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Everything posted by Deang

  1. they changed it to 'SVS' ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  2. Will wonders never cease? ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  3. Ray, The new Klipsch subs are very nice. However, there is much more bang for the buck with SVS. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  4. I don't know about a CSi model. If you have the standard version, it should be just 'CS' The CS+ is basically a CS with some of the things you find in the Ultra. Basically, driver that sits above the CS upgrade driver, and the tri-flow ports. You get 80% of the Ultra's performance with only 30% increase in cost over the CS. The output of one CS+ is equal to the output of 2 CS subwoofers - basically due to its higher power handling capability. http://www.svsubwoofers.com/subs_csplus.htm ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  5. So what's a guy with only $500 supposed to do? If he buys 'used' -- he get's no warranty anyways. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  6. Yeh, you can't use your fingertip with MC, you have to use your tongue. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  7. $500 huh? You really only have three options open to you. 1) A set of used Heresy's. Shop until you find a nice looking pair. 2) How about a new set of Reference RF3II's floorstanders for $597 shipped. You can buy them here 3) For the same amount of money, you can get the 'sleeper' of the Reference Series -- the RB5 II. I had these myself for two years, and I actually prefer them to the RF3. Get them into a corner, and the bass is fabulous. A great slammin speaker. The reason they cost the same as the RF3 II floorstanders is because they have wood veneer instead of the vinyl the RF3 II uses. You can get them from the same place. Klipsch RB5 Loudspeaker review here ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 06-03-2002 at 04:19 PM
  8. Is the SM100 a two-way or three-way speaker? 3-ways typically have a more pronounced midband. Are they monitors or floorstanders like the RF3? Monitors do not have the extended low end, so they tend to sound a little 'hotter' on top as compared to floorstanders. It is simply because the balance is tipped towards the top somewhat. It may even be as simple as saying that the HF driver and associated crossover were 'voiced' to sound this way. Many years ago, when AR was all the rave, we used to refer to Infinity designs as "tinkle boom speakers". ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 06-03-2002 at 03:47 PM
  9. If you would tell us exactly how much money you are going to have when you are ready to spend it would be a big help. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  10. How many SVS subs does it take to create a pressure wave strong enough to keep that car from moving forward? 1, 2 ,3 ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  11. Those three speakers all use the same 1 inch titanium compression driver. What is different is the size of the horn they are coupled to. Now listen very carefully. I will say it in a whisper. R F 7f>s>c> ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 06-02-2002 at 05:53 PM
  12. Tom's tone was appropriate. You need to work on being clever. You have confused being 'clever' with being 'anal'. There is nothing to gain by being small minded. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  13. Oh, I almost forgot. Zeke -- HSU makes good stuff. You should buy it. What is the point in bashing Tom? Buy what you want, we could really care less. You're the one that has to live with your decision, not us. As far as your other questions go -- use the search utility. I don't think anyone here is really interesting in addressing anymore of your questions at this point. Tom is family. OTOH -- we haven't had anyone to kick around for some time, so you could stick around. It's tough finding a villiage idiot here at the Klipsch Forum. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  14. Tom, You are such a class act, and surely have better things to do then spend all of your time defending the premier SVS products against a handful of detractors. You learn so much by just actually getting one of your units in the listening room. I now understand that statements like: "Well, there are musical subs and there are HT subs." "Well, there are fast subs and there are slow subs." "Well, there are tight subs and there are loose subs." ...are completely ridiculous, and the differences can simply be put down to the following: The sonic characteristics of the room The relationship of the room to the unit The unit's placement Settings employed after calibration Type and quality of the crossover employed I've been wanting to write a review of my 20-39 CS+, but I've been so busy listening and enjoying it, that I just haven't made the time. It's the same reason I haven't written a review of the RF7. I did write a review of my Sony DVP-S9000ES, primarily because I was to a large degree expected to be let down by it's Redbook playback -- and it took me so completely by surprise, I felt compelled to write it. The 20-39 CS+ (as well as my RF7's) simply perform as advertised in every way. What is there to say except, "Yep, does what they say -- really fantastic." So what do I think? I think it performs flawlessly. While watching movies it literally shakes every 2by4 and joist in my brick home. While doing the low end of my music, it just bounces along with no sense of effort. It's musical in every way. It has great pace, and I never sense the characteristic disembodiment one often hears with subs in general. It never sounds like it is its own entity in the playback system. It integrates perfectly. What has suprised me more than anything is the speed and tightness. I know you don't like the word 'speed'. But how else can I describe a sub that never sounds like it's trying to 'catch-up' with my RF7's. I marvel at it's simplicity. One moving part. I believe this is the secret to its coherency. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 06-02-2002 at 03:53 PM
  15. this is certainly interesting ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  16. NOZ that seems totally backwards to me I would think the Scalas would be awesome for HT and the RF7's better for music ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  17. Oh my gawd -- what the hell is it? Geez man, you're actually touching it ~ Awesome catch. So, you gonna eat it or mount it This reminds me: http://users3.ev1.net/~jtclay/fishin.htm Don't forget to turn the sound up -- there is audio with this one. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 06-01-2002 at 09:46 PM
  18. Ahh yes...the dented woofer syndrome. Power plugs swinging, thumbs being jammed into them, cats jumping with claws clinging. Amazing the abuse those Klipschcones withstand for being less than paper thin, and as light as a feather. Good thing it wasn't a Heresy -- your thumb would have gone right through the paper driver. Worse yet -- imagine if you were trying to position a LaScala on that shelf, and it fell over forcing you into the bass bin. Man, wouldn't that suck. f>s>------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 06-01-2002 at 09:37 PM
  19. Tom, I can't find the 301 -- is it the predecessor to the current 302? The 302 crosses over at 1.2Khz -- doesn't really seem like your kind of animal. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  20. helluva thread i'm bookmarking this baby ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  21. Would some please define "low quality" LP playback. What are we talking here? And what constitutes a "...a high-quality, properly set-up LP playback system." Can I get this with $200, or $10,000? No one ever seems to say for sure. It was one of the reasons I went digital. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  22. Oh man, could this get dicey. Now Builder, since when did you start worrying about WAF Cost? A pair of KPT325's would run less than $3000 a pair, right around what a set of LaScalas would cost, and they are two-ways to boot -- with a HF driver that plays down to 600Hz. Low end extension? Well, they play at least as low as the Scalas and Heresy's right? Who needs low end finesse when you got all that ACCURACY? Kidding aside. I think Tom would argue for the driver that plays everything from 600Hz on up. I gotta admit -- that's appealing. One thing you bring up of notable interest is the bit about being designed for being able to take massive amounts of power. That makes me think about Heritage and how PWK designed Heritage to be used with very low power. Pro Line configurations might play hell with SET or Triode PP amps. I get this idea from a review I read for the RB5 about a year ago. Here are the comments I am referring too with the related graph. The impedance curve shows woofer and port peaks, the latter at 50 ohms, a low point between them of 5 ohms, with a high of 29 ohms in the midrange. Maybe this speaker isn't quite the answer for single-ended fans after all, since frequency response will tend to track the impedance curve with these amps in such circumstances. The midrange phase angle is fairly steep at +/- 45o, but we must remember that this is electrical phase, and that the horn loading of the tweeter, which puts it well behind the woofer, may well tend to bring it into better acoustic phase with it. The RB-5 should be fairly easy to drive, but a single-ended amp might not like the phase angle, either.f>s> ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 06-01-2002 at 08:17 PM
  23. oohhhweee -- lynn and hump goin at it -- ROTFLOL hey trespasser -- on your budget you gotta go used market most bang for the buck will be 5 Heresy's you can find them for around $300 to $400 a pair you will need 3 pair, so that's around $1000 start shopping ebay and www.audiogon.com ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  24. Week 1 - "What's with the black water heater?" Week 2 - "It doesn't give me a headache." Week 3 - "It doesn't look so bad." Week 4 - "You really like that thing don't you?" Week 5 - I take off early from work to go home and watch FROM HELL. Debbie gets home around 5:30 and comes upstairs, stands next to my chair, looks over my shoulder, and asks: "Isn't that distracting" "What?" I ask "The whole house shaking." ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  25. Zeke said: >>> There is like so many posts about SVS, and I can read anything there is to know about SVS, but not so many posts about HSU. <<<f>s> Gee, I wonder why that is? ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
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