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Everything posted by Rivernuggets

  1. I hope you used the wire from one of those rarely-used notes. That shop is WAY too clean (with a---or two!---) grand pianos!! Haha! We have piano wire in cannisters (various gauges) for restringing. I agree, man - surgery can happen on any one of his tables.
  2. Sorry to say, but we used eyescrews (below) - a pair for each speaker. My friend wanted it easy & simple. He had the materials on hand and wanted them up and running. He bought them off me, so....we drilled holes in speakers. Makes me cringe putting it in writing. May the powers that be forgive what I have done. For each speaker we used a wall hook attached to a stud. Piano wire connects the wall hook and eyescrew. By attaching the eyescrews ~7" down from the top of the speaker, they angle downward naturally.
  3. Congrats on your purchase, ClaudeJ1! Bet that picture POPS now. Duder, nice add ons. Remember those KG 3.2s you sold me? I bought them for a friend's shop. Been meaning to post a pic. The matching pairs are on the opposite wall.
  4. My vote, too. I have enjoyed many KG models, but their two-way sound strays too far from your La Scalas. Another option is to combine Heresys with a self powered sub.
  5. PMA-7350: 350 watts x 7. yeouch!
  6. They sound better after a drive like that! Wow I didn't know you sold three pair - that would be one crazy home theater setup. How are your KLF-30s treating you?
  7. Shipping does add $ and stress, that's for sure. They don't come up for sale that often lately. This seller is about two hours away from me - worth the drive if I were looking to purchase another pair. Chicago folk are close - Racine is close to the WI IL border.
  8. Here's an RF-7 pair in Cherry for $950. Yep, $1700 is too much.
  9. No matter how he reacts, you are being very honest with him. Hopefully it'll work out for you. They are great speakers. If you both can't agree on a price, tell him your top offer and ask that he keep your contact info handy. After a while he may call on you. Remember, this isn't a 'now or never' situation. You will have other opportunities to purchase used Klipsch. Be patient and keep watching Craigslist, Ebay, garage sales, etc.
  10. I have an SC-1 that works surprisingly well as a center for Forte IIs. Got the suggestion off this forum. The Chorus II/Forte II have the same mid and high configuration. It should be down the list of centers, but an SC-1 would get you by until a more expensive C7 or Academy comes along.
  11. They still ARE in very good-excellent condition! I still feel lucky to have found a pair, and enjoy them every day. Thanks man! [Y] CFaille, in really good shape I'd throw out $1000-1100. It may take him some time to realize he's asking high.
  12. I noticed upon getting my used Forte IIs, the passives have a slight sag. Gravity can be cruel. Didn't think about a possible voice coil issue with drooping active woofers. Good one. Are the paper 'accordian' style woofs more prone to sag than rubber surrounds?
  13. A woofer is needed if you've got dialogue from James Earl Jones.
  14. My RB-81s needed a set of jumpers. Through Klipsch parts they were cheap, like $4 for a pair. Not sure if they'll have jumpers specific to RB-25s.
  15. Noah, Would you be able to test this on your new Yamaha? http://forums.klipsch.com/forums/t/139568.aspx Thanks.
  16. I haven't heard this newer line either, but that HDMI feature sounds awesome. Would work very well in my situation also with my wife and son.
  17. "Might be." Try it out for a while before making any snap decisions. Chances are you won't find a deal like you just found for a while. [+o(] It would be a downgrade. Hopefully you can at least keep your frontstage. I refuse to recommend anything for surrounds because you have the correct ones. []
  18. AnalogWave, what is your other 'stuff' in your picture? Are those KG 1's alongside the Forte II's? What are you using for a pre/pro and wattage? Do tell!
  19. Don't have a lot of time for gaming like I used to 10 years ago, but I really enjoyed Fallout 3. Fallout: New Vegas can be considered a sequel, and I'm really excited! Here is a link to their official site.
  20. "Never get involved in a land war in Asia..." Classic!
  21. Super Mario Bros lives on! Very cool. I have a few old game consoles around the house, too. Awesome to hook up on rainy days. Composite hookups allow fat pixels and analog sound to rock onward!
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