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I'm having a problem with the Planet

Mike Lindsey

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Mike- What about really isolating the Planet, as an experiment with long IC's? Say, to another room (what's on the other side of the wall your rack's on?), or even out the window (obviously not a long-term solution, but it may tell you something)?


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How in the world do you guys keep your rooms so damn neat and organized? If I took the room in your picture and put it in my house for 30 seconds, there'd be stuff piled on every available shelf, kid's toys all over the floor, and that pillow on the window would have three cats fighting over it while the dog ran around barking and knocked over all the plants.

Envy envy envy envy envy.... cwm12.gif


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First off, I would like to thank everybody for all their suggestions.

Gil - All the stuff you see in the center wall unit is my SS HT rig and works fine. The right wall unit houses my 2-channel gear and the picture unfortunately doesn't show it. I just wanted to show the wall unit and the shelving system to show you what it looks like. The Rega Planet and Scott 299 sitt on the 2nd shelf, just above the albums. The TT sits on the shelf above that. I could certainly try the tennis balls but the Rega sits directly on the shelf. Actually, it's sitting on some 12 x 12 paving stones at the moment but they didn't help.

AF - I believe it is a concrete floor with berber carpeting.

fini - My garage is on the other side of the wall units.

Ray - The secret is to live alone. Smile.gif


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First try the floor like Gil suggested. I'm sorry to say this, but that is not a very sturdy rack or shelf unit that you have. Next time your over, just try to move mine and you will see what I mean. I know your floor is concrete, that will be enought to prove if it's external or internal vibrations causing the problem.




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i have the solution.

geto 4 slinky's. attact one to each of the four corners of the Rega, hang the rega by the slinky's from the ceiling, make sure to hit a stud to provide optimal support. measure how far the rega goes down and adjust the length of the slinky till the rega 'floats' at the appropriate level of operation.

work? Smile.gif

in all seriousness. I would try to keep it off the rack, that seems to be the problem. I noticed the rack is not incredibly thick wood, on wood, with each side touching the other, with no solid side walls to add stability, makes it prettier, but also cause it to lose some strength. i think the floor idea is a great one, concrete/berber floors don't vibrate very much Wink.gif

try the slinky if all else fails. I used it once actually, just a single slinky holding up my compaw Sony discman from the side of a shelf... only problem was when i opened it, it went, WHACK, as it opened since the thing turns into a sideways V... there as no reason to put it on the slinky, just a stupid 5th grader Smile.gif LoL

instead of foam, it seems like these two products would work better.

silly putty, stays where you put it, you can level it extremely well with it and have a little fun with the left overs. it is cheap.

go to toys r us, where you can also get silly putty, and get the foam gel... made by Nikelodeon (sp) it has foam balls, tinsy tiny, in a non sticky gel/poly... blob. anyway. put that into say a silk bag (just looks, a plastic bag would work too, but not pretty) and it will isolate the vibrations. it is SUPER light and I think that a foam/gel combination might be better than just foam.

also, you could get borax and make your own 'gak', put it in a plastic lined bag and see if that does anything, like water with a barrier... fun stuff, also made by Nikelodeon.

don't forget the slinky! cwm32.gif




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Move the Planet to another shelf, preferably farther away from the speaker. Also, you will never play the play on the floor so start figuring out ways to better your isolation. I am quite sure that moving it will cure most of the ills. And coming up with a better isolation is another. NIX the foam idea as this would not do wonders for the sonics. The tennis balls do have some merit but it would be ugly as all get out. Try something like some black diamond racing cones under the Planet which in turn is sitting on a sand filled box ala Bright Star designs. Or, as I said, move it away from the speaker. Too bad that shelving is so problematic.

Also, consider the Bright Star air bladder systems. Take a look as some of these options.


I think the air device might do some good things here. Could couple this with cones of some sort.


This message has been edited by mobile homeless on 08-23-2002 at 03:15 AM

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The shelf unit should be screwed to the wall via "L" brackets at the top.

I like Justin's ideas, although my first choice of accessory would be a "Wheelo," or maybe some WWF action figures placed under the Rega's feet.


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OK - my turn....

Looking at your setup I would suspect vibration from the floor rather than the air. You might want to try pulling the speakers forwards just to test to see if the skipping continues.

Also - is that an SVS sub in front of the left speaker - that could be the cause of the problems - is it on and playing? Can you turn it off and retest?

One thought - you might try isolating the speakers rather than the player - placing them on large blocks (marble ideally) - might help if the floor is genuinely the culprit.

Just another POV...


My System: http://aca.gr/pop_maxg.htm

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I tried to duplicate your problem but the volume level made me want to leave the room before I could try to induce any skipping by the Planet based on volume. My speakers are closer to the Rega than your setup. I do have a concrete slab under the carpeting, the glass shelf the Planet sits on is 3/8 inch thick plate glass in a rack that was designed to hold a 36-40 inch tv. Close proximity to the speakers does not seem to hold up as a cause for skipping in my setting. I will probably have to issue a general neighborhood alert before I can test to the 105db level. My questions are, does this occur with ALL CDs, and as Max asked, are you using the sub?

Klipsch out.

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The SVS sub is only hooked up to my HT gear and is not on. Like I said earlier, the Planet is on the 2nd shelf of the right wall unit, all the way on the right side, approximately 6 inches from the right speaker.

After I return from a couple of doctor's appointments, I will move everything around and see how it does. Again, it has only happened on 2 CD's and they were both very bass/drum heavy tracks. One is a song by Miriam Makeba called Umhome from the Putumayo South African Legends CD. This thing shakes the house.

I'll let you know my results when I get back...


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I'm a bit late here, but FWIW...

I've had no problems with my Rega in this regard. It's fairly close to one sub and Cornwall, and I've never had a problem. The shelf it is sitting on is quite solid, and that shelf is sitting on brick - no vibrations through the floor! It seems the sturdy build and cushioned feet are sufficient in my case.

Now, I do have problems with "The Planet", but that's a potential 20 page thread best left for another forumcwm37.gif

Good luck with the tweaking, Mike - and let us know how the IC's work out too.

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Mike re: foam,

remember I was thinkiing of a temporary thing to firmly prove it is vibration from the floor-rack-player ruote that was causing the skipping. just take a pillow or coushin form the couch, whatever and place it under the player for five-ten minutes and wild with the volume, if it does not skip then eveyrone can reccomend vibration isolators (like vibropods, etc.) if it does skip while resting on top of a pillow, it is not vibration from the shelf-floor and we need to look eleshwere for the cause...try it. tony

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Last night I put my Rega back into service. I powered it up and played a CD at very low level. It stopped playing after about 30 seconds. I then put the Rega on Vibrapods which made no difference.

As a last resort I took everything off the Flexy equipment stand and changed it out with my Salamander Synergy rack.

I powered everything up and put on Rusted Root. I played it as loud as I could stand it and the Rega never skipped a beat. I played music all night long and never had a problem. I will let you know Monday if this cured the problem.

I think the vibration I was getting was not through the floor, but off the walls.

Take the Rega off the equipment rack you have and put it on a low table. Before I put all my equipment in the Salamander I put the Rega on a low $5 plastic table and it didnt skip.

Good Luck.


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Sometimes the heavy massive wood type stand transmit more energy to the electronic than you imagine. This is why a lightweight rigid stand can sometimes do better in certain applications. I am really almost positive it is coming from the floor and up through your rack. Play the CD that is problematic at the same levels and rest your hand on the top/right side of your Rega. Feel the vibration? Now place your hand on the stand surrounding the Rega and feel the vibration. My bet is you will be feeling quite a bit here.


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if you used Darumas underneath the Rega and it still skipped, well, isolation ain't your problem.

I would seriously consider the possibility that your Rega is whack, broke, out of adjustment, whatever.

I agree with others that additional isolation won't solve it if weighting the player successfully resolves it.

I can say that when I had a Rega Planet I subjected it to (oh so) loud volumes and there was no skipping. Dust and fibreglass drifting from the ceiling, yes, skipping, no.

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Randy, your speakers are VERY far from you equipment rack so the vibration is not going to have as much impact. As an owner of two Rega Planets from different model years, I can tell you that if your Planet is right next to the speaker, and the speaker is loading the player and rack, then at high volumes (but it usually has to be VERY high), you will possibly get some skipping with the Rega. This has happened to me and I have a good stand... but when my speaker was within inches, this would come about with my EICO. As stated, the Rega is not like 98% of the machines out there in that the spindle is FIXED to the player with no suspension like almost every drawer player. This actually helps the sonics in most instances but in very high vibration environments, can induce skipping. I have seen it with two different players. That is not to say that Mike's player might have suffered somewhere; I just am saying this is not uncommon. If Mike would goose the volume to high levels and put his hand on the rack, shelf, and then the actual player chassis, I bet he finds some serious vibration. Of course, his player might have become TOO sensitive to vibration during its exchange via the mail system.


This message has been edited by mobile homeless on 08-24-2002 at 07:45 AM

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