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Everything posted by CECAA850

  1. It seems that the speakers were originally walnut and the owner spray painted them black. When he removed the masking tape from the woofer it took some of the paper off the front of the woofer. The only other issue is the fact that one speaker needs a wire terminal. If they sound good, do you think they're worth 300.00?
  2. Thanks. No basements in this part of TX, but we have humidity out the wazoo. I'll see if I can find out the story behind it.
  3. Norelco electric. Of course it pulls double duty as every day I shave my face AND head. Works great, it's battery operated and safe for wet use, so I use it in the shower. Very quick.
  4. I see a lot of MDF dust in your future.
  5. Defininately try the plasma and sub on seperate circuits. Or you can try a cheater plug on the sub as a TEMPORARY diagnostic tool.
  6. I love my 880. It replaced 8 remotes. Only a couple of the buttons seem a little small, but the feel is fine. The fact that the backlighting turns on when you pick it up is almost enough reason to purchase it. I also like the fact that there's no batteries to replace and it stays charged.
  7. I'm looking at possibly picking these up this weekend. the owner says they are Heresy II's. Can you tell what's going on with the woofer arount the screw mount holes (the discoloration)? Is it anything to be concerned about?
  8. I can empathise however. I grew up in the Adarondaks.
  9. I've mowed twice already.............................
  10. CECAA850


    That's interesting. I've been thinking about getting Anthems ARC (Automatic Room Correction) for my D2. I believe both systems are similar in function. I'd be curious if the same principal applies.
  11. I don't see a subwoofer.
  12. You're probably right about that Dee. .............. Hope she's feeling better, she's awful quiet !!!!!!!!! We'll hear from her during hurricane season[]
  13. Get one Castle now and you can alway add one in the future. They're way up there on the bang for the buck chart.
  14. Yes, colocated is together. http://www.epik-subwoofers.com/CastleOverview.html
  15. I'd allways take one awesome sub over 2 mediocre subs anyday. Who wants a louder version of a mediocre sub anyways? One sub is easier to integrate than two (unless colocated) and you can always upgrade to two in the future if you feel the need.
  16. Single connectors are fine.
  17. Welcome to the dark side. All your questions can be answered here: http://www.ibsubwoofers.proboards51.com/ Be sure to read the FAQ before you ask a question. Every one of your questions should be answered in the FAQ. To find the FAQ page, go to the IB Subwoofer general topic section and click on the first section titled Infinite Baffle Subwoofer FAQ Page.
  18. Because this is an audio forum??????????
  19. I think those kids do a pretty dern good job[]
  20. Panaflow makes a nice quiet 24v fan for the QSC's. It quiets them down considerably.
  21. This thread is worthless without controversy.
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