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Everything posted by NADman

  1. John Sandford's latest-Dark Angel
  2. Not worth a darn at -25,-35 degrees.
  3. On the news the other night I heard the reporter say "I spoke to them at length, for a long time." Jeeez.
  4. Thttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mehXzl7yHAhis This is also one I use. Good for beginners. "Poolish" sounds coolish but works.
  5. Yes. I measure everything in grams. I do the same with second rise but now use a 12 lb. cast iron loaf pan.
  6. I also suggest turning the heat down to 450 D.
  7. https://markbittman.com/recipes-1/no-knead-bread I've been using this recipe for years. works and tastes great. I substitute 50% Whole wheat flour or even better 25% Whole wheat and 25% dark rye flour. And parchment paper is your friend. Good luck.
  8. His last concert was right here. I'm so glad i attended.
  9. The hard way. Sorry. https://www.google.ca/search?q=just+us+kids&sxsrf=APwXEddOoO4uvbi4wIqKbS6kbNDgVUdoBg%3A1680651821372&source=hp&ei=LbYsZOj7E_Ks0PEP8JmLwAg&iflsig=AOEireoAAAAAZCzEPaqBfxWacz5E22JxMXPWrqaJ6X66&ved=0ahUKEwioxrT2s5H-AhVyFjQIHfDMAogQ4dUDCAk&oq=just+us+kids&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAwyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIICC4QgAQQ1AI6BwguEOoCECc6BwgjEOoCECc6DQguEMcBENEDEOoCECc6BAguECc6CAgAEIoFEJECOggILhCABBCxAzoLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CwguEIoFELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARDUAjoOCC4QigUQsQMQgwEQkQI6CAguEIoFEJECOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToLCC4QgAQQsQMQ1AI6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOggIABCABBCxAzoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6DgguEIAEEMkDEMcBEK8BOgsIABCKBRCxAxCDAToFCC4QgAQ6CwguEIAEEMcBENEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhCvARDHARCABDoICC4QgAQQ5QRQ0xFYzzdghlBoAXAAeAGAAaMEiAHqGpIBCzAuMS44LjIuMC4xmAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:359b5d31,vid:PHMEmszc13o
  10. Nelson Demille's latest The Maze.
  11. Got mine about 3 years ago and still "Love 'em!!!!!!" Been looking for them to come on sale again. LF wants a set for her TV.
  12. Maybe we should add "Climate" to the 4 "C"s. Lot's of weather reports. No Cycles or Cocktails for a long time.😕
  13. Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
  14. NADman

    Car Thread

    Exciting, aren't they.
  15. NADman

    Car Thread

    My 2012 Civic has 40,000 K (less than 25,000 miles) I'm not going to think about spark plugs forever.
  16. NADman

    Car Thread

    In his defence - He kept inside his own lane more than, well you.
  17. NADman

    What I Got Today!

    I ordered a 1TB SD mini (about the size of my pinkie nail) card today for my new Tablet. Amazing.
  18. 20 years? Things can change a lot. Those panels may already be outdated.
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