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Ampex 960 RTR Worth Restoring?


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Had a wonderful and illuminating conversation with Travis late this afternoon, and I will be proceeding at least to the first stage, which is getting the belts.  Apparently some Ampex models develop troubles in their take up reel that cannot be corrected. So first I have to determine if the takeup reel works properly and for that I need belts.  He also feels that this is probably a console pull and not necessarily a 960 but the powered preamp should be putting out about 10 watts per side and could be used directly to the my speakers after modding the output signal wires.


He also informed that chicks really dig RTR's.  They like to watch the reels go around, and around and around, and around, and around...

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Ok, I've been working on this unit.  Re-lubed everything, and replaced all the belts. The speed switch was glued closed and probably that resulted in breaking the main belt.  I bypassed the plug, with a new power cord, turned it on and and it started right up. Motor spins,  tubes glow etc.  I hooked this up to a couple of test speakers and an old ss integrated amplifier, hooked up a cd player for an input source, and put on a reel and tried for playback.


Two things, the "Play" lever keeps slacking off and then the takeup reel then stops.  Probably needs some more lubing. 


I can hear music from the cd player with the main switch set to :"Monitor".  However, when I switch to "Single" or "Stereo" on the main switch I get a very loud statics/hum sound, and I do mean loud .  It does not change when I adjust the volume switch.  I have not been able to get the recorded  tape to playback through the speaker.


I have the inputs from the deck going to the "Rec" rca's of the amplifier and the outputs of the deck going to "Play" rca's like the amplifier manual says I should. 


If this unit toast as far as play back, without a major rebuild of the preamp section, or am I doing something obviously wrong?



Here's a link to the service manual:



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Happens to correspond with the acetate tape specs of the day and I wonder if they meant tape included. Certainly the 15k hiss was quite audible even on the best tape, but I don't recall anything like 55db electronic noise.


As I remember, it is with tape included  -- I think (but am not sure) a piece of tape recorded on that deck, with no input (or shorted inputs?) would have noise at 55 dB below the point at which the recording would max out at 3% THD, if such a signal (1K ???) were to be recorded. That figure might be unweighted???? All I know is that some old Ampexes I've seen were quieter than some other decks that were rated at 63 dB S/N that used weighting hocus pocus and crossed fingers.


That's when Ampex was on top of the world, in almost every studio, and did the Todd-AO magnetic film full coat, 35mm, in sync with 70 mm picture film (at first) sound as well.


If anyoe is looking, Crown 1/2 track stereo 7.5/15 ips were wonderful.  Likewise Revox. 

Edited by garyrc
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