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Everything posted by Bosco-d-gama

  1. Heschl’s gyrus is that part of our brain that reacts, responds, pulsates to musical stimulation.......... and it is being studied more in-depth than ever before. Neural studies are now being augmented by artificial intelligence analysis. Russian scientists recently reported that they can reproduce what a person is seeing using AI analysis of brain waves gathered from the visual cortex - using non-invasive methods. They claim they can recreate what a person is ‘seeing’ using eeg methodology. USC is studying human emotions evoked by different pieces of music by evaluating the electrical activity in Heschl’s gyrus. Why do some songs make us happy while others make us sad, nostalgic, etc? It has more to do with the character of the music than the lyrics. It is a little scary to think that eventually a human may be able to get ‘programmed’ as science discerns more about what makes our thought processes shift into ‘action’ status. USC claims they can make us sad or happy by how music is crafted. I think we sort of understood this already but now it is quantified and will be utilized in ever more affective ways. What’s next?
  2. Yes.... . I have replaced the top hat of the khorn with an elliptrac midrange horn and a 2404 jbl tweeter. The tweeter and my midrange drivers are precisely aligned with the tweeter sitting about 6 inches directly above the midrange hardware. I had granite cut to fit the bass bin and the other driver sit on top of the granite.
  3. I was gonna do the deal until I saw that the CD player wasn’t included. Cheap bastardos!🤬
  4. Yup! Fennel is one of the key spices used in Italian sausage. If you wish to add more of this spice do this. Get fennel seeds and heat them dry in a frying pan..... do not burn them. Put the heated seeds in a mortar and pestle rig and grind them to a rough powder. Add this to the Italian sausage (or whatever) to suit your tastes.
  5. $73,000,000.00! Apparently a lot of folks like CC. They sell $73 millions worth of the stuff each year. I never have liked it or any flavor/color of licorice. We’re expecting 200 to 300 kids tonight.......... and no candy corn from this house shall darken their goody bags.
  6. Thinking back this was when the major musical movies were popular. Westside Story, The Sound of Music, The Music Man.... etc, resounded on the big screen. Could this be the anchor for such behavior? Who knows, perhaps some successful artists started out in this same manner? Eventually my brother figured it out and stopped. I had a girlfriend whose mom loved to ‘tap’ dance. There were some awkward times there too 🤪.
  7. Saw this animated movie over the weekend. Any one interested in ‘cheeky’ political satire really should see this production.
  8. As mentioned my overly romantic older brother would ‘croon’ along to select favorites loudly serenading an ever lengthening list of aghast girlfriends. It was at a time whence I necessarily had to rely upon him for transportation. In other words I was stuck, a captured audience. Fortunately he was older enough that most of his ‘selected’ tunes were pop. But he did ruin Donovan and the Moody Blues in perpetuity 😖. Sadly he had his poor heart handed to back to him on a routine basis. It was awkward.
  9. Doesn’t Klipsch have a museum for such unique items? Maybe they’d trade him for something more marketable?
  10. There’s a South Park episode where the boys were supposed to get Stevie Nicks to perform for a group of veterans but they could not get her to sing. So they got a goat instead and nobody noticed the difference. Ever since whenever I hear Stevie Nicks all I hear is goat sounds.😳
  11. Over the decades there have been several popular songs ‘listening’ ruined....... meaning that I cannot stand to hear them ever again......... because others abused them so much or badly that hence forth they turn my stomach when played. One such example for me is ‘Bridge Over Troubled Waters’ by Simon and Garfunkel. Long ago I had a first cousin commit suicide. My mom, in some twisted sensibility, played that song over and over and very loudly in some peculiar celebration of how she was assisting others to manage such a horrific situation. She felt that she WAS that bridge over troubled waters. She did this at my cousins house amongst all their misery. It was really weird then and that song was destroyed for me forever. My brother had this habit of singing out loud to his girlfriends. A great many tunes got slaughtered in that endeavor. Nights in White Satin........ OMG!! Anyone else ??
  12. Sounds like all is going nicely. Birthing children is light years better than in the past.
  13. Had a local candidate for city council show up at my door last night. I admire his desire to be part of civic leadership but he was woefully under qualified for the task. I did not allow him to place a placard in my yard. Whatever happened to common sense?
  14. Require folks to use manual transmissions and texting while driving would be reduced.
  15. Tried looking for additional info on this and the best fit is ‘bone conduction’ a well understood alternative sound pathway in human skulls. Bone conduction in the skull does preferentially transmit lower frequencies which is why we hear our own voices as sounding deeper/lower than others. This is also why we find our recorded voice played back to sound weird. As I recall someone at Klipsch patented an earphone that used bone conduction for transmitting some frequencies.
  16. The paper cited does not support your conclusions. On the surface your perspective sounds plausible. Denser is better. Perhaps a better designed study may prove you correct....... but this study doesn’t. BMI was the methodology used by the researchers in this research so your argument is not with me. As far as I'm concerned everyone should have less fat or be leaner, or whatever. But you cannot cite this paper as any foundation for your statement. It is just not there. Sorry if this upsets you. That wasn’t my intention.
  17. We do agree that sound will transmit through a body to be heard in the ears. I do not agree that if you gained or lost BMI that the intensity of what is heard in this manner would change.
  18. The work indicates (very roughly) that increased BMI results in higher hearing thresholds. A ‘higher’ hearing threshold means a person hears frequencies at greater sound levels, the hearing gets worse, not better..... hearing is less sensitive as BMI increases. Heavier folks require louder sound (a higher threshold) to hear at any frequency according to this paper. That said, the authors acknowledge that their own data is not statistically significant and not reproducible. So who knows what (if anything) BMI does to hearing. This paper is inconclusive as far as its own authors are concerned. Still I would accept the notion that lower frequencies transmit easier through any solid object and can physically resonate a persons body. The drubbing of percussive mechanical massagers is a good example but the pounding of heavy bass is also quite palpable. But IMHO this is unrelated to body mass or composition. There can be no amplification of any frequency for any given body style. Simply stated we enjoy the vibes.🤗
  19. Our body mass does sense low frequencies as in vibrational pulsations or ‘movement’. To what extent would this palpable sensation translate into audible bass frequencies in the ears? Are there references you could cite for us here?
  20. You can get pizza crusts made with a cauliflower mixture. They cook up pretty nicely, uniformly crispy. Generally speaking the older you get the less calories you need and the more fit you are the less calories you require because a well maintained body is more ‘work’ efficient.
  21. Whether in heaven or hell this guy is gonna be hard to manage................
  22. Once I purchased eyeglasses online. They literally broke the 1st time they were cleaned...... and I cleaned them before wearing them so they never got used, not even once. Go online to get an RGA and all the print for the return data was minuscule in size and could not be scaled up. Gotta wonder how many people gave up trying to return their crappy glasses. Not me, however.
  23. What a marvelous examination of the evolution of a music genre. I heard that when Ken Burns watched the finalized version of this work that he literally wept. Sadly the ‘Take away’ is how the big business of music and $$ stifled artistic creativity as eventually only ‘sure bets’ get recorded. Perhaps this is why the televised music competition shows (a-la American Idol) got started, got traction and remain somewhat popular? C & W is not my favorite genre either but it remains head and shoulders above ‘rap’ music IMHO.
  24. Was selling a home, and I owned a Range Rover at the time. So had an older couple come to see place and they ask about the Range Rover...... and I spoke honestly about that P.O.S. and a tad too earnestly including some debasing of the queen ( although I liked her Corgi’s). Turned out that the Mrs was British and they owned a Range Rover pretty much like mine. Well they agreed about the vehicle but man did she ever bristle up over her majesty. Those Brits love their royalty. Yup, they bought the house and pretty much ruined it best I could see. They did not get along with their neighbors either. And generally speaking their dentition is horrifying. Try watching the ‘Antiques Roadshow’ from England. The teeth on everyone would gag a maggot. Odd shades of grey/yellow with chunks of ivory angled and tangled every which way. At some point you’d think they’d get em all yanked out and get full dentures. But, for as tied to tradition as the Brits are - the dentures would likely be colored grey/yellow and pitched six ways to midnight. Ewww.
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