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JBL Consumer

John Warren

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Yup, I just came from there picking up some Erik Satie and Claude DeBussy cd's and thought I would really amuse myself by dropping in the sound room (can't bring myself to call it a music room).

After hearing that garbage I most certainly lament over the stuff Mr. Lansing put out in the 60's and 70's. My kingdom for another pair of L200's or even better L300's.


Tom's Money Pit

This message has been edited by tblasing on 09-02-2002 at 02:18 PM

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I figured he was manic/depressive. He had money problems and because of a life insurance policy was worth more dead than alive. I was told he hung himself. Whatever the method, dead is dead. I've seen some cheap plastic that I had to look twice at before I realized it was plastic and not cast metal. These days you have to try and make cheap plastic look like cheap plastic. I think JBL has done it however.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Look, I know JBL and other companies flail in comparison to the almighty Klipsch, but still give credit where credit is due. For the money JBL provides a decent audio. With my limited budget I can't afford Klipsch yet, but hopefully soon I will. I often go to my local tweeter store to give em a listen, and dream. My system isn't half bad. For $110 I purchased a pair of JBL Northrige N28s (2-way, 8" bookshelfs. They really do sound fantastic w/ my pioneer VSX-D850S in my opinion. Eventually I will be able to afford Klipsch, but until then I think my JBLs sound pretty damn good to me. I'm just saying that you should keep you possibilies open, I not doubting the quality and power of Klipsch, just trying to make a piont. Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

I have also been dissapointed in the quality of sound I have heard from the JBLs on the floor at Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. I Grew up listening to classical music on my dads JBL 4311 studio monitors which he got in the early seventies

I have 2 JBL L46s from 81-83(they are as old as I am) that i use for my stereo and they sound very balanced for a 2 way cabinet with an 8" woofer and (i think) a 3/4" tweeter.

they are very full with a nice smooth midrange and crisp highs.

However I recently moved them from a shelf on top of my desk at head level to the front of my apt on the floor, now they sound more bassy unless I turn up the volume aways to bring out the mids.

Listening to the Yes album "The Ladder" earlier today my (Concrete)walls started vibrating so I had to turn it down so I wouldn't annoy the neighbors. Because of this I have no plans of getting a sub anytime soon.

The heresy's I'm getting are going to take the jbl's places as my mains, hopefully the horns will give me the presence in the midrange at lower volume.

For now I'll have a "consumer grade" klipsch ksc-c1 for my center channel, although I would like to put something together built around an old K-55-V horn assembly for the center so it would match with the Heresy's.

But I digress.

JBL consumer products don't seem to keep up the way they used to. JBL calls their home speakers a studio series yet they are not the same as their real studio speakers. Back in the day they had a studio series and some home series, although the two were very simular, the L series being the home series i've heard the most about. An L100 for example being very like a 4311 (4412?).

Anyway I've said enough so I'll go now.


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I'm sure you are referring to these.

A "mere" $600 a pair.


You guys are brutal. I mean, to most normal folk -- that's a lot of money, and most people don't prioritize this "hobby" into the top 3 or 4 things in their life that they care about -- much less the 1st or 2nd.

To us, who magnify our love for good sound through the purchase of better made products, the speaker above (or the middle of the road Klipsch "RF" series), is held as inadequate. However, to most people -- it's probably the "Holy Grail" of sound. They move "up" from Cerwin Vega to this JBL -- and I'm sure they feel they just went over the top.

Keep in mind as well, what this type of speaker will be sourced with. Then there is also the reality that most people just don't have the room for a Cornwall, Scala, or Belle, K-horn, or anything along the same size. The Heresys are a nice size, but they do cost almost twice as much as these JBLs.

I suppose we could level the accusation that JBL probably has less than $200 in parts between both of these "boxes", but hey -- whatever the market can bear! They are in the business for the purpose of advancing their product lines and making money -- that's just part of what running a business is all about.

I don't see what's wrong with making something that most people can afford. Besides, at least they're not ugly, and if they are made with MDF and drivers that are at least decently well made -- they probably don't sound half bad, and certainly no worse than the myriad of other "me too" speakers that are out there.

C'mon guys -- show a little compassion.9.gif

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I know earlier JBL products as expensive and with high quality. Today it seems for me they try to sell on the consumer market cheap and trendy products, but the quality is lower compared with other brands at this price. They can't do cheap with comparable quality. One day they will ruin their reputation.

The Klipsch consumer products i can't compare, because they are very hard to find in germany. Some weeks ago i heard a sony home theater setup with boxes like bose. The DVD player ran with a curios demo CD and the speakers did piep piep piep. Sony did completly disappointed me.

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I came across these on JBLs website:


You don't see these at best buy now do ya.

I also saw a bunch of nice goodies on the japanese harmon site, including some 4312s they call a consumer home theater package, these appear to be much like the incredible 4311 studio monitors. I did not see any hartsfield but I did see some L88s on there. It's odd how the japanese market has a seemingly wider range of nice products than we have here in the states. Almost as if the speaker buying public in the U.S.A. is thought to be a bunch of suckers.

Peace, Josh

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OK, there are TWO series you need to know about:

Northridge - cheap stuff to phatten JBL's pockets. Lot's o' sales for them.

Studio - look like the Northridge, but use MUCH better components for drivers and X-over. They sound very good for the money.

OK, someday, my dream is to build (or Pi Speakers) some speakers out of JBL Pro stuff and have some really good stuff driving it. Basically, you can build the 43XX type monitors, but you are going to be spending probably $3,000 to build the speakers (actually, they will be way better.) I am talking $400 per woofer, $400-900 for midrange (cone or horn), and probably another $500+ for the tweeter. Add $100+ for the crossover and how much the cabinet costs.

Guys, check out this site: http://www.harman-japan.co.jp/products/jbl_cons/jblcindx.htm It is JBL's Japanese site, they have all the vintage monitors (ironically, made in Northridge, but not sold in North America or Europe!) they we love so much.

Check out the 4312 (like the 4311's. They cost around $1,500/pr.) and the awsome, expensive ($13,000, really) 4348 (see image below). If you want to spend more, they have you covered, as they have a full line of K2's. The K2 9800 is $22,500 a pair in Japan and will be about $25,000 a pair over here (they will sell them in North America.)

Basically, all the vintage audio we love is for sale in Japan, yet JBL cannot sell it to us here in the USA bacause they don't see the market, and it is very expensive.

Yes please: But they are $13,000 a pair.


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