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Any comments on this crossover, alternative to ALK?

Ki Choi

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Dean is a very active board member, he has a number of very satisfied customers. Dean specializes in building high quality copies of standard klipsch crossovers. he uses upgraded caps and coils to maximize the sound from the klipsch design.

Al K. is also a very active board member with a number of satisfied customers. He has designed his own crossovers for Klipsch speakers. they use high quality caps and ciols as well but are new designs based on Al's ideas about how to improve Klipsch crossovers.

Both are excellent alternatives IMHO, I own some of Al K's crossovers and am happy with them. Why are you consdiering swapping crossovers? do you have a very old Klipsch speaker?

regards, tony

btw, I forgot to mention that they are both honest, reputable people, no worries about doing business with them

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I will resist any attempt at humor, though one of the things Dean is known for is his sense of humor. You have gotten good responses in this thread, to which I would add my own echo. Dean is a genuinely decent man who does excellent work. I have had the opportunity to listen to one of Dean's crossovers (for the RF-7) and it was impressive indeed.

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Hi Sunnysal:

By my last count, I am down to two pairs of Khorns (from four at one time...), two pairs of Belle Klipsches, five Heresy's and an Academy. One of the Khorn pair is rather young - I think they are 2002 or 2003 can't remember but the other pair is P or R (mid 70's but prettier...) as well as the Belle Klipsches. One of the forum members in my area, Hoggy, had upgraded his Khorn to ALK's and I am planning to pay him a visit and decide if crossover upgrades are right for me.


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Ki, The P's or R's would definately benefit from upgraded crossovers. GaryMD has Dean's networks in his '76(P) Khorns and is very satisfied with them. I have ALKs in my '77® Khorns and am very satisfied with them. Either would be a great improvement over your aged motor run capacitors in your present AA networks.


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Thanks guys -- especially since I've been such a wiener to Erik. Ever just have one of those months where everything bugs you?

Poor "Hoggy" Steve. Victimized by Al and me.

http://forums.klipsch.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=48265http://forums.klipsch.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=48265&forumID=68&catID=19&search=1&searchstring=&sessionID={6CA35EC4-EE07-4E5C-B068-B7D498959567' target=_blank>

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On 12/16/2004 9:38:17 AM ssh wrote:

Dito what Tony said. Dean is one of the good guys. You can expect a quality product (I heard his RF7 crossovers at Dee's & was impressed.) with considerate service.



.....Dean is one of the good guys....

Well, I cant go that far..2.gif Deb is the better part and a class act.

I also heard the RF7's at Dee's. Admittedly, I am not an RF7 fan. I listened to the stock 7's for quite a while and got a good feel for them. After Dean installed his X-overs, it took about 30 seconds to hear great improvement! I was much impressed.



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