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Why do you BUY DVDs?


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I understand buying music CDs but DVDs? Music CDs you listen to over and over without having to stare at the stereo for 2 hours straight.

How many times can you really watch a movie? Most people watch it once. I admit that I've stupidly bought a few. I watched them and then they were relegated to the shelf for all eternity. I won't watch it again.

Explain yourselves!

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I only purchase DVD movies that I truly like and enjoy and will watch again and again. I also purchase some just for the show off factor to show what the system is capable of. If there is nothing I feel like watching on the satellite dish it is nice to have a decent movie collection to fall back on. Before DVD's I had over 400 VHS tapes with 3 movies each recorded on them for my own use. I also had them all cataloged in MS Word so I could type in a movie title and it would tell me the tape number. I used a video enhancer/macro vision buster to get a good quality recording. Now all those tapes are in big plastic totes in my basement I think I need to give them all away. Winters are long and cold here in VT and it is nice not to have to go out to the video store when it is 20 below out if you know what I mean.

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I own about 30 DVDs. They're mainly for the show-off factor but I don't get any I wouldn't watch more than once. It's also nice to have movies in the house when company comes to visit for extended periods of time.

Also, I do own T2 and watched it as a refresher before T3 came out. Didn't make much difference I have to admit.

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I own the matrix, T2 platinum edition, the wizard of oz and the beavis and butthead 6 disc series. That's about it for me.

Frzn I hear you about the long winters. Hang on to your VHS collection. Eventually your great grandkids will sell it on ebay for big bucks!

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I'm with you, BigB. A couple "demo" disks and that's it. (Kids movies are an exception.) There's way too many new movies being released all the time for me to find myself with nothing to watch. Plus, if you really have a life (uh oh), do you have time for more than 1 or 2 a week? And as far as going out in the snowy winter to rent, isn't that what rent-by-mail is for? 9.gif

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It is a very good question. I am like Gary, I only buy the ones that I know I would watch over and over. Like today, I will be picking up Pirates of the Caribbean. Oh what a good movie.

Better question is, why do we spend bazillions of dollars on home theater gear? Isn't it overkill? I have to admit, my X amount of dollars could have been better spent on other things. 4.gif

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I don't see a major difference between DVDs and CDS. CDs you can listen to over and over, I can do the same for DVDS. I generally always have a movie playing, no matter what I'm doing, and its just like music to me.

I've watched every movie I own multiple times, and own quite a few movies (I've bought 10 in the last 6 days). So, I guess it just depends what you do with your movies:) If you only watch a movie once, to see the plot and its done for you, renting makes more sense. I usually critically watch most movies 2-3 times at first, then for a few months Ill use them as background material while I do work in front of the TV, till I feel like watching it again. Id estimate the good movies in my collection Ive watched 5-6 times atleast. Not all critically however. Everytime I watch a dvd I see something new, and get something different out of the experience.


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On 12/2/2003 9:08:12 AM BigBusa wrote:

How many times can you really watch a movie? Most people watch it once. I admit that I've stupidly bought a few. I watched them and then they were relegated to the shelf for all eternity. I won't watch it again.

Explain yourselves!


As a few said, there are few movies that I just got to have, such as the Lord of the Rings. I also have the complete series of Star Trek Next Generation (I may drop the $700 and get all seven of the Deep Space 9 seasons). I have watched those many times. There are a couple DVD's I now wish I hadn't bought, such as "Gone in 60 Seconds". That was fun to watch once. I guess I'll unload it at the used DVD store here in town (where I do find some good stuff other people unloaded and I pick up for only around $8 a pop). I'll have to go through my DVDs and CDs and see what I can get rid of.

Now, I don't buy a CD or DVD unless I found I really like it. For example, the Harry Potter movies. I was quite pleasently surprised to see how good they were, I did not see the first Harry Potter movie at the theater, blowing it off as some hyped up kiddie film, even though I did hear people talk about how good it was. It was not until it was on DVD did I rent it just to see what all the hype was about (it was also one of the first movies I tried on my then new Klipsch). I found myself thoroughly enjoying it. Ended up going to the movies to see the second one. Well be interesting to see how the third one will turn out.

Unfortunatly, with CD's there is no real legal way to rent them, so to sample those to see if they are any good - well we got the internet, much to the chagrin of the RIAA mafia.

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Well this ones a real no brainer !! Lets do the math ?

Me plus the wife $10.00 to $14.00 each depending on the theater

$10 to $20 bucks for a sitter

Gas money plus parking ??

DVD'S sell here for $14.00 to $26.00 , i can watch it when i want , with whomever i want , however many times i want and blow the bloody windows out of the house with ten times the sound system of any movie theater within 500 miles.

Think that pretty much sums it up 9.gif

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On 12/2/2003 9:41:44 PM DALE WALKER wrote:

Well this ones a real no brainer !! Lets do the math ?


Lets put it another way: 11.gif

Me plus the wife - $10.00 to $14.00 (depending on the theater)

Baby sitter - $10 to $20

Gas money plus parking - (I'll guess $15 - SSK)

Compared to:

DVD - $14.00 to $26.00

blowing the bloody windows out of the house with ten times the sound system of any movie theater within 500 miles - PRICELESS!! 9.gif

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The only movies I buy are things like:

-Lord of the Rings - my favorite movie series

-Good Sci Fi films, like the to be released Alien Director's Cut or the like

-System show off things

-$5.88 Wal*Mart or cheap things I like

It really get's down to buying it so you can see it a few times. I saw Texas Chainsaw massacre in the theaters, but will not buy it, as I know what happens and it is not something I would sit back and watch again. I buy all the Pixar stuff, as I really can watch them over again, and if I am in a suicidal mood, it cheers me up 9.gif .

Also, it is human nature to collect things, so what can I say, I'm only human. 2.gif

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On 12/2/2003 10:48:22 AM dougdrake wrote:

Plus, if you really have a life (uh oh), do you have time for more than 1 or 2 a week? And as far as going out in the snowy winter to rent, isn't that what rent-by-mail is for?

Ture dat. I have not watched a movie in over two months, but have spent $400 on gear since then 6.gif

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Guest Anonymous


On 12/2/2003 11:46:40 PM skonopa wrote:


On 12/2/2003 9:41:44 PM DALE WALKER wrote:

Well this ones a real no brainer !! Lets do the math ?


Lets put it another way:

Me plus the wife - $10.00 to $14.00 (depending on the theater)

Baby sitter - $10 to $20

Gas money plus parking - (I'll guess $15 - SSK)

Compared to:

DVD - $14.00 to $26.00

blowing the bloody windows out of the house with ten times the sound system of any movie theater within 500 miles -


3.gif2.gif Steve, and Dale

I was at teh movies twice in the last 2 weeks, we saw ELF with my wife and daughter, so no babysitter, dinner $92.00

movie $26.00 popcorn soda candy $24.50. I guess thats a lot cheaper than a DVD14.gif DUH and that for the firat movie, the day the CAT in THE HAT came out we went to the show with 6 people, no dinner cost with movie, treats only $78.0015.gif What a deal!!!Oh I forgot the shopping at the mall after chaching, can ya say it cha chingggg $278.0015.gif

Now with a home theater that I may add just BLOW THE LIVING SH** out of any movie theater(with the exception of imax)

PPUUULLLEEEZZZEEEE tell me what makes more sense.

BTW I also have a dvd recorder coming cause since I got the SVS, I found that digital satalit REALLY GIVES THE BASS!!!!

And the cost of a movie is than under a buck!!!!6.gif

Oh what a waste it is

Is it old fashion to just enjoy your OWN home?


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it is cheaper for me to buy dvd's as well. in the evening, movie tickets run about 8 dollars each here. Say I want to bring the whole family, thats 32 bucks right there, not including gas money, and the rediculously overpriced move theatre food. I also get the comfort of a nice leather chair or couch, and better sound quality then most theatres. I personally have about 85 dvds.

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I buy movies that I can't rent. Most of my collection never made it to the local theaters. Generally, blockbuster flicks aren't my cup of tea.

It's satisfying to watch a really good movie with someone who has never seen it. Sometimes a movie can be a fresh experience, even if one has watched it before, depending on mood or changing maturity.

I guess it boils down to how one relates to novels. I reread books I've read before and enjoy them. Most people don't.

Now explain yourself. Why would you give a flying f*ck how someone else spends his time and money.

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I am in the "once I see a movie a few times thats enough"camp.I do have a few movies for demo,I have about 200 concert dvd's.A concert dvd provides the best of both worlds and I can watch/listen to them over and over.

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