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Everything posted by KT88

  1. Henry, I fully support your views as long as they are bass horns driven (e.g. your LaScala). Or they are small conventional speakers (with enough air suspension and a nice and light impedance curve) to reproduce a quiet but lovely sound with 5 watts in a smaller room. For example, a small BBC LS3/5 always goes very well with a 10 WPC Leak Stereo 20 with EL84 PP in small rooms, even if it has a pathetic efficiency of only 82 dB. But when it comes to newer very power hungry large bass reflex speakers, especially if they also have low impedance (B&W, Sonus Faber and many more) then unfortunately you may need more power. Then sometimes 100 watts is not enough. How good or bad these 100 watts sound is a completely different question...above all, the sound delivered up to the first watt counts immensely in this case as well. I personally love efficient speakers with smaller amps a lot. But some speakers are worth it if you run them with more powerful amps. I think that is even the case with the Cornwall. It doesn't have to be 100 watts, but 25 watts is perhaps not wrong from my point of view if you want the bass to build up some pressure. Unless you hear the Cornwalls only very quietly. But actually it is not about loud listening in this case, it is audible even at moderate room volume whether the bass has some strength. In the end, it is fortunately also a matter of taste.
  2. At first moment it looked like a list to download the music files, I was looking forward to it🤠But even if it's just a photo of the list your story is very pleasant to read.
  3. Thank you very much for your research, Barbie. Let's see if we can form a group of interested participants in Europe.
  4. I really like Tidal for the same reason as you. It would be a good idea to select the masterings and that they offer different orders…from the newest remastering down to the original recording in available or vice verse. Anyway they should appreciate the value of the original masterings a little bit more.
  5. Thanks for pointing that out, Edgar. I have corrected it (remastered vs. remix).
  6. I have a growing problem with Tidal.(maybe it's not better with other streaming services which I don't know). The sound quality is technically good. My annoyance is a very specific one. For example, I'm looking for a song by the Rolling Stones. Let's say I'm looking for "Wild Horses." The fact that there are a lot of different recordings is not the problem but nice. But I search, for example, the first recording from 1971. Then the result is all (and many) remastering for at least 25 years. One worse than the other. It is a torture and a plague. In the meantime I have become patient in searching. Sometimes no original mix is offered. Then I look for the song on old compilations...that what used to be offered cheaply again 10 years after the release of a song. Sometimes I have success only on this way of my search if these compilations are also on Tidal. I am not an expert but I have a suspicion. When remastering they listen to every single track. Then they do "full work" on every single track. An acoustic Martin guitar becomes even more silvery. The singer gets more expression. The drums become more impulsive and crisp. The bass becomes drier and deeper. Then they are satisfied with every single track and go to lunch. After that they mix everything together. And that's the problem. Many original records have a magic of togetherness. Most remastered issues have no feeling for the band, it's a dead juxtaposition of individual instruments trying to outdo each other. Maybe I am alone with this impression. But I would go so far as to say that digital is criticized because you often hear the wrong editions. Old original digital record versions are much closer to vinyl.
  7. Every marketing guy dreams of good product ideas and of achieving emotional synergies from brand partnerships. Successful examples are e.g. watch brands like Jaeger Lecoultre with Aston Martin watches (Amvox) or Omega Speedmaster with the Apollo Program, even McDonalds McFlurry® with M&M'S® Candies or car brands with Carhifi partners with well known names (Klipsch here BTW?..it's given away, imagine "BMW M Series with "Ultrasonic Klipsch Sound System". I really like this new Legends Series Klipsch&Mclaren! https://www.klipsch.com/klipsch-mclaren-legends The idea is well staged, the design of the speakers is very very successful from my point of view. Here meet two emotional worlds that complement each other perfectly (Maybe also because I have besides audio my little Lotus and Morgan as another great hobby). I love this McLaren Papaya color with black. By the way, now while writing I just remembered...why Klipsch does not start with a sound system for the McLaren consumer road cars? This new campaign has given me an idea...what do you think? I could paint the K402 of my UG Jubilees in McLaren Papaya. They are really a bit drab in black, it could look really good. Due to the size of the K402, it would lend itself aesthetically, after all, it wouldn't just be a splash of color. Don't worry about trademark rights, they are just my private speakers that no one else sees. Or I take Lotus original mustard yellow as in their logo. @Travis In AustinDo I remember correctly that 14 years ago you also wanted to paint your K402 with automotive paint? Somehow that was a memory and actually I thought it was a very good idea back then. Maybe it's a way if I make my UG Jubilee even more colorful and bold, because subtle they are not and they never will be. The Heritage Jubilee takes a different successful route and enhances its optical impression with natural high quality finish and a different shape.
  8. I have read this thread with a lot of pleasure. Hearing you rave about RtR makes me a little sad. I had a Revox A77 half-track with two Sennheiser MD421n microphones in my youth. I didn't record vinyl or FM but our rock band in the rehearsal room, the church choir in the village with organ, the piano pieces a good buddy had rehearsed for the entrance exam at the Berlin Hochschule der Künste (he was accepted). Another good buddy was a very good jazz drummer at a young age and is now a professor of percussion at the University of Munich. I had often recorded his jazz band at gigs. A copy of our first days in a studio with our rock band and much more. These tapes would all be very nice and good sounding acoustic contemporary witnesses today. From today's point of view I have committed a stupidity because I sold all this including the tapes more than 30 years ago. Suddenly the size and weight of the equipment was too much for me, new tapes too expensive, etc. What I would give for it today if I still had all that. Some of you may be able to relate to this because you have perhaps done similar stupid things in your life. I have one consolation, my mother and family still has the Braun TG 1000 that my father bought in 1972. It was his pride and joy. Here a picture from the web showing this model. It was not so popular in the US. The look was timeless and a role model for brands like NAD 15 years later. Because Braun was more a company of optical styling and good looks the technical system was delivered by another company called Uher, they were RtR experts at that time. In a similar way Braun made its own optical design of British Quad ESL 57 electrostatic speakers. https://www.preservationsound.com/2014/06/less-but-better-the-braun-tg-1000-tape-recorder-of-1970/
  9. Is it possible for European interested readers to ship it directly from Belgium to save shipping costs for two times over the pond and customs?
  10. As for the SQ, I gained a remarkable impression while streaming regarding MQA. My previous streamer, a Bluesound Node2i made a very audible difference between CD quality and MQA. Since one year I have a new Bluesound Node (without additional number/letter). It has a much more modern chip with very high processing power in the price range. The effect is that the CD quality has become much better and the difference to MQA has amazingly become smaller to my ears, even if MQA is still a bit better, CD quality is so good that I don't miss anything when listening. This was different with the old Node 2i.
  11. @Coytee, if you like have a read of this brief white paper regarding the sense and effect of supertweeters even if it concerns another brand of speakers the text shows general principles about what we are able to listen to and more important, how the listenable band can change when using additional ST due to phase correction. I own this ST200 together with my Tannoy Canterbury from 1993 and I must say that even the bass sounds more refined. On the other hand I like the vintage sound without additional supertweeter very much as well and it is perhaps a little less information but it is also less fatigue . https://www.hilberink.nl/tannoy/tsupertweeter.pdf
  12. I think that's a good idea. I would additionally offer a similar amp in the same Metropolis movie like cabinet but without electronic crossover...for all lovers of Cornwall, Heresy, LaScala and Klipschorns from today's production. I bet there will be buyers if the price is adequate but doesn't shoot into unaffordable spheres, maybe a few $K might be attractive. No one would have to ask if these amps would be a good match for Klipsch Heritage speakers.
  13. Oh, the 935 was the racing version without torpedo front fender? A very rare car. Yeah, what do they call that in Germany.... I would say he is a „widerliches Schwein, ein Betrüger und ein großes Arschloch, and he should be glad you are far away. I hope if the engine doesn't come to you that you will at least get your money back. Yes such negative people with a lot of criminal energy exist all over the world. And yet...where does the world go when you no longer trust anyone? There would be hardly any business and communication possible. Unfortunately, it catches you at some point. I have also paid my dues. In 2011 I wanted to buy physical gold and I was naive as otherwise rarely. The company had been advertising in the major newspapers for years and was very well known. Unfortunately, I was one of the first customers to fall victim to this scammer's pyramid scheme. I only had to google once before buying and I would have read the new warnings. Ok, the amount of money in your Porsche engine for the parts or in the gold bar have been in other dimensions than at CBH but it is unfortunately the same bad morals. By the way, a reputable company, although not quite cheap is this one: At our place in the Eifel directly at the Nürburgring (green hell race track), only 45 miles from Cologne. They also do vintage engines or are you talking the 2018 335? https://www.manthey-racing.de/en/home
  14. I am not directly affected but having read some very eloquent technical threads where CBM had contributed with obvious expertise I am more than shocked at his behaviour. Until then I thought that someone with such a wealth of knowledge and so involved in this forum couldn't be a bad person. I also had a couple of PMs with CBH where he had helped me with electronics questions. To put it generally, my guess is, but you can correct me, that in the US the offence of fraud results in a very high level of contempt. Of course, fraud is a major and sordid offence anywhere in the world. But when I, as a foreigner, look at your US American history, then a horse cheat, for example, must have been one of the worst types at the time of the Wild West...he accepted the possibility of the bruised horse buyers dying of thirst while riding through the desert. Another example, in the US, manufacturers of goods are trusted first (at least to some degree as far as I've heard). But if something turns out to be a malicious fraud then the reputation of such a company is ruined for a long time if not forever. Take the example of the VW diesel scandal. As a German, I was ashamed of it. In Germany, more tests have to be passed before a car is allowed on the market, for example. With you, it is all the more dramatic when a fraud is discovered later. It was probably similar with the Boeing 737 MAX. I don't want to judge which system is better, that of the greater prior control or that of the later better monitoring like yours. What I want to say is that I have the impression that the quality of trust has a very high value in your society. Therefore, CBH's behaviour is incomprehensible to me, or perhaps even a little pathological. Social exchange (in forums), recognition, need for recognition and, as Travis said, combined with too full-bodied promises that in the end lead to total overload, unfair withdrawal and immersion. The bad thing is when CBH continues obsessively under almost identical names without a break elsewhere in forums as if nothing bad had happened in the Klipsch forum. I see this as a disgusting provocation or even as partially very neurotic.
  15. „informed me“ is funny😀
  16. That may explain a bit why I like my Alnico K77 more than spare K77M connected to my AA LaScala.
  17. There is no compression driver without a phase plug so far I know. But the K691 will not have the additional phase plug which Roy has constructed to guide the HF better regarding the K402 because it must be specifically calculated for each different driver. This has happened until now only for the use of the Celestion driver.
  18. To get back to the topic of this thread...because, for other brands and comparisons, another thread should be opened in my view...Most of the time, discussions like this end up in silly cantankerousness and in the end, the thread is shot. Here below in the link is a video where you can listen to UJ vs KJH comparatively. For copyright reasons from minute 29:30. But I think that the conversation between the two is just as informative as the listening. Of course, the video cannot convey the real sound impression of hearing it yourself. In addition, the speakers are positioned very differently. Therefore, don't take it too seriously. But the mix of conversation and a certain sound impression makes it a good and entertaining video in my opinion.
  19. As far as I know, it is about replacing the internal switching power supply with a linear power supply, like this offer from Poland. The link is concerning the 2021 Node but they have also offers for the older models. https://pd-cf.com/produkt/bluesound-node-2021-upgrade-low-noise-psu-interface/
  20. @Flevoman I mentioned this because we are in an American forum and there Quad is a rare exotic. But a lot of used units are in the market in Holland and Belgium, also to Italy. I bought Quad gear from Italy, the Netherlands and Gent. All very nice people. In Germany, the used prices for Quad equipment are sometimes 30% to 40% higher than in your country. UK is completely out as a used market because of the Brexit with enormous customs, tax and shipping prices (VAT comes on top after customs and shipping). If you are really interested in trying out an attractive alternative for little money, look also here: hifishark.com It is a meta search engine for the whole world, where also every "Marktplaats" ad appears. But also Ebay small regional ads and all small and large hifi ad sites. About your photos, it should sound very good in your room. I do not want to impose myself, but just try it once with less angled speakers so that you can still see the inside well. I would start with half the angle between parallel and to your head, then just play with subtle nuances in and out. Also, I personally don't think you need to move them that far away from the speaker wall. I also would place them a small tad narrower on their line. Trying out is just part of the game. As I said before sometimes little changes can make them shine. Just my two cents.
  21. I just want to add my two cents and not interfere. Just as a little idea because you live in Holland. I am using an old Quad 306 power amp after 20 years of Mcintosh C22CE with MC275MK4 and I must say that I am overwhelmed how good it is. (I put in new electrolytic caps). Actually I just wanted to try it out for fun because I had it 35 years ago....and it has been my daily amp since February 2022 so much I like it (but the mcintosh stay too). Now the 306 had a big brother I'm considering buying, the Quad 606 (better the Mk2 version). Exactly the same circuit but more steam, 2x 140 watt at 8 ohm. There are often good deals in Holland for about 450€. I know that you can afford more expensive equipment Flevoman but it was just an idea...so good it sounds. http://www.hi-fi-insight.com/quad-606-power-amplifier.html
  22. @Flevoman how many watts delivers your Melody MDA2 (2A3 tubes) amp? Not to open a new and different discussion but I can say from experience that a fully horn loaded system like the Khorn can sing with such a low powered ( I assume) amp. If I compare my 245 litres Tannoy bass reflex cabinet with your CW4 they have in common that they have good sensitivity. But both speakers need high current to control the bass. Tannoy recommends minimum 50 watts, better 100 or 150 watts. We had other threads here with the same topic regarding the CW4. Adding to this respect that you have a huge listening room I would start to try another power amp which your dealer could borrow you.
  23. Welcome to the Forum, Domenico, congrats to your vintage Khorns, you have a very nice system and your gear as you describe it must sound very good together with the Khorns in your lovely room.
  24. May be it is my browser, I don‘t see the pic.
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