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Quitting Smoking


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I dont' really feel any different now than before to be honest

How old are you? How long have you been smoking? That could have a bearing on how you feel.

You may not feel better or different today after a week of not smoking, but you certainly will down the road. Just imagine how you'd feel if you continued to smoke or quit today 30 years from now.

Congratulations! I wish you continued success in leading a tobacco free lifestyle.

I'll be 27 in July. Started smoking when I was 16. I think you're right, and it will take longer than a week for me to actually feel different. I started running a little bit. About 2 miles 3 times a week for now. Food is definitely starting to taste better now though! My mom has been smoking for over 40 years. I sure wish she would quit, but she never will though.

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I dont' really feel any different now than before to be honest

How old are you? How long have you been smoking? That could have a bearing on how you feel.

You may not feel better or different today after a week of not smoking, but you certainly will down the road. Just imagine how you'd feel if you continued to smoke or quit today 30 years from now.

Congratulations! I wish you continued success in leading a tobacco free lifestyle.

I'll be 27 in July. Started smoking when I was 16. I think you're right, and it will take longer than a week for me to actually feel different. I started running a little bit. About 2 miles 3 times a week for now. Food is definitely starting to taste better now though! My mom has been smoking for over 40 years. I sure wish she would quit, but she never will though.

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My wife and I are on day 7 of Chantix which means today is our last day of smoking. The problem is, the current dosage of 1mg/day is making us sick. I have no idea how we will be able to double the dosage. I think I'll stick with the 1mg/day and hope that works well enough. We're pretty confident this time around and think it'll work. It HAS to!

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Best wishes, but you can't TRY to quit, you have DECIDE to quit.

Once you commit to it you can do it, but you have to DECIDE that you are NOT going to smoke anymore.

I know everyone is different, but for me it wasn't too long before even the smell of tobacco was totally repulsive. Long before California banned smoking in public places, I stopped going to bars because I couldn't stand waking up with the stench of tobacco in my hair and on my clothes the next day. And, of course, there's the old saying: "kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray," you don't have to be smoke free very long for this to be true.

Here's to success for all of you.


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"We are pretty confident this time and think it will work". It has to".

James is right in his comments....and it is not just semantics. The above quote has three words that I consider hedgers. Take out "pretty" and "think". Change "It" to "we". Your line would now read "We are confident this time and it will work". "We have to" quit being understood. This is a much more powerfull and assertive statement that gives you ownership of the solution. It speaks of conviction and is more than words it is a mindset that you must adopt. Chantix is a tool but you are the solution.

Not trying to be preachy......just trying to help.


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My wife and I are on day 7 of Chantix which means today is our last day of smoking. The problem is, the current dosage of 1mg/day is making us sick. I have no idea how we will be able to double the dosage. I think I'll stick with the 1mg/day and hope that works well enough. We're pretty confident this time around and think it'll work. It HAS to!

Good luck to both of you. Try to stay busy, all day long. Do yard work, clean the house, dust your speakers, go for a walk, etc. Something else I did tha thelped out was make a list of 10 really good reasons to quit, and keep it in your pocket. Every time you want to light up, look at the list. Surprisingly powerful trick.

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I'm not worried about myself. I know I can quit. I'm worried about my wife. If she sticks with it, I will too. It's only day one.

I up'd my Chantix dosage this morning and feel fine. I guess it only makes you nauseus when you smoke. I'm feeling pretty good. I think I'll go cut the lawn.

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I'm not worried about myself. I know I can quit. I'm worried about my wife. If she sticks with it, I will too. It's only day one.

I up'd my Chantix dosage this morning and feel fine. I guess it only makes you nauseus when you smoke. I'm feeling pretty good. I think I'll go cut the lawn.

Please don't smoke if she decides to. Quit for yourself and good luck. I am rooting for you G, I know you can do it!

Are you still cutting the lawn?

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I finished the lawn about 7 hours ago.

FYI - Chantix does absolutely NOTHING to curb your (my) smoking appetite! I'm sticking with it though. We both are. Day one is almost over. Can't wait to go to sleep. This sucks.

I don't envy you. I know personally how difficult quitting is. It's not easy or everyone would do it. Either that or they're lying. Congrats on getting past day one. Now go get some sleep pal.

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Day one and two are the absolute worse. It only gets easier as you go through the days, then the weeks. It's week 3 for me! No cravings at all really. I even got a little "tipsy" on Friday night. A few friends went out back to smoke, but I remained calm, and didn't even think about it. That's a huge step I think. I should be good if I can drink, around smokers, and still not smoke. Once again, best of luck to all of you.

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Day 2 was the worst for me so far. Day 3 (today) was worst for my wife. If she could drive, she would have given up but I got her through.

The ride home today was the first time I actually forgot and reached for my pack (which wasn't there of course). This is going to take a while. It's a lot tougher for us older folks I think. When I quit for 3 weeks in '89 (I was 29), it was MUCH easier than it is now. That was the last time I seriously tried.

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I found it to be harder around day 4. Some have issues around day 7 or 10. Gary - can you workout or go for walks? Sometimes it helps to go on a health kick - replace a bad habit with a new one. Teeth cleaning can be motivational too. Whitening also.

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Sorry to join the conversation so late. I smoked for about 15 years and its been almost 7 since I quit. Today smoking makes me sick. I can't stand to be within 15 ft. of it. The secret for me was realizing just how(excuse my harshness) retarded it was. I spend $3.50 a day so I can be out of breath and eventually die a miserable death. Not to mention I was supporting the very terrorist's, yes I said terrorist's, who knowingly and willingly for profit contribute to the death of 1200 American's everyday with a smile on their face. 100 of those are people who die from 2nd hand smoke. They knew since day one that it would kill people and they spent millions insuring that it was attractive to young kids so they would start young and be slaves till their eventual death. They should honestly outlaw cigarettes and put the tobacco company executives on trial for murder. IMHO of course!

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I found it to be harder around day 4. Some have issues around day 7 or 10. Gary - can you workout or go for walks? Sometimes it helps to go on a health kick - replace a bad habit with a new one. Teeth cleaning can be motivational too. Whitening also.

I never stopped working out, even while smoking. Obviously I can do more without. We still walk every night, ride my bike and my Norditrak. Much of the past 3 days have been spent in my driveway shooting baskets.

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I found it to be harder around day 4. Some have issues around day 7 or 10. Gary - can you workout or go for walks? Sometimes it helps to go on a health kick - replace a bad habit with a new one. Teeth cleaning can be motivational too. Whitening also.

I never stopped working out, even while smoking. Obviously I can do more without. We still walk every night, ride my bike and my Norditrak. Much of the past 3 days have been spent in my driveway shooting baskets.

Go Gary Go.

Incredible, so glad to hear you keep pushing forward.


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