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The Final Star Wars


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I remember seeing the very first one way back in the 70's but I haven't bothered to actually sit and watch any of the others, I've only seen parts of them. Guess I'm just not that interested. So, to finally answer your question, no I won't be waiting in line to see the new one.

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I would if I had someone to watch my girls. It would be more for the experience than me not being able to wait to see it. I waited a year to watch The Two Towers and I don't remember if there were even midnight showings of Return of the King but I didn't wait in line to see it either. (I did, at least, go to the theatre to see it!)


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I love movies and am looking forward to seeing it, but there has never been a movie made that I would wait in a long line or sit in an overly crowded theater with a bunch of strangers to see.

We usually give a big movie like that 2 or 3 weeks, then go in the middle of a week day. Its still the same movie and you have the theater almost to yourself.

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After the first two, my balloon has about burst for this series. I really like Star Wars (especially the originals), but I have no expectations whatsoever for this (other than more of the EP I and II, which are BIG letdowns). I'll see it eventually, but won't be waiting in line on opening night or anything....

I'm more interested in the remake of "The Longest Yard" than I am "Sith".....and of course, I patiently await the DVD release of "Team America - World Police"1.gif

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I've only waited in line to watch one movie and that was Independence Day and I was just out of high school. I prefer to wait a week or so then see a matinee when the theater is less crowded and there is less chance of someone bringing in their crying baby, someone talking on a cell, or some ahole talking through the whole movie.

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The thing that bothers me most about the Star Wars saga, and I am a fan, is that the new movies, which are supposed to have occured before the original three, seem to have more advanced technologies in spacecraft, light saber design, tracking abilities etc. I know that movie making has advanced a long way since the original, but I wish they would have tried a little harder to make the new machines look like they were older models not newer ones.

I loved the episode one, thought episode two dragged on way to long (typical of most middle chapters of any trilogy), and will go to see episode 3, but won't wait in line for it.

Just my 2 cents...

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I agree. I think he should have done without all the fancy special effects, told a great story instead, and made it "fit in" better with the originals. There isn't much of a flow.

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I personally have always been what I consider a Trekee but in recent years I have come to appreciate the Star Wars phenomenon. I really enjoy the special effects of the Epi's I and II as they showcase the 7.1 system that I now have. To answer the question, I will not line up to see the movie but I do have a former IMAX screen theater nearby that I will see it on.

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There is definatly a flow issue, though Lucas has tried to correct that by introducing new effects in the first two movies, especially Star War, which may now inlcude a computer Jabba the Hut. The 4th and 5th installment or 1st and 2nd film had some real grit to them, effects were less spectacular but perhaps more effective for the story telling, but the somewhere during the 3rd and espcially the 4th are basically Disney rides. The 5th is not too bad but still to much like a Disney feature. Plan to see the last one for a working lunch. 2.gif

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On 4/27/2005 10:33:45 AM colterphoto1 wrote:

naw, the last two were junk. wooden acting, horrible dialog, a few effects, but nowhere near the classic storylines that the first trilogy were. PM1 was a joke with that Binks character.



That is one thing that really gets me is how poor the acting has been in the latest two. I am a Samuel Jackson fan but his dialog seems, well, read off a script, as does Princess Armadillo's...As far as Darth goes, I can get a sense of the anger that boils over in his character but it borders on unbelievable coming form him. However, it looks a little more believable in the one coming out so I am anxious to see if it will finally live up to expectations.

It has to be a difficult task to come back after over 20 years to complete the story without making it look somewhat disjointed. I too wish they had better actors to tell the story and, quite seriously, a better story. Piecing together a 20 second blurb so we don't miss a story line isn't what keeps my attention or keeps me interested in the flow of the story.

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"That is one thing that really gets me is how poor the acting has been in the latest two."

While I don't disagree, Mark Hammil was hardly an Oscar candidate. He did his best work in 'My Corvette Summer'.

Some of the acting can be attributed to the screenplay; I mean some of the dialogue is really bad and forced. To hear Hayden Christensen whine that no one understands me and I am feeling this and this and this, oh boo hoo. What happened to subtly and not being so obvious about every thing? Its like they might as well have a narrator come on and said, "well Anikan was talented, but became cranky and short tempered because he missed his mom and Obi Wan treated him like a kid". I think where they really missed the boat is when Padime, gets scratched by that saber toothed grinning cat in that amphitheater in front of all those flying things; it should have ripped her top off. Further more Natalie Portman's wardrobe stylist should have gone with the idea that 'less is more and much less is much more'.

Oh, btw is her character like what 10 years older than Anakin? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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