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Everything posted by JohnA

  1. Actually you are not really biamping the speaker. To do that, you remove the passive crossover and use an active crossover between the preamp and power amps. I wouldn't expect much difference in the sound unless your amps are lacking in power and biamping provided more power for head room. Your Acurus amp is a quality piece that doesn't need the help of a second amp, so your results are not surprising. John
  2. The common Klipsch impedance curve is another reason I favor Al Klappenberger's networks. An independant lab test showed admirably flat impedance except for the normal bass resonance peak. John
  3. With the possible exception of bass drivers, break-in occurs in your ears, not the speakers. How many back and forth movements do you think would be required to "Break-in" a driver? 20,000? How many seconds is that with a 5,000 Hz cymbal crash? How many seconds (minutes) of about 100 Hz bass notes? John
  4. Gil, I've yet to book a flight, but I'll fly into Shreveport or Little Rock and you're welcome to ride with me. John
  5. The tube amp's response to impedance is one of my concerns. A K-horn's impedance varies from 4.5 ohms at 55 Hz to 42 ohms at 2155 Hz. My La Scalas will be about the same. Which tap do you use for that? Heresies hit 70 ohms in the midrange and Cornwalls probably get up to 48 or 50 ohms. John
  6. You've got a dead short through the fuse to ground. In my experience with my old Yamaha, it would not close the speaker relays with a failed resistor in the power supply. That failed resistor took all of the output transistors in one channel when it went. You may have similar problems. You need a service manual and/or professional help. John
  7. Stevie Ray Vaughn! Tinsley Ellis Robin Trower The Edge John Hiatt Jeff Beck Santana Jeff Baxter See a pattern? John
  8. HornEd, http://ww2.onecall.com/PID_12928.htm John
  9. Very high frequency oscillation? Say 15kHz? John
  10. Four feet will work just fine. Mr. Paul's design for false corners are 4 feet horizontally from the corner to the outer edge. He uses a pair of those false corners in his house, now. John
  11. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/clipserve/B000002LT2001004/002-8568572-4373635http://mfile.akamai.com/3196/rm/muze.download.akamai.com/2890/us/us_rm/1200/124561_1_04.ram?obj=v10212 That picture gave me a vague feeling of a song by Loreena McKennitt. It turns out I thought of the name just before I read John's last reply; "The Lady of Shalott"! I guess the painter did his job. John
  12. Either Dynamat of rope caulk will work. Rope caulk will be cheaper and easier. I've done both. John
  13. Try Cornwalls first and Forte/Chorus second. Heresies will have to have a subwoofer to be satisfactory. I use 2 big subs with my La Scalas, even. John
  14. Tony, I'm glad to hear you've got news. PLEASE post and send out an e-mail if you get a firm date and time. You have a recent e-mail with the fan klub's attendees and a couple of others that tried and couldn't make it. John
  15. http://www.mrspaulwklipsch.com/ Plans are being made as we speak concerning a book signing day in Arkansas, and the latest is to schedule it to be at the Aerospace Museum in Little Rock with the governor Mike Huckabee in attendance. It should prove to be an exciting time for all! The date of this book signing has not been finalized but if all goes well with the printing of the book we are probably looking at somewhere around the 18th or 19th of March. ROADTRIP!!!!! John
  16. When is Mr. Paul's birthday? I can't find it in my notes. Won't he be 96 this year? John
  17. Listen to them for 6 months before you make changes. Change only to solve problems you hear. John
  18. My front La Scalas were done professionally with a Minwax stain and satin polyurethane. I'll bet he used a "sealer" to keep the stain from looking blotchy. Home Depot has it in Minwax and other brands. check out the pics on my site. John
  19. You will need another power amp. If you search this site, you should find a schematic of the circuit Mr. Paul recommends for generating the center channel signal. John
  20. Just flush your electrons! It only Hertz a little! John
  21. It takes time to flush out all of those bad electrons. John
  22. Be sure to test the bass drivers for an open voice coil. It one coil is open, you'll get diminished bass, but that driver will appear to move because it is in the same chamber with the working one. I seriously doubt the crossover is bad. John
  23. P=IxV and V=IxR Where P= power, I=current, R=resistance and V=voltage. Rearranging the above, P=V**2/R (V squared). Power amplifiers are essentially voltage sources, meaning their output voltage is pretty much the same no matter what the load is. If V is held constant and R is changed power is changed. If the resistance is doubled, the power is cut in half. If the resistance is cut in half the power doubles. Since we don't live in a theoretical world, there are limits, particularly in the power supplies of amplifiers. As the resistance falls, the power supply is called on to put out greater amounts of current until it just can't anymore. Below that point, the power doesn't increase linearly and the amp's output voltage actually falls further limiting power. It appears your amp is current limited just above 4 ohms (it can't double its power from 8 to 4 ohms). Going the other way from 8 to 16 ohms, it won't be limited and the power will halve, i.e. 90 watts. If your amp is underrated and can actually put out more than 180 watts at 8 ohms, it will put out more than 90 watts at 16 ohms. John
  24. Those are Klipsch components in a home-made box. The squawker is the Heresy 1.5/ Heresy II squawker and the woofer looks right. That's some sort of Klipsch network. Only the tweeter is missing. It must sound rough. John
  25. There is no ideal or "good" ceiling height. It is acceptable that the ceiling height is not an integer multiple of another room dimension (or close to it). many of the music halls of old that were said to sound good had what we'd now call a catherdal ceiling (a high, inverted V). I've had two houses with that ceiling in a rectangular living room that sounded pretty darn good. If not that, I'd next choose a sloping ceiling, falling to the front of the room. John This message has been edited by John Albright on 01-28-2002 at 06:21 PM
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