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WTB: Cornwalls

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Hello guys,

I am officially on the prowl for a set of Cornwalls! :-) I have 1981 Cornwall mains for my home theater, and would like to buy a second set for rears. My price range tops out at $800- this wouldn't be out of line for a set of Cornwalls is it? Seems like it should be within reason. Of course if anyone wants to sell a pair cheaper, I would appreciate it. If anyone has a pair you'd like to sell, let me know.

I've been checking the usuals- Ebay, Audiogon, Craigslist- and havent turned anything up yet. The search continues.


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Let me run this buy you. I am about to sell an 84" pair for $1000. Dont stop reading this post yet. Hear me out.

I bought a pair from an old man that lived in the Northern hills of GA. He was the original owner. I bought them for $740. The veneer was messed up but the drivers looked to be in great shape. They had the brown cane grills each with a logo. One of the grills had candle wax on it. He had NEVER opened the cabinets before.

I did.K77, K57 with composite horn, K33E, B-3 crossover.

One of the tweeters didnt work. I sent both tweeters to Bob Crites and he replaced the diaphragms for $80 plus shipping. I also had him replace the caps on the mids and the highs on the networks which was $80 plus shipping.

The dampening material and the inside of the cabinet looks mint.

The sound is outstanding.

There is more.

I built another pair of grills using 3/16 masonite identical in size and shape as the originals. Purchased new vintage fabric from parts express. This is different than the cane but I like it. Very durable. The inner side doesn't look neat but the outside looks "neat and new".

Also have two brand new copper logos I havent glued on yet.

I repaired the cabinets with pieces of veneer in the defects. Sanded big time with 220 grit. Then 2 coats of primer and 3 coats of black paint. The primer and paint were latex. This isnt conventional but it doesnt show fingerprints or flaws like a gloss would.

I also placed weather stripping on the mounting pieces for the installation of the back panel to prevent air leaks. You can remove this if you want. I just dont want to crank down on the screws.

Now, there are no wood defects or scratches in the paint. The buyer gets 2 new logos, 2 sets of grills, (2) 84 Cornwalls.

I have about $1075 in them. Will take $1000. I am also selling my ALK La Scalas. I am only doing this to get some space for me to build a DIY 5.1 surround heritage setup. I basically did this whole project for educational purposes.

Look at this whole process of rebuild at:


I am going to bed now. Will answer any questions tomorrow.


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Cornwalls in all four corners is the way to go! It puts the horns at a good height and I just LOVE haveing massive full range speakers all around you. WIth 5x 15" woofers pumping away, you barely need a sub.

Keep your eyes peeled, the $800 price is doable, but aim for a pair within a comfortable drive. These would not ship well and the cost to do so would be pretty high.

We'll keep you appriased. Also please keep eye out for Thumplestiskin (sp) posts as he peruses the ads nation wide and sometimes posts opportunities not found at ebay or audiogon.


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On 5/19/2005 12:39:57 AM colterphoto1 wrote:

Cornwalls in all four corners is the way to go! It puts the horns at a good height and I just LOVE haveing massive full range speakers all around you. WIth 5x 15" woofers pumping away, you barely need a sub.


Damn. Only in the Klipsch forum would someone say that five 15" woofers would "barely" need a sub.

How loud DO you listen? :-)

I guess a true klipsch head only considers a subwoofer a subwoofer when it has a 10 foot folded horn attached to it. And its only too loud when police from three counties are at your doorstep?

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Hey Jim!

Nice to hear from you, haven't heard from you since I picked up the Corns a while ago. Sheesh- $975! Coulda bought a set of Corns for that- not that you need MORE Klipsch around your house. Hope things are going well for you. You walnut Corns are nice. Have you set up the Heresys yet?


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I have an offer to buy a set of 1975 LaScalas for $1000. They are black, with Rogers organ amps built in ,which I'm assuming would have to be disconnected. Thought it would be cool to have powered speakers!

Here's a link to pictures: http://www.users.qwest.net/~jmark40/ebay/speakers/page_01.htm

So far, research seems to indicate that this price wouldn't be that out of line- the problem is two fold- one: because of the amps, he has been unable to test them. He acquired them from a local Thrift store. My guess is he's probably making a butt load on em :( Number two is: I'm in Pennsylvania, he's in Utah, so pick up is impossible, and shipping would be a fortune.

I wanted to have the experts look em over and see what you think. It's sounding like it would just be too expensive. Do you think I should try to get him down?

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Thrift store might not be correct. There was a pair of LS that sold WITH an organ on Ebay a few months back, that explains the organ amps being built in. Doubt if they went through a thrift store in between. They went pretty cheap, so the guys probably gonna get his organ for free after selling the LS.

Someone here should have bought the package, thrown away the organ and kept the LS! (just kidding).

If you're really looking for more matching Cornwalls, note that the LS sound quite a bit different! I won't say in what way.


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I still have my early 80's pair that I am considering selling, since I picked up that painted pair of Corns a while ago. They are currently doing rear channel duty & will be replaced with the painted pair when I am done refinishing them.

Problem is that I am on the opposite coast from you, so shipping would get ugly.

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Yeah, that seems to be the common problem. Klipsch seems to be popular on west coast. Not so much on the East.


On 5/19/2005 3:54:00 PM cyclonecj wrote:

Problem is that I am on the opposite coast from you, so shipping would get ugly.


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To clarify, he says the whole rig was donated to the thrift store. Two Rogers organs, the funky 6x9 loaded Rogers speakers you see there (must be horrendous) and a pair of LaScalas. He even asked me if I'd be interested in the organs. I'm guessing he bought the whole outfit. Man what a transport job.


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