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Everything posted by mungkiman

  1. https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Story_of_mouse_burning_down_house_proven_false Which source to believe has become more of an issue now than back in 2006, and some would like you to believe the opposite of what was broadcast live...
  2. Oregon Rates: SUMMER PEAK CHARGE OFF-PEAK CREDIT Residential (per kwh) Rate Schedule 4 $0.06124 -$0.01125 Commercial (per kwh) Rate Schedule 23 $0.09350 -$0.01438 Irrigation (per kwh) Rate Schedule 41 $0.08004 -$0.01231 WINTER PEAK CHARGE OFF-PEAK CREDIT Residential (per kwh) Rate Schedule 4 $0.03316 -$0.01125 Commercial (per kwh) Rate Schedule 23 $0.04365 -$0.01438 Irrigation (per kwh) Rate Schedule 41 $0.03737 -$0.01231
  3. https://portland.craigslist.org/yam/ele/d/newberg-pair-of-klipsch-cornwall-ii/7190392947.html
  4. https://www.270towin.com/alternative-electoral-college-allocation-methods/?year=2016
  5. https://www.vox.com/2020/9/1/21410352/cdc-6-percent-covid-19-deaths-comorbidities
  6. Unless one might be more curious. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/coronavirus-vaccine-trump/2020/09/01/b44b42be-e965-11ea-bf44-0d31c85838a5_story.html
  7. https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/09/stonehenge-lego-scale-model-reveals-the-pagan-monuments-unique-soundscape/
  8. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
  9. I think that would be spelled "derp state."
  10. mungkiman


    I hope she kept her hard hard to herself...
  11. Just started The River by Peter Heller.
  12. Not sure I've ever had pickled pickles...
  13. Seems to me like a good time to unpin the first 2 (or 3) topics in the Lounge...
  14. mungkiman


    This is the first I've heard about Rask being sidelined for game 3.
  15. mungkiman


    He wasn't really there on Thursday...
  16. Sound practice for everyone, every season. Same for any vehicle drop off. Thanks.
  17. Now do when they're not locked down...
  18. I haven't experienced temperatures anywhere near that since my 2008 adventure in Saudi Arabia. I was not permitted to wear shorts, and wished I had brought my grandfather's thobe.
  19. I remember this as being one of the first "speaking" games I was exposed to.
  20. It's considered the Japanese equivalent to a slot machine.
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