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Tony T

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Everything posted by Tony T

  1. There's another set for sale on Craigslist in Vegas for 1600.00. I'm guessing (since I know the guy) he'd take 1200.00
  2. What is the special discounted price for Klipsch members? Normally, when posting within the Klipsch site there's a discounted pricing for members only.
  3. Hello Hot Glass, Within your Craigslist ad, you said; "I'm in the middle of selling off my gear to start over". Do you happen to have any vintage Marantz receivers? Thanks, Tony
  4. That's the best deal I've ever seen on nicer Lascala's
  5. Those are the first pair I've seen that are identical to a pair of my Lascala's with AL-3's. I seriously doubt you'll have a difficult time selling them for your asking price.
  6. Tony T

    Huge JBL Horns

    What's done is done. Thank you all the same.
  7. a picture (or 10) is worth a thousand words.
  8. Tony T

    Huge JBL Horns

    I once extended the same courtesy to fellow Klipsch members. The Klipsch Police removed my kind ad and said I should never post ads from other owners.
  9. Are you talking about the K-500 Horns (Lenses) and the K-55-M drivers?
  10. I'm in if you're within reasonable distance from Vegas
  11. Once upon a time I got in trouble for this dreadful act of posting items for sale that should have been posted in the GARAGE SALE SECTION! That's it, I'm calling the Klipsch Police! Shame shame double shame!
  12. Uh Ohhh, the Klipsch Forum Police is gonna get this guy!
  13. I responded to this Phoenix Craigslist ad awhile back. I emailed asking a few questions and ever heard back. What really strikes me is, I seldom EVER see higher end Klipsch speakers go up for sale in SLC. A very rare occasion!
  14. Yes, I agree. Just use a welding grinder. That'll do it every time!
  15. Two Grand for a pair of nice Belle's is quite the deal! I feel certain you'll sell them quickly. Should the woofer need replacement, I removed a woofer from one of my Belle's before and it's not a difficult task.
  16. Which reminds me of "Dynamo Hum" 😆
  17. Too bad a person must use Crites tweeters and cannot use the regular K-77's. ☹️
  18. How many different Klipsch speaker models do they adapt to?
  19. You are correct in thinking so as I was. Difference is you got away with it! No problem, it was likely a prejudice where I'm concerned
  20. Hmm, last time I commented on pricing on a particular ad I got HAMMERED by people! The forum came undone on me telling me to keep my figures to myself! Buckle up DREWOGATORY, you might just get a lashing!
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