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Everything posted by Oicu812

  1. I've heard the Epic CF-3 / CF-4 being favorably compared to the Klipschorn line. One heck of a nice "starter" set of Big K's. I've got to say that I absolutely love my CF-3's!
  2. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/984830968536150/ @Emile Perfect for your guest room! *<;o)
  3. I always ask myself "If I have $500 in one hand, and the Heresies in the other, which would I rather keep?". That makes it simple for my decision making process...
  4. It was extremely nice of you to move your speakers on to someone who will cherish them, and at a reasonable price. That's what makes a lot of us happy. *<;o)
  5. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/469908730288927/ He has a poor taste in swords, but the best in speakers! *<;o) Crites upgraded, according to the ad.
  6. The parts alone are worth more than the asking price, methinks.
  7. I wish I was still in Texas... Somebody needs to pick these up!
  8. That's a good deal, especially if you can get them for $750 or $800 CAD. You WILL be impressed by the output of the pro line. As Dave A said to me in conversation: (you can always veneer these if needed...) “Pro stuff IS the best secret. Hands down no contest. If all you are looking for is awesome sound avoid veneer” ― Dave A
  9. That's because Photobucket held a mass "stickup", demanding money from their constituency before they allowed the pictures to be used any longer. Pirates abound...
  10. Emile, Try the picture hosting method in my signature at the bottom of this post. You can host as many pictures as you like, in unlimited sizes. Much easier than trying to resize pics, and try to "fit them in" with an upload limit.
  11. That's a beautiful floor, too. Is it actual Terrazzo? We had some refinished in Tampa when taking out carpet, and finding the stone floor underneath...
  12. I wonder if they stack up to the Epic CF-3. The configuration looks like a CF-3 with the horn and woofer swapping places... With the added tweeter, of course.
  13. If you have pics of your speakers but nowhere to put them online, you could use the hosting in my signature below. The service is free and very simple to use.
  14. The process does not need to be that onerous. Use the picture hosting listed in my signature. *<;o)
  15. @HDBRbuilder Do those "JC" initials look familiar to you? $300 seems a very good price for this pair...
  16. That's a darned good price. I've watched several sets of these sell in Florida around the $500 mark.
  17. That sounds like a very reasonable price to me. I wish I could... I see a Starship Troopers pin, what is the second one? Never mind, I should have recognized the chrome yellow on the front. A Johnny Mnemonic! That's a great playing machine.
  18. I found these on Ebay, listed as a "Banana to Spade connector", so I bought half a dozen to try them out. It turns out they are fantastic for any bare wire to screw head (old school) connections! These are solid brass, so they are good conductors. They work so well on the back of my Heresy 1's and the mono amps that I ended up buying another couple dozen. Here's the Ebay link and photos of mine in use: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Banana-To-Spade-Adapter-Plug-Speaker-Cable-Connector-TS/173031263518?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649
  19. Please try the picture hosting below in my signature. Easy as pie, and totally free.
  20. It's a shame that someone's been tinkering. These speakers are fantastic ( at least the pair I got from @Emile are...) It shouldn't take a whole lot of effort to get them back up and running, provided that the drivers are still functional.
  21. And here was me thinking that you hang them upside down so that you put the flying hardware attachments on the bottom of the Heresy, not into precious veneer...
  22. I really appreciate your offer, but it’s not necessary... I think I will contact them tomorrow.
  23. No pics, and too bad I can't spend it right now. https://ocala.craigslist.org/ele/d/ocala-stereo-equipment/6960100963.html For posterity, since Craigslist ads don't hang around: ELECTRO VOICE SH-1512-ER SPEAKERS ON WHEELS . EXCELLENT CONDITION,$350. KLIPSCH HERESY FLOOR SPEAKERS , $150. STANTON PMC-46 MIXER , $75. CROWN MACROTECH 600 AMPLIFIER $150. ALSO AVAILABLE, STEREO CABLES, MICROPHONE, CD PLAYER , THORENS TURNTABLE AND MUCH MORE. CALL FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES OR MAKE OFFER. MUST SEE!
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