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The History Kid

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Everything posted by The History Kid

  1. Inspect the speakers carefully, check for build integrity and driver quality. Examine stickers, serial numbers. Pay close attention to detail and make sure you bring some things to listen to that you yourself would enjoy so you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.
  2. Well it was a camera phone, I realized late that the photo was crooked and the room is rather small. Lots of things working against me.
  3. The choice still stands. Mixing the lines is not a good idea in any setup. The best advice would be to either not purchase the RC-52 II, or to purchase a Synergy line center channel. For the wides, S-10's would probably work for you fine too with that setup, but the RC-52 doesn't belong in that mix.
  4. I would advise either against buying the RC-52 or converting the rest of your setup to the reference II series. You might find some oddities otherwise.
  5. There are some that are rated as more durable, but really the only difference is the insulation. I promise you, it can be true. Klipsch has the S4's in a durable design as well, that may be to your liking. Personally, I find earbuds to be extremely limited in build quality and sound quality regardless of who manufactures them. I understand the convenience, but they're just not for me. At any rate, as long as you have a receipt or are able to track down who on Amazon you purchased the earphones from, you'll be fine so long as they were authorized.
  6. I listen to 2.0 channel audio when I have music that likes to overkill the bass a bit, and sometimes when I'm just listening casually too. I also tend to use only 2.1 channels at school with my promedia setup. I don't dislike 2 channel audio for music, in fact I tend to prefer it for sure. There are only a handful of pieces that I enjoy using any additional channels. Case in point, I posted this to Facebook a few minutes ago:
  7. As long as it was an authorized seller on Amazon. They'll need a receipt copy too, contacting the warranty center is best to do first. I disagree over the build quality. Earbuds are earbuds, you can only make them so durable.
  8. The History Kid


    The error message implies it was likely trashed to cache or a recycle forum on the board. IPS would pitch an error indicating it could not be found if it was flat out deleted. No big deal to me though IMO - most seemed to be rallying for a reset button, that's a good way to do it too.
  9. The one on the right is absolutely breath-taking.
  10. From my understanding, your thinking is indeed correct. I've heard the actual reference subs are much better than the standard SW line and the jury is still out on the newest regular reference subs. I've heard that SVS subs are good alternatives. Personally the Polk Pro series subs I've found are good alternatives that play nice with Klipsch speakers as well.
  11. Wow, some lightning replies there guys. I saw the 5's, and am definitely considering them. Good info on the craigslist app. I keep finding things on eBay that look good at first, but then it's either an issue of wear, or the grills are missing, or some little thing that just irks me. I'll look into getting those aps setup. And yeah, Youthman, I've seen some of your shots of that theater of yours. I weep everytime I see them.
  12. So I've complained about this enough around the forum - I'm sure many of you might have seen. Do I *need* more speakers? No...but I definitely would enjoy having more. So I'm looking for a few things to round off the channels that I've got. I figured I'd see if any fellow Klipschers knew of any hints that might help me track some things down. I'm already staking out eBay, Craigslist, and Search Tempest. I'm looking for RB-3's (or RB-5's), RS-3's and RC-3's in a black veneer. If anyone's got any tips, or has any of them that they're willing to part with...bring it on!
  13. Plates are convenient but not entirely necessary. Welcome btw
  14. If there is no plate between the two sets of terminals, then you should use speaker wire to connect the two positive and two negative terminals together on the speaker unless you intend to bi-wire or bi-amp them.
  15. Turbox, I've got your Bose whatevers here waiting. Please PM me and we'll arrange the trade
  16. You would want to angle your RB's in towards your listening area in that case - and if you were angling the speaker anyway, you'd be better off going with the 25 or 35, or the heavier duty RS-42 II's. Remember, you can also do wide surround dispersion by mounting them on your side wall at ear level too.
  17. I might be out of line, but I'd match RMS power and sensitivity. Especially in the case of the RF-7's and RF-82's, trying to match a surround or center channel driver to 8" or 10" isn't gonna happen within the reference line (Unless you lay your hands on the RC-7).
  18. It's not a tweak, it's designed to keep the speaker from being damaged, and to keep the speaker from damaging something else.
  19. My understanding is that it's for stability of the speaker, same as the feet on floor speakers. Vibrations can cause the speaker to move and therefore it could cause it to move closer to danger (falling off a shelf) or move it into a different direction pointing away from the soundfield.
  20. I can imagine the pain! Hopefully you had flood insurance?
  21. Man, my fingers are itching...but where would I put it?
  22. I believe that! lol Honestly right now, the room my personal HT is in is way too small for the setup I have. Still living at home until I'm out of school - the setup is complete as far as 5.1 goes, I'm looking at get the missing pieces, but can only imagine what it'll be like when I move it to a living room setting. I've bought just about everything as far as audio goes, but most of that I've gifted to the mother for putting up with my shenanigans as a kid. lol I have - however - warned her of my intent to get ahold of some LaScalla's for the living room if I ever get some extra cash. So somewhere in my head I know I'm going to at least own a pair eventually.
  23. I will probably always be in the Reference II line, as I can never see myself coming up with the scratch for Heritage products, but I can definitely appreciate it. (What's more, Reference II isn't a bad place to be stuck.) I'm interested in hearing a setup sometime myself, as I've yet to be exposed to them. Sadly, Iowa seems desolate for Klipsch dealers, and I'm rather new at connecting with fellow owners in the region. Awesome share though!
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