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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. Moon, you should not need replacement parts. I have never heard a story of anyone having to replace a part unless they abused it. I have run a 1980 Yamaha integrated, a sub $400 sony av receiver, and now a $250 panasonic av receiver through mine and not had a problem. These are Klipsch products hand crafted in Hope, like your cornwalls. I bet you have not had to replace anything on your corns, have you?
  2. When I listen to my Forte II's playing a Mozart piano concerto, I can almost hear the piano on stage or in the room. It is not quite like either one, but close. It is close enough to visualize the hammers hitting the keys though....
  3. Those were grackles, they make a hell of a high pitched racket and leave a lot of birdshit. They congregate en masse seasonally, I remember when they would turn the sidewalks white (mostly) at TCU.
  4. Great joke! However BMW's have'nt had carbs since the mid 70's.
  5. I think this opinion would be seriously in the minority. I believe that the general opinion around here is that the Cornwall is about the best Klipsch used bang for the buck you can get. It has a smooth, deep frequency response and is not terribly dependent on placement as many other cabinets. The only other Klipsch that come close in terms of sound value, are the ForteII . Michael No doubt, Cornwalls and Fortes rock. Once you go there the next stop is Khorns if you have the space and the corners.
  6. Jacksonbart, there is a calendar out there for you of women's curling. Check it out. MHO is that this is more of a sport than figure skating or even diving because events that depend on judging are inherently less sporting than an event that determines a clear winner by the nature of the game, like armadillo racing for example.
  7. I am curious about upgrading to separates. Is it better to pair a more current processor and an older amp for budget reasons? Would an older processor such as a Sunfire TG original be adequate or are the newer features critical for enjoyment? Any suggestions are appreciated.
  8. My Forte II's were some of the first made and have a date on the back. My pair of later Forte II's do not have a date that I can see. If the date on yours is 1986 then they would have to be the original Forte's. The easiest and quickest way to tell is measure the passive radiator in the back. A12" cone is the original series, a 15" cone is the series II. Experiment with placement as the others have said and enjoy! _____________________________________________ Enjoying Forte II's since 1989.
  9. Looks fairly tempting to me. Does this unit only do Dolby PL and not PLII? Is it better to go with a newer processor and then an older amp for budget reasons when upgrading to separates? Edit: I will start a new thread for this question, reply there please.
  10. Down here the grackles will congregate like that. Never seen that many crows at once though, it must sound awesome.
  11. at the moment all i can ask is Disco?
  12. Yeah, no doubt. The polynesians who discovered the islands were lucky dogs when you consider how out in the middle of the ocean they are!
  13. This song is from a release which included a disco parody. (Hint III). Someone please get this before hint XL!
  14. You may be close to describing Waikiki, but Honolulu has been around a lot longer and if you ask me is a different city than Waikiki, which was developed for tourists from the word go. I saw the Vandals a couple of years ago at a nice small venue, and it was hardly mediocre. My point is that it is wrong to confuse the small bit that is Waikiki with the rest of Honolulu. As for poi, well it makes wheat paste glue sound good.
  15. Hint II: The artist was a passionate patriot defending free speech, putting Tipper Gore in her place.
  16. This might sound stupid but all I know for sure is that it is Arkansas Oak. I would guess that it is not red oak, just by looking at my Forte IIs, but it is hard to tell. You could ask Klipsch directly.
  17. Lived there for about 3 years in Honolulu. visited the other Islands once or twice. There is something for just about everyone, depends on what you want, and how much time you have.
  18. Jeff -- are you tallying up the songs ? Tally all this? Good luck! I guess there's more to music than a bunch of pretty women! [] Now, what's the current challenge? See page 95. Hint--more of the same-- "Sweet as honey He's a piece of cake From the ginseng root and the stuff he take From vitamin E And all the B's He's so cool he'll make you freeze"
  19. I thought twilight zone was scarier back then, but there was something intrinsically freaky about losing control of that television set.
  20. Jeff it is or was a very good example of a dry Riesling. I can't say how one that old would taste, they are usually consumed younger.
  21. Just an excuse for the league to entertain the clients in Hawaii.
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