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Everything posted by joessportster

  1. Hey Fritz, Sorry to hear about all your troubles, Glad to hear you are doing better
  2. To Preface. When I first got the Trumpet I had a loud mechanical hum / buzzing it could be heard across the room. I emailed back and forth with Jim Hagerman (He is great like that) after some looking 2 of the smaller transformers had shifted in shipping like 1/16 of an inch, Just enough that there mount tabs were resting against the main power transformer. I loosened the 2 mounting screws on each forced them back into place tightened them down and now no more mechanical hum nor any noise for that matter. 10 - 15 years ago when I had a Edgar Horn Titan setup with an air bearing TT and arm, My Neighbor had a 40,000.00 SPJ Laluce turntable we both did a lot of testing on Phono stages (I had like 10,000 LP and he had around 5000) Vinyl was our main source. We must have gone through 20 different phono stages and to the last, NONE could match the sonics of the Trumpet
  3. You have good taste 😁, Jim Hagerman did come out with a smaller unit that is currently on sale brand new 999.00 I asked him about it He claims they are more alike than not. Check it out on his site https://hagerman-audio-labs.myshopify.com/collections/phono-preamps/products/trumpet-mc-vacuum-tube-phonostage I will see if I have some pics of the guts
  4. Quicksilver Horn Mono amps I bought a pair here on the forums a while ago..........................Superb amps and DEAD quiet
  5. heres a pic of my Hagerman Trumpet Phono Pre. I bought it off USAudiomart earlier this year
  6. I need to move to your neighborhood / street 😁
  7. Seller said it was zebra wood, he has apparently been building them for a while selling to friends etc... I got mine off Ebay but he also posts on USaudiomart So far its a great sounding pre, I am hoping for longevity with it. It looks to be well put together except for some minor things I noticed which should not affect use or reliability if the user is careful with it. It sounds as good as some pre amps I have paid quite a bit more for over the years
  8. I added this Pre-Amp yesterday................Currently sounding VERY NICE. Based on the 76 tube with a type 80 rectifier
  9. outstanding tube pre. GLWTS Always audio BROKE when these gems come up 🤬
  10. Price does not constitute better and any active pre will sound different than a passive, The decision of weather to use active or passive should be based on your systems efficiency and user preference. Lots of folks do not like passive because they supposedly add nothing to the sound, and have no drive like an active . Its all about synergy how each piece works with the next to make a system. I have a sys I use with 3 different amps both Tube and SS it can be overbearing or dull and lifeless. But it sounds fine with my 45 amps. For a Tube Phono Pre. I have heard dozens and my all time favorite and the one I currently have is the Hagerman Trumpet. I have the original version. Jim Hagerman has a new model Trumpet thats much cheaper than the originals and about 1/2 the size. heres a link https://hagerman-audio-labs.myshopify.com/collections/phono-preamps/products/trumpet-mc-vacuum-tube-phonostage
  11. Not sure about other pellet smokers / grills. But I have a Trager while it will smoke somewhat decently you have to basically break it down after or before each use to vacuum all the pellet dust it makes while cooking otherwise it gets all over your food the internal combustion blower stirs it up I tried a Pit Boss before the Trager it damn near exploded. I took it back after seeing it blow the cover up a few inches with a loud boom.
  12. now 700 any lower and I will hold it as a back up
  13. I currently have the Orange eliptical, Brown Shibata is on my short list.......................After all the $$$ spent on Christmas for the Boys the Stylus will have to wait at least till Jan. Spun the MFSL Dire Straits, and Keb Mo this morning after leveling and adjusting the VTA and the cue height. Double checking speed accuracy with the Kab strobe and VTF. Now I ca just set back and listen for a spell
  14. Got my Brand New Technics SL1200 MK7 last night. Even with my Tremor I was able to set it up quite easily no cussing or screaming involved. I was surprised by the fit and finish very nice indeed. Played 1/2 of 1 LP just to check it out sounds damn nice. Todays Project is to get it balls on level. I am getting a few select LP of my favorites for listening pleasure. If your in the market I highly recommend the 1200 MK7
  15. While I dont have any Klipsch currently in the house I have been playing with Open Baffles. One major complaint I have had is HEIGHT I was never really able to get any height. I thought with the Single Driver cone at a mere 21 inches off the floor I was pretty much doomed to listen as is basically face to face with the artist. In a fit of frustration I started moving things by feet instead of inches and stumbled on to Sound Stage Nirvana Set up is like follows. Speakers are 10 feet apart with no side walls for several feet goes into open kitchen and hallway on the opposite side. I pulled the speakers out 6 feet off the front wall, My seating Position is 6 feet off the speakers. No Toe in (firing straight forward) Soundstage is easily 20 feet wide now, artist is 6 feet off the floor, some aspects of the music are now 8 feet high. and as you might imagine Sound Stage is very Deep I have no idea if this would work with Box Speakers but if you enjoy a great sound stage it is certainly worth a try
  16. Color me interested, Looks like some great work. I request How about we show links to the parts used ? This way if someone were inclined to build a like piece they have at least a road map of where to start with supplies. I know when I try looking up wire or connectors it gets down right discouraging.
  17. Its nice to have space for multiple systems, if one gets a tad stale, the one that has sat un used will sound brand new again, and keep the interest level high
  18. No problems with drive on my Star Chief 45 amps, In fact could "DRIVE" you outta the room, Same with my Pass Aleph SQ I found to be very accurate, Great detail and a decent balance. with good energy. It gets the toes tapping Joe
  19. That depends on who cooks the roast beef !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. PB & J....................................Love it, you forgot the cold milk
  21. Choke & Puke burger EH !!!!!!!!!! Have not eat at Mc. D's in years...........................................In 2018-19 I was a gym RAT going 6 days a week for 1-2 hours at a time. I ate once a day the 2 cheeseburger meal at Mc.D's I lost 35 pounds felt great...........................Then I got married !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I am having Turkey breast tonight with Sweet taters, Green Beans and Pumpkin Pie
  22. First version of the Saga Passive / Tube Buffer / remote pre-amp comes with stock tube and Power cord as well as Metal Remote control that changes between inputs, volume, mute, and can switch between passive and buffer 250.00 I cover fees you cover shipping I have the original box and manual, will be packed safely The main difference between this version and the current version is the new one has a motorized volume knob and mine does not but still relay type remote control 64 steps
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