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How about Dayton PA310-8 ?


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Actually two things change when you swap in a K-28 (both good in my view)...


As you guys mention the woofer will be 3dB louder (this helps compensate for the squawker-forward voicing of the stock Heresy's which is a good thing in my book), plus when you halve the speaker impedance from 8 to 4 ohms it effectively doubles the woofer's crossover freq from around 380Hz (in H2's with the later version xover) to 760Hz which would help fill the gap in the K53's low end that I mentioned before. Two - two tweaks in one! 🙂


That said there is more benefit using a K-42 or the Dayton than just power handling - they both have very strong magnets (much stronger than the K-28) which improves the motor control over the cone at high(er) freqs - which leads to better integration with the squawker. If you read Claude's thread on the Super Heresy's a few years back the primary reason he tried the swap was to improve the integration, not improve the bass. Thus a K-42 swap improves integration (speed and dynamics) plus bass to a greater degree than the K-28, but I think the K-28 would be huge bang for the buck if you're inclined. Just sayin'...



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@Pete Fowler   @Jdwtx85   since the main subject here is speaking of the K28 as a replacement for the K24 or  K-22 , you may want to read this post


  • Klipsch Employees

Ok, found the E schematic on the forum at


This shows a 2.5mh inductor only to the K-22 with a note of "11ohms"? I would think you could use a 1.25mh inductor with the 4 ohm K-28 and should get an xover point of around 700Hz so you don't have the 400-800Hz hole. I think I've got some of those 1.25 mh coils laying around.

11 ohms is about the DCR of the mid.

The responce of the 28 is not the same as that of the 22 thus you may not have a hole at all. Even if you do have a hole, over 150 Hz of bandwidth, you may not even hear it. Now if there is a peek there, that could be a different story.

I don't have the TLS of either of these drivers, so I have no way to confirm anything. I do have a H3 network somewhere. If I can find it I will run a VT of it to see what the alinement is. That may help some.

I have heard the 28 droped in a H2. I thought it worked well.


Trey Cannon

Klipsch Audio Technologies

Sr. System Engineer


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3 minutes ago, RandyH said:

@Pete Fowler   @Jdwtx85   since the main subject here is speaking of the K28 as a replacement for the K24 or  K-22 , you may want to read this post


  • Klipsch Employees

11 ohms is about the DCR of the mid.

The responce of the 28 is not the same as that of the 22 thus you may not have a hole at all. Even if you do have a hole, over 150 Hz of bandwidth, you may not even hear it. Now if there is a peek there, that could be a different story.

I don't have the TLS of either of these drivers, so I have no way to confirm anything. I do have a H3 network somewhere. If I can find it I will run a VT of it to see what the alinement is. That may help some.

I have heard the 28 droped in a H2. I thought it worked well.


Trey Cannon

Klipsch Audio Technologies

Sr. System Engineer


Hey Randy, Trey and I have talked about this buddy! Also keep searching and you will find the post from Bob talking about the increase in decibels.  When you introduce the k28 into a H1 or H2 the output will be higher.

Which is probably why you like it.


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Just now, Jdwtx85 said:

Hey Randy, Trey and I have talked about this buddy! Also keep searching and you will find the post from Bob talking about the increase in decibels.  When you introduce the k28 into a H1 or H2 the output will be higher.

Which is probably why you like it.


I thank you  , Have a Great Day , see you later -

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/10/2022 at 11:24 PM, Pete Fowler said:

Hi Jd,

Yes, dropped the cap and shrunk the inductor because despite the name the K53's '700' horn doesn't go anywhere near 700Hz. It's more like an 850Hz horn. So I ended up with a 1.2mH inductor crossing at 925Hz which blends really well with the K53K. I also had to add a zobel network for the woofer because the big voice coil has a ton of inductance and the rising impedance messed with the xover response. I was getting bleed through into the 4kHz range without it. Pretty interesting stuff once I figured out what was going on. 🙂 The final tweak was to extend the port length to 6" which is a nice compromise between extended low bass and a slight loss of detail in the 80-120Hz range. To my ears an acoustic bass sounds still sounds tight and right but you can really hear/feel the bottom end now.


All in all a worthwhile upgrade.





Hey Pete, would love to chat for a few minutes about your results. I'm back at the drawing board again after a few months of listening. I am convinced on swapping my daytons for the deltas, but you have peaked my interest once again.

I wanted to know about your terminal cup in the back in relation to your port. The flared ports I ordered ended up extending me into the terminal cup AND they stuck out. I gave up and removed the backs!!!

My cabs are beat anyway...


So far I have 2 boards of MDF (not quite as thick as originals)ports and deciding on terminal cups. Im interested in your cap modification. You and I are the only ones I think who went with the H2's (atleast into some detail with how to go about it).

Since my last post, I've also bought a l-pad for the squawker, which is the only thing besides the H2 network that is original.

Message me if you have 20 minutes to talk

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On 1/11/2022 at 3:54 PM, Jdwtx85 said:

 I'd like k28s but I dont know how to get them!

klipsch Parts ----- k-28-E  woofers 100$/each   , regular price 135$ with online sellers  , in stock as of last week  -


email ➡️      support@klipsch.com  , they were  answering requests  last week ,  on the same day

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