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New R7 owner - Settings / Sub


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I'm finally hooking up my new system, and all I can say so far is holy crap! This stuff sonds amazing and I'm more than happy. I'm glad I started visiting this site because I would have ended up with something disappointing, I'm sure, if it weren't for you guys showing me the light. Now a couple quick questions...

I think I've decided on a SVS PB12-plus/2 Sub based on a couple recommendations. I've read that many people set their speakers to "Small" in order to let the sub handle what it's best at and free up the mains to do their thing as well. Does this pertain to something like the RF-7?

Second, I'm running a Denon 1803 which I know is considered as underpowered for these speakers. However now that it's all hooked up without an external amp, I find that I will never run the volume above -15, possibly not even above -20. In this room a comfortable listening volume is between -25 and -40. Is an amp still recommended for improving sound quality?

Any input appreciated, I'm trying to learn!

Thanks all!

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The RF-7's are awesome speakers, holy crap sound is right, thought the same when I gots mine. 9.gif and I still do. I am not running a sub with my RF-7's and it has great punch, slam, and very tight bass with great midrange detail and highs. I dont need a sub here. Try it first without a sub and see what you think. Congrats on your new system, I know you will love it for years to come.

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please please please do NOT set your wonderful Reference 7 speakers to small... Geeze oh pete shoot the guy that reccomends this on large fully capable speakers....

The sub, when you get it, will augment the 7's not overpower sub slam... Put the x over setting at the lower range of the 7's you will love it.

You will dial em in right later..

Enjoy the 7's!

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Oh for the love of all things holy, have you seen the size of this sub?!?!? He dimensions are 19" Wide, 28" Deep (!) and 26.5" Tall (!!!). May as well put a piece of glass on top and use it for a dinner table!

OK, I may be looking for a new sub. Either that or a divorce lawyer. :\

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Congratulations on your RF-7 purchase. I just checked out your profile--Nice system, BTW.1.gif

I agree with Indy about running the RF-7's large (I run all my speakers large). Some will disagree. I am a fan of Denon receivers, but have to think that the 1803 may not have enough power to run your speakers near it's capabilities. If you decide to keep that unit, I think "Small" would be the best setting, when you get your sub. The volume level you mentioned is not that loud. Does it start taxing the system when you get it any louder?

IMO, If you could get a used Denon AVR 3803 or 4802R you would be more than happy and run those speakers louder, with more detail. I have had no experience with the AVR 2805, but some have posted with good results. I personally would get the AVR 3805, if you can't find the other 2 I mentioned. Good Luck. {edit:For a reference point, -20 on my system (profiled below) is a quieter setting, that still sounds good --at -40 I feel I would loose some sonic material }

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On 8/2/2005 2:54:33 AM Mavicator wrote:

Oh for the love of all things holy, have you seen the size of this sub?!?!? He dimensions are 19" Wide, 28" Deep (!) and 26.5" Tall (!!!). May as well put a piece of glass on top and use it for a dinner table!

OK, I may be looking for a new sub. Either that or a divorce lawyer. :\r----------------

In this case I would probably also run my RF-7's on large. Four ten-inch woofers is probably adequate to accomplish this well. 2.gif And you're right. Many people who aren't used to a sub say they don't need it with speakers like this, but they're still only good to maybe the mid 30's (but you don't want them working that hard with a PB12+2 on their side). If you're used to a sub then you know what's missing without one. The PB12+2 would be a good match for RF-7's. I probably wouldn't recommend much less as those 7's are beasts. Yes, the PB12+2 is a giant. But honestly...after a month or so I forget it's even there. No kidding.

And you'll be just as impressed, if not more with your sub.

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On 8/2/2005 2:42:53 AM IndyKlipschFan wrote:

please please please do NOT set your wonderful Reference 7 speakers to small... Geeze oh pete shoot the guy that reccomends this on large fully capable speakers....

The sub, when you get it, will augment the 7's not overpower sub slam... Put the x over setting at the lower range of the 7's you will love it.

Enjoy the 7's!


I understand that my 3's are no match for the 7s, but I've found that while they can produce admirable bass, they sound much cleaner when crossed over at 60 or 80Hz. I prefer 80, but I use a very sharp 36dB/octave slope which pretty much means that the speakers play only down to about 60Hz.

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Flame me baby! I had the same set up as you. RF-7's and a PB12+2. After going back and forth between large and small, 80 and 60 x-over, I felt that small and an x-over of 80 sounded best to me. Remember that a crossover is not a brick wall and you want your sub and mains to be able to play an octave on the other side of the crossover. If your mains are set to 80, they need to be able to play down to 40. The usual disclaimers apply here as far as different rooms and equipment goes. Try them all and use the setting that sounds best to you in your room. The heck with the rest of us.

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Keep in mind he is talking about an introductory level Denon to power the entire 6 channel (even before he adds the sub to the ". 1" designation) Reference speaker system. Setting them to "small," in this configuration wouldn't tax the system as much.

FWIW: I run my speakers "large". On music I prefer crossing at 60 Hz and for movies I like to raise it to 80 Hz.2.gif

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Wow, thanks for all the advise! Unfortunately I'm more confused than ever on which way to go. 14.gif Anyone with a trained ear want to swing by for an hour? 2.gif I'm going to pick up an SPL meter today as well as hook up the surrounds. I've been talking to the guys at SVS (who are very helpful btw) and he's telling me to get him the data once I've calibrated to see if maybe I can get a smaller unit.

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On 8/2/2005 8:59:56 AM tkdamerica wrote:

Keep in mind he is talking about an introductory level Denon to power the entire 6 channel (even before he adds the sub to the ". 1" designation) Reference speaker system. Setting them to "small," in this configuration wouldn't tax the system as much.

FWIW: I run my speakers "large". On music I prefer crossing at 60 Hz and for movies I like to raise it to 80 Hz.


How can you run your speakers "large" and have the crossing at 60 Hz??? "Large" means "full range", you can only do crossing if the speakers are set to small.


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On 8/2/2005 1:14:03 PM Nicu wrote:

How can you run your speakers "large" and have the crossing at 60 Hz??? "Large" means "full range", you can only do crossing if the speakers are set to small.



I am talking about 5.1 material.

The "small" setting allows everything under the crossover (even if it was destined to go to the front mains) to go to the sub. The setting "Large" allows everything that is designated to go to the front mains regardless of frequency, to go there. I prefer to have my LFE set to "mains + sub." In this configuration, everything that is destined to go to the LFE (.1) is also sent to the mains at either 80 Hz for movies and 60 Hz for music.

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Im stunned that noone has reccomended the RSW-15 as an alternative! It will compliment the timbre of your RF-7's perfectly!! If you can, go to a retailer and see if they will let you take one home to demo it. It is a GREAT amount of BASS power for the money. I cant stress how great it will sound with your RF-7's after all, they were built for each other. Truly a match made in heaven!

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On 8/2/2005 8:12:33 AM tkdamerica wrote:

Congratulations on your RF-7 purchase. I just checked out your profile--Nice system, BTW.

I agree with Indy about running the RF-7's large (I run all my speakers large). Some will disagree. I am a fan of Denon receivers, but have to think that the 1803 may not have enough power to run your speakers near it's capabilities. If you decide to keep that unit, I think "Small" would be the best setting, when you get your sub. The volume level you mentioned is not that loud. Does it start taxing the system when you get it any louder?

IMO, If you could get a used Denon AVR 3803 or 4802R you would be more than happy and run those speakers louder, with more detail. I have had no experience with the AVR 2805, but some have posted with good results. I personally would get the AVR 3805, if you can't find the other 2 I mentioned. Good Luck. {edit:For a reference point, -20 on my system (profiled below) is a quieter setting, that still sounds good --at -40 I feel I would loose some sonic material }



I agree with everyone that says more power is needed to run the RF7s large. If it were me I'd get the sub first and then an external amp at least for the mains.

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On 8/2/2005 2:19:03 PM Mavicator wrote:

I considered the RSW-15 but everyone I've talked to is telling me that the SVS has far more performance than anything else in it's price range, including the RSW-15.


Could be true, I dont have the numbers in front of me. You are, however, neglecting to factor in the WAF!

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On 8/2/2005 2:27:38 PM Zealot125 wrote:


On 8/2/2005 2:19:03 PM Mavicator wrote:

I considered the RSW-15 but everyone I've talked to is telling me that the SVS has far more performance than anything else in it's price range, including the RSW-15.


With the capability of the RF-7s, the RSW-15 would only add some punch into the frequencies the 7's can reproduce anyway, with some additional depth below (running large, that is). The sub you're considering will outdo the 15 in both SPL and extension with little problem and for less money.

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