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Annual Klipsch Forum Member Meeting

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Wouldn't it be great if we could all get together in a real hip place once a year. Music, wine, beer, song... etc.

There are so many interesting people here from many walks of life. I'm not talking a horn club thing, but something in a more interesing venue.

Perhaps a cruise, beach resort, or someplace just fun. If we got real serious, we might invite some Klipsch representative to come and speak about the upcomming Jubilee.

Hell, the rhetorical nonsense alone is worth the price of admission.

Ok, now I'm going back to sipping my beer. Let the ridicule begin.

- tb

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No, no ridicule.

There was a pilgrimage to Hope AK in 2000 and one to Indy IN this spring. In each case, the hosts were exceptionally gracious. An understatement of great magnitude.

These were initiated by members of the forum who approached the hosts with a proposal. Essentially, if you want to have us over for a meeting of the serious, we'd really like to be invited.

The facility in Indy is magnificent. I'd like to think that they will set up an annual event. It is not going to be Jubilee's on the beach. Rather maybe a small expansion of this spring's event.

Now, you have to understand that what KAT can do depends very much on the size of the crowd. I thought that even the 20 or so of us taxed the capability of the listening rooms.

It is a good idea. However, I'm sure the people at KAT are wondering how to keep any such event organized and personal, and not a circus.



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Spending time on a cruise ship with the lot of this forum reminds me of a nightmare I had two weeks ago involving a carpet salesmen convention, the Charlotte Day Catholic Glee Club, and a Denny's Buffet.

Cruise ship? Where you the youngest on board? I hope you stayed drunk the entire time; then again, LSD-25 wouldnt have helped that situation...


ps- That Seadog Cruises link looks RIPE with viruses, a veritable Trojan Horse magnet

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There's a cruise ship that hasn't moved in 35 years only minutes from my house-- THE QUEEN MARY! I go there a couple of Thurdays a month to check out this little jazz trio with a tenor man who has to have listened to every Lester Young and Zoot Sims record ever made about a thousand times. His name is Art and he plays a wicked "Polkadots and Moonbeams" and he practically fell over when I clapped after the first solo I heard him play. He said I was the first person in the 16-month history of his gig on the Queen Mary who knew what the hell he was trying to do.

You are all invited.

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I'm guessing Kelly has never been on a cruise, or they are very different in the US from European equivalents.

I have been on several - and yes I am fairly inebriated most of the time. I only ever drink cocktails when on a cruise - in fact it wasnt until I had drunk 15 pina coladas that I discovered that coconut is a rather good laxative but that is a whole other story.

Suffice to say I think you might be surprised to see who you can find on a cruise - quite a few single women in their 30's for a start.

Not, of course, that that is of any interest to me - being married for - omg - almost 20 years. Hell, after that period I dont even remember what I am supposed to do with these aforementioned women.

A Klipsch get together on a cruise would be a great idea - expecially is we can equip the boat properly with sound equipment.

All the better if it heads off round the world - that way I can hop on when it arrive in Piraeus (Athens harbour).

Just go easy on the Pina Coladas guys - or you will go easily believe me!!!

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Who wants to be stuck on a huge ship of tourists, stopping at ports to file off like cattle and hit the famous spots with bad hair, shorts, and socks? Yes, I would rather attend a cruise in Europe but that isnt saying much. There is something about the entire ordeal that smacks of smaltz. Seeing a country in Europe or anywhere else calls for FLEEING tourists at all costs. 300 people standing around with drinks with umbrellas sticking out was also in that dream above...

As for cruise ships, in sailing various places, you learn to avoid the cruise ships like the plague. Wandering into Nassau for supplies and hitting on the day the Disney Cruise ships arrive isa bit like seeing the HORRORs of the middle "American Dream" in action.

Obviously, some cruises are FAR better than others, and I am decribing the worst of the lot. I love water and have been around boats all my life. Yet the idea of 2 weeks on a cruise ship gives me hives...


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At least in the Carribean markets, here are 2 distinct prices - local and cruise ship. Just as a ship arrives and the tourists disembark, the vendors mark up the prices of their wares as much as 100% (maybe more). As soon as the ship departs, the prices drop back. Next time you're in such a situation, look around and notice how many of the locals are actually buying.

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I would love to make the next get together, but rather than a cruise, why not some sort of Music Festival? Jazz Fest in New Orleans comes to mind or Music Midtown here in Atlanta. Anyone know if Indianapolis has anything like this?

Of course, there is somethink to be said of the 30 year old single women one often finds of cruises11.gif



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I'm with Kelly on cruising, although I'd like to cruise the Queen Mary again.

How about a visit to the Klipsch College of Engineering in New Mexico? I'm biasing my suggestion since that's only about 6 hours away.

Of course, colleges have lots of young single girls too!

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Music festival sounds like a good venue. Kelly was pretty quick to scrub the cruise idea, although I've never been on one myself.

Ok, Kelly lets not focus on what you don't like, but more of what would be an ideal place. Obvisouly it has be be an interesting place with lots to do so no one gets bored. Perhpas during some interesting musical event.

Jubilees on the beach sounded strangely appealing. Add in some drinks and some scantly clad ladies playing volleyball...

Pilgrimage to Klipsch Central would be great, but we would have little control over the event then. Unless we plan our own event close by.

Keep the ideas coming. We can find someplace we can all agree on.

- tb

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Here's a suggestion !

Let's ask Klipsch PLC to agree to tenatively setting up a deal with a resort ( somewhere warm in our winter ) which would set aside X # number of rooms for participants at a reduced rate.

If that were to occur then the schedule of events could possibly include demo rooms for the various product lines that Klipsch markets.

That said


Klipsch gets the deal on accomodations and it is up to us to make the trip or not !

I do not dress for dinner at home and I have no interest whatsoever doing so on a cruise shi* errumm ship.

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