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Reference series Made in China???


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Embrace it all you want, slice it dice it however you like. Everytime a job leaves it point of origin and goes over seas, that is one less job here to help our own economy.

Don't get me wrong, I understand some of your points, but I also feel as though some companies could do more to cut costs before sending jobs overseas. I mean hell, we have government jobs now being sent overseas... What a load of crap!

Eh... I'm stopping here. I feel an increase in blood pressure. 11.gif

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i know very well the shiping cost problem, i live in france and it cost a lot of money to have a klipsch speaker.14.gif

for the fact that you prefer a real made in usa speaker, i apologize, i didn t know there was an unemployment crise in the usa.15.gif

moon, you like canadian or british speakers, but i think you should learn about some good french speakers(jm lab, triangle, ellipson,...)2.gif

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A president will not control job movement without major restructuring. All I ask for is fairness in trade. If we immediately penalize those countries unfair trade practices (*** for bigger tat) we will win, though we may have some higher prices here.

I hope klipsch RF is made in US. I've tried to keep my stereo US built (HK Pre, Adcom power, heresy/RFs - when I replace my old sony cd it will be US built - if there are any. I lived in IN, just moved to CT, I thought it was really cool klipsch opened up their indy location, though I feel for the people (if any) in AK that may have been displaced. Movement across states hurts people every bit as much as moving overseas, it just balances out more.

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On 4/21/2004 6:12:11 AM v3pcbl wrote:

I lived in IN, just moved to CT, I thought it was really cool klipsch opened up their indy location, though I feel for the people (if any) in AK that may have been displaced. Movement across states hurts people every bit as much as moving overseas, it just balances out more.

Why do you feel four people in Alaska (AK)?

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On 4/21/2004 2:39:36 AM doudou wrote:

moon, you like canadian or british speakers, but i think you should learn about some good french speakers(jm lab, triangle, ellipson,...)


it was not the speakers I was referring to. It was the people in general.2.gif... Don't worry, you seem ok, I like you. 9.gif

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Nice one...

I did really mean I felt 4 people in Alaska. That's why I'm in jail here in CT! 2.gif

I used to work for Rand McNally, you would think I would get the abbreviations correct...Wrong!

Anyway...I bet some lost their jobs in Arkansas, whether manufacturing, accounting or other corporate. I hope I am wrong, but I guess my point was state to state moves generally hurt some employees.


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On 4/21/2004 1:41:18 PM rdj wrote:

As usual, YOU ALL GOT IT WRONG! We live in a capitalistic country. Corporate execs have to make decisions to make the company money. Most companies have stock holders who don't like to lose money. You want to know who drove jobs away from America:


When you go shopping, do you shop for the least expensive item; you just cost some Americans their job. Do you immediately decide that you want to pay least for something; you just cost some Americans their job. Are you really that willing to forgo quality for price; you just cost some Americans their job. etc etc. We did it all. We forced the companies to send jobs oversees because they had to lower their cost to compete and then they get blamed for the jobs leaving the states. You want jobs to stay here: BUY AMERICAN. Yeah, it will cost you more but remember, we enjoy the highest levels of comforts because we are the US.


Hmmm...this is a very simplistic, and idealistic way to look at things. Its already been shown that the egghead economists have found out that their concepts of trickle-down economics don't work. Now our government incentivises companies to move their processes offshore, with MASSIVE tax incentives for said company.

The original idea was that if it costs less to make, then it will cost less to buy. very simple idea. however--the GREED of companies wasn't factored into this equasion. So now, we have things costing less to make, costing the same-if not more to buy (the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is much higher than in previous years, YET inflation is not--inflation: A measurement of how fast or slow the CPI is changing--this situation is a problem) and less money in the economy on a whole.

the problem starts with the corporations who have no reason to have responsibility to the economy.

My buying american will not solve this problem. what will solve the problem is stop outsourceing, learn to be more efficient in our work practices, force companies to opperate in good faith to the nation, and have a govt. that shows more concern for its work force.

Jack Walsh, former CEO of G.E. laid off 15,000 people the same day he had his office completely redone in Teak wood. Where is the responsibility as a corporation to their world in this action???

Corporate Raider business tactics are what cause jobs to leave this country in droves. The absolute desire for money by greedy corporations. They make more money than EVER before, and the so called savings has NEVER been passed on to the consumer.

There was a time when removing workforce was a ploy to boost stock price, but that doesn't work anymore, in fact--it works in opposite! when companies lay off workers, or offshore their work, their stock price doesn't increase--in fact, it more often than not decreases!

Some of this is to blame on the consumer, but my buying a product made in the USA will not influence a corporation to keep that worker here in america.

Go visit Flint Michagan and talk to me about getting rid of jobs---Go talk to one of the 500,000 former employees of Mcdonald-douglas.

I refuse to believe the BS that moving jobs overseas will in "the long run" increase jobs here, its a false premise created to justify the absolute lack of corporate responsibility that is maintained in the US.

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The CEO and top executive wants too much money and they can only acheive that by cutting down on labour cost, it's so simple. I work for a telecommunication company as a Junior Engineer I earn about $50K year our CEO makes $10 million+ plus bonus (In Shares 1-5 million/year), the company is still making 5 billion profit a year and guess how. All the staff are from overseas, head quarters is in India Bangalore, Softwares are not made in Australia anymore, Customer Service is in Philipines somewhere.... bla bla bla... Less and less staffs employed here, more works less staffs... bla bla bla..

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There is a FLOOD of Chinese merchandise on our shelves. Because of the abominable working conditions in most of these factories, the 'pay' (I read that in Walmart factories it's about $120 US a month!) and the fact that most of these manufacturing plants are owned by the Chinese Military, with the profits going to the Chinese military, I have tried my best to forswear buying Chinese goods.

There is NO way that American labor can compete with someone making $120 a month, unless we want America to essentially resemble a Third-World country, with shanty-towns and rampant poverty and an increasingly huge gulf between rich and poor.

The Labor movement in America, I feel, was a major factor in the creation of a prosperous middle-class in post-WW2 America, the suburbs, etc etc. I don't think that the true ruling classes in America ever saw this 'sharing' as a 'good' thing, BTW, and were probably horrified to see even a tiny bit of their power, wealth, and influence lost to the 'everyman'. I see this shipping of jobs overseas as a way for corporations to slowly break the spine of organized labor, a thorn in their sides for decades, in a 'perfectly legal' fashion, gut the middle classes, and return to the status quo of the 1800's with an entrenched wealthy and the bulk of Americans at subsidence level. Even better, the middle class is a willing participant in this erosion, gleefully racing to Walmart to purchase the latest Chinese-made junk - too short-sighted and greedy to see they're slitting their own throats in the long term.

This President talks about the loss of 100,000 jobs as 'healthy' and 'natural' thing. There's not going to be any help from George W. Bush - but I doubt his fellow 'Skull N' Boner' John F'n Kerry will be any better. These individuals belong to a social class where if 20 million jobs in America were lost overseas, their families would rake in millions from the higher profit margins gained by the big corporations in which they own stock.

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Sorry to interupt here, but I would like to know if the RF15's are indeed made in china. That was the original post I beleive. Any moderators that could answer this? I heard the RCX line was made in China, but I thought all the others were still good ol' US manufactured. Lets answer this and then go back to the political debate.1.gif

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Klipsch utilizes manufacturing facilities in Hope, Arkansas as well as overseas.

Although I can appreciate a good debate, this is not the place for it. I see both sides of this arguement, and conclude that people's opinions will not be changed--so let's get back to audio!

Thanks all

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