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Where to buy in Canada?


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So I'm finishing up some jubescalas I built last summer in a covid isolation burst of productivity. They currently have JBL 2446h drivers and "K510" clones which is all I could source last year. The goal here is to ideally get the mumps version k510's new (I've seen accounts of them being available horn only in Canada but can't find out where). Then I would just pick up some de75p's (for now, because this hobby is a mental illness, and constantly want to upgrade). The other option is to pick up some KPT-904-HF's if the pricing is within the realm of reason. Regardless, the goal of this post is to find out where to inquire in Canada and in a perfect world, a human being to contact which isn't a form to submit that goes god knows where.


Also for context, the purpose of going DIY on the bass bins and slowly making these closer to what I want is that I'm back in university doing a masters of engineering so funds are limited.


Picture of where they're at right now if anyone is interested, not "klipsch pro" technically, but I'm happy with them so far and looking to get a little klipsch pro in the mix.

vlGp1lO - Imgur.jpg

caFvf6L - Imgur.jpg

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Nice looking project!  I like the boxed in horns for the top, I am building some KPT-904’s right now and will probably box my 510s.  A 904 HF is just a 510 horn with B&C DE750 driver (rebranded for Klipsch, 750 is an updated part number from the 75) and are available from Parts Express for right around $300 each.  Check eBay as there have been some closer to $200 a piece recently.  For whatever reason Klipsch will not sell you a new 510 horn so your best bet for one with mumps is to find a member selling some in this forum.  


Did you build the La Scala bins or refinish some you had?

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11 minutes ago, Amphicar said:

Nice looking project!  I like the boxed in horns for the top, I am building some KPT-904’s right now and will probably box my 510s.  A 904 HF is just a 510 horn with B&C DE750 driver (rebranded for Klipsch, 750 is an updated part number from the 75) and are available from Parts Express for right around $300 each.  Check eBay as there have been some closer to $200 a piece recently.  For whatever reason Klipsch will not sell you a new 510 horn so your best bet for one with mumps is to find a member selling some in this forum.  


Did you build the La Scala bins or refinish some you had?

Thanks! the la scala bins I built last summer. I had some old black lascalas from '78 and while I loved the sound the looks didn't really fit the room so I sold them to fund building all of this. The bins are 1" baltic birch for the bodies with 3/4" for the doghouse and boxed in 510's, original dimensions with a slight change in the transition from the doghouse to the last section of the horn just to make it aesthetically smoother. 

As for the driver! I've been trying to figure all of this out via a billion forum posts, from what I gathered the k-691 was a de75, which is a current model from B&C and the de750 is also current and has a larger magnet assembly and a shorting ring for higher power handling. Based on the frequency response curves from B&C the de75 looks a little smoother up top than the 750, also has the plastic phase plug instead of metal. It's tricky, trying to find the closest thing to the k-691. Also I'm in Canada so sources are a little bit more limited, I'm also very tempted to grab the Yorkville 7403 which is another rebranded de75 and currently on sale for $225 CAD/per driver, has the titanium diaphragm though, and what I gathered is the k-691 is the mylar surround version. Like I said, confusion.


I'll happily make this post a "does anyone want to sell some mumps k510's" post as well!


Here's a link to the build thread of the LaScala bins if you're curious how I put them together, also if Roy is reading this, I'll need a job in about 18 months if you need an MSc Eng haha.



Edited by zeagan
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1 hour ago, zeagan said:

(I've seen accounts of them being available horn only in Canada

YES; they are available in Canada. Corresponded with them about 2 years ago and they were "in stock."  However, due to Klipsch restrictions, they would not ship to the US; only to a Canada address. But :( forgot their name :(  Will try to go through my records to find it for you. IT IS in the records, but probably pretty hard to find :( 

Or, you may want to contact Klipsch and find out who their Canadian (parts?) suppliers are. Good luck!

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39 minutes ago, Emile said:

YES; they are available in Canada. Corresponded with them about 2 years ago and they were "in stock."  However, due to Klipsch restrictions, they would not ship to the US; only to a Canada address. But :( forgot their name :(  Will try to go through my records to find it for you. IT IS in the records, but probably pretty hard to find :( 

Or, you may want to contact Klipsch and find out who their Canadian (parts?) suppliers are. Good luck!


I believe it was one of your posts that had me thinking that! If you could find their contact info that would be such a huge help as the Klipsch contact-us form has been...useless at best since I first attempted using it a week or two ago. My inquiry about KPT-904's got me an email telling me how to replace the ear cups on the heritage HP-3 headphones...

Also, if you're still trying to get k510's and they happen to have more than 2 in stock I'll happily send a pair across the border.

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OK; 100% sure :) it was Gentec. See post #13 on page 3 ...


And ... just found a 11/2018 email from them.

"The item you are requesting is part #131027, and is available from us for a cost of $67.33 each plus $10.00 shipping and handling, as well as applicable taxes. We do not have stock, but they can be ordered from the U.S. Usual ETA's are 4-6 weeks from time of order."

About 3x what Klipsch charged me, but it's Canada "eh." :) 

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7 hours ago, MC39693 said:

@zeagan, if you need B&C drivers check Q Components in Waterloo. Have purchased tweeter drivers and woofers from them. Happy customer, no other affil.

Excellent! They’re who I got the eminence woofers from for the bottom ends, they were quick to ship with good pricing so great news they carry b&c.

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On 8/4/2021 at 9:42 PM, LTusler said:

I've got a pair of K-691's in the Garage Sale section.


Shot you a quick message, entirely possible if we can make it work at a price point that makes sense compared to new de75's. There is some extra value in knowing they're "real" 691's with the slightly modified diaphragms. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A couple of years ago, I replaced the K-69-A drivers in my JubScalas for new K-691 drivers from a Jubilee owner who was upgrading his drivers.  The improved sound could be heard immediately.


Also, seconding Gentec for Klipsch parts in Canada.  They're in Markham and are very helpful.


BTW, your speakers look great!  Where in Canada are you?

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8 hours ago, Islander said:

A couple of years ago, I replaced the K-69-A drivers in my JubScalas for new K-691 drivers from a Jubilee owner who was upgrading his drivers.  The improved sound could be heard immediately.


Also, seconding Gentec for Klipsch parts in Canada.  They're in Markham and are very helpful.


BTW, your speakers look great!  Where in Canada are you?

I'm just waiting on a reply from LTusler and hopefully I'll have a pair of K-691's soon enough, the forums being down for a few days the day after I decided to go for it was rather annoying. As for Gentec, turns out they're no longer the Canadian supplier and referred me to Microland, also out of Markham? Rebrand maybe?

And thanks, I'm in PEI, so also an Islander, just the other side.

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Actually, the Forum is the place to look first for Klipsch parts, especially the Pro stuff.  I got my K-691s from a member in Texas.  Then there's eBay, where I found a pair of Belles, and Canuck Audio Mart, where I found two pairs of Heresy IIs.


So Microland is the new Canadian Klipsch distributor?  I've never heard of them, while Gentec has been around for decades.  I first came to know about them as the distributor for a number of brands of photo gear, which I believe they still are.  I wonder what happened? 


It's great to meet another Islander, if only online.  I'm sort of a double Islander, since I was born in Ireland, another island in the North Atlantic.  PEI must be a great place to live.  I tried to get there in '73, when I was doing a tour of the Maritimes on my motorbike.  Unfortunately, the ferries were on strike just then, so the gf and I were out of luck.  If I'm in the neighbourhood again, I'll head across the Confederation Bridge and see for myself why the place is so popular.


Hope your system comes together and makes your day whenever you turn it on.


Happy listening!


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On 8/23/2021 at 9:34 AM, Islander said:

Actually, the Forum is the place to look first for Klipsch parts, especially the Pro stuff.  I got my K-691s from a member in Texas.  Then there's eBay, where I found a pair of Belles, and Canuck Audio Mart, where I found two pairs of Heresy IIs.


So Microland is the new Canadian Klipsch distributor?  I've never heard of them, while Gentec has been around for decades.  I first came to know about them as the distributor for a number of brands of photo gear, which I believe they still are.  I wonder what happened? 


It's great to meet another Islander, if only online.  I'm sort of a double Islander, since I was born in Ireland, another island in the North Atlantic.  PEI must be a great place to live.  I tried to get there in '73, when I was doing a tour of the Maritimes on my motorbike.  Unfortunately, the ferries were on strike just then, so the gf and I were out of luck.  If I'm in the neighbourhood again, I'll head across the Confederation Bridge and see for myself why the place is so popular.


Hope your system comes together and makes your day whenever you turn it on.


Happy listening!


Canuck Audio Mart has been great for me for the past few years, only recently started looking on here and have been delighted by some of the finds. If you're ever out east shoot me a message, but take your time, all of my fun stereo stuff is currently living at my folks and the house building plans with the girlfriend are about 18 months out, going to have a nice big 350sq ft listening room for the jubescalas (they really need a better name imo) to live in. 


Now I'm just taking a look around for a DX38 or Xilica, thought I had an xp3060 sorted out but it was already sold, either that or I'll start picking some brains in here about making my Ashly Protea work a little better despite its shelving filter limitations.

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Thanks for the invite.  It would be great to meet you and check out your excellent province, as well as your hopefully excellent stereo by then, but I won’t be travelling any time soon.  Meanwhile, just keep looking for a processor.  Back in 2008 when I got mine, there were more Dx38s around.  I got mine, a very near mint unit, from a Guitar Center in California, and they had 3 of them available just then.  Nowadays, a Yamaha or Xilica unit could be a better bet, due to having more modern electronics.


Accordingly, this is the time when you look.  And look.  And look some more.  Meanwhile, keep putting some money away each month, when you can.  That way, when something you want shows up, you’ll have the cash and the knowledge to grab it with little or no hesitation.


Happy hunting!


Ps.  It would be a good idea to research room dimensions.  There are certain room proportions to be avoided, like walls whose lengths are multiples of each other, IIRC.  If you have the golden opportunity to actually choose the size and shape of your listening room, it would make a big difference in the sound of your system, since most systems are negatively affected by their rooms to a certain extent.  A 9 foot or higher ceiling would be a great idea.


Want your life to be more complicated?  Just ask about something on the Forum, lol.

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K-691's arrived this morning and are currently set up waiting for some more dialed in settings but already noticing less harshness on the above 12kHz material. Little softer, but with a little more detail up top. Already loving the change.


Also amused at the difference in sheer mass. 



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