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About ricktate

  • Birthday 02/07/1958

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  • Location
    Belton Mo.
  • Interests
    Audio ,slot cars, cycling, British sport cars, Wood working,
  • My System
    1980 La Scalas w/ grippers , Heresy I, 1972 K-Horns w/Grippers, CT125 tweeters and 4500HZ A-type crossovers and cast frame woofers from BEC, HK430, HK 730, B&O 1700 , Akai Gx-F71,......Integra dtr-50.2.....Dynaco ST-70 rebuilt...Pioneer pl-12d with Ortofon red....2 sony CD players.

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Community Answers

  1. I have seen a pair of those in Denver at a shop i was there about an hour and we talked about them. He thought they were made that way. Maybe they were I couldnt say for sure. It was at AURAL hifi
  2. MC Blue I think Cory is a better dealer than the one you use now. He tries to help you and you cut him down. Not cool dude. If you wanted any regular Corns that would be different. But you want very special ones. You know you could put Lambs wool on yourself I have done it. But like Cory said it its not easy on a Cornwall because of the size of grill. Thats main reason they dont offer it they dont have the time to deal with the problems at the factory.
  3. https://store.acousticsounds.com/d/171034/Steely_Dan-Countdown_To_Ecstasy-UHQR_Vinyl_Record
  4. I have ha 3 pairs of Heresy's and never lacked bass. Not sure if its your amp but I have used HK 430 630 dynaco st70 Carver power amps sony 7045. I would check amp to see if it is in good working orde.
  5. I would think about adding a layer of plywood on inside of panel 1/2 smaller so uses same sealing area. I did this to my pair of Heresy's and panel is definitely stiffer than before. But it is a sealed speaker so probably more needed. But im sure Cornwalls rear panel flexes even with a port on it. Thats a pretty large panel without any kind of support. Or you could add X bracing to back panel to stiffen it. You could also make an extra one for experimenting with that way you could A-B them without ruining the original one.
  6. Its not that hard to do ...practice on some wood first. You will be even more proud if you do t yourself. The new iron on stuff works well from woodworker supply.
  7. I would just get better tweeters from Crites and call it done. I dnt think you can get new diaphragms for those anymore...unless Crites has found a supplier. I would not buy them off ebay. Seal the back board with some thin door foam that will help all around the sound also.
  8. No I did not veneer the inside of dog house. Just sanded and stained cherry like the veneer I put on out side. Here is pick with the grills I made I put magnets under veneer to hold the trim on.
  9. I think veneering is worth the extra work and cost. You may have to learn stuff but that's g good. You just get iorn on veneer from woodwrights shop. works darn good.
  10. Almost forgot.....If you veneer even if you don't I recomend countersinking some screws into side bass bin panels at upper and lower joints. I did mine when I veneered the outside and now you cant even move the panels with my knee and both hands. Before you could see flex just by grabbing the panels by hand. I wished I had made video of it no one believes me but its true. I'm sure the veneer helps some also.
  11. Those are worth fixing up. I would sand then use bondo on dents,,,square corners....fill stapel holes and such. Then veneer with some good wood of choice. Then probably make sure all drivers working. Rebuild the crossovers. Then sit back in enjoy. May want to get a 70s receiver I recomend HK 630 or 630 or a Pioneer.
  12. Those look awesome....buy buy buy. Rebuild crossover......check tweeters and mid range......then order new washers for mid horn seal.
  13. Part of it is the Yamaha but speaker position may have an effect. Make sure jumpers are tight on the back. I would try toeing in aim in front of head or behind your head. I bet you used the mic with auto set up that will sound bad in my experience. Try using it to set levels then adjust tone manually.
  14. I got whole bunch if you want one...lol. If your speakers are on hard smooth surface get the grippers though.
  15. Just get HK 430.630,730 receiver or old pioneer receiver, Or tube ST70 dynaco rebuilt of course. The bad sound your getting could be the old preamp. Remember poop in Klipsch you get poop out..lol
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