have $1,200 left at the end of each month. Most people I know, wouldn't call that "stretched", or living paycheck to paycheck. The wife is quoted as asking for a "reality check on what rich is". They might not be rich to you or I, but to someone making 20-30k a year, they probably seem so. Middle class? I'm still thinking they're upper middle class. Most middle class I know, aren't doctors, don't own land aside from their home and could never afford to give $1,300 a month to church and still be left with $1,200. I think Ms. Parnell needs a reality check on what middle class actually is. Again, just my point of view.
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If I wan't to read the "wall street journal"(which I don't)I don't come here for it.

No one forced you to read this thread, let alone post.

If you want to make a "statement"of your "views",be prepared for alternative views.

That's exactly what I was hoping for was alternative views and open discussion.

Go back and read,you're the one that started the"right wing"bs(I suppose that's name calling)

The name calling started before you came into the discussion, and your quote of "socialist agenda" is what then if not a right wing position?
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"So, they should sell most of there stuff so they can afford the extra 3%?"

I personally wouldn't mind pay an extra 3% if the complete process was updated with current numbers rather than numbers from the 60's which would result in me getting deductions that I think I should be entitled to. For the life of me I don't understand why if you AGL over 160K, you get zero credit for IRA's, can't deduct your education costs, etc, etc, etc,. Increase my taxes by 3%, just level the playing field and let me deduct what the rest of the contry can. The tax tables already account for income growth by the way income below 30K is taxed, income between 30k and 50k is taxed, and income over 50k is taxed. Why double adjust by not allowing exclusions on top of the non linear tax tables.

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I personally wouldn't mind pay an extra 3% if the complete process was updated with current numbers rather than numbers from the 60's which would result in me getting deductions that I think I should be entitled to. For the life of me I don't understand why if you AGL over 160K, you get zero credit for IRA's, can't deduct your education costs, etc, etc, etc,. Increase my taxes by 3%, just level the playing field and let me deduct what the rest of the contry can. The tax tables already account for income growth by the way income below 30K is taxed, income between 30k and 50k is taxed, and income over 50k is taxed. Why double adjust by not allowing exclusions on top of the non linear tax tables.

Excellent point! I'll agree to that.


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I don't see how in the world anyone can attack the OP for what he wrote. Sheesh! Simply brutal.

Again, not focusing on politics, but I would consider myself very conservative and I think Jim had a great observation...

And who says our view of "what is rich" should be relative? To a vast majority of the world (picture a starving Kenyan child for instance), someone making $30,000 a year renting a two room apartment is living in a palace. Someone grossing nearly $21,000 a month living in a 2500 sq ft home simply shouldn't complain. Overtaxed? Sure. Overworked? Probably.

They have every right to complain. But they really don't have the room...

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$260k/year is most certainly NOT middle class. Doing a quick search on the internet, it seems that as of the 2005 census, that income puts you in the top 1.5%.

Having 98.5% of households making less than you does not make you middle class by any stretch of the imagination.

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$260k/year is most certainly NOT middle class. Doing a quick search on the internet, it seems that as of the 2005 census, that income puts you in the top 1.5%.

Having 98.5% of households making less than you does not make you middle class by any stretch of the imagination.

There's some clear and simple logic, backed up by numbers. Thanks!
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