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Everything posted by glens

  1. What, microvolts of noise picked up between the input terminals and drivers is going to be problematic?
  2. Assuming the question is open for anyone's response, I'll cast my vote for finding something else to putz with while you're listening to the speakers just the way they are.
  3. That looks like an excellently useful piece of gear.
  4. I'm not partaking in the poll. I'm an elated owner of Forte III and I think you're mistaken on the quoted premise. The Forte III stands alone regardless sibling options. A Chorus III would more be "up against" the Cornwall of any iteration, not the Forte.
  5. Ought to get you some MIL-spec wire and piggyback all those foil traces and jumpers. There are some photos in the fairly recent "capacitor orientation" thread which can give you some ideas. Hahaha!
  6. 5 acres at the end of a dirt road pretty much rules out riding a Harley as primary transportation. And decent Internet...
  7. As for myself, I've professionally worked with and comprehensively tested transformers up to as big as a two-car garage, so I think I've got a pretty good grasp on turns ratios and taps. What was suggested by this thread in and of itself could be a very good idea. So long as sufficient care is taken to maintain impedance when attenuating as necessary, driving the two circuits with more-appropriate taps should prove to be a real benefit. I'm not so sure that you either understand it correctly or that you're right if you do...
  8. Apples and oranges. In this case the question isn't about wiring full-range loads to separate taps. I feel a change in sound balance would most likely be noted, for the reason I stated earlier.
  9. I wonder if they'd really been sold or that was just their way of telling you and your lowball offer to take a hike.
  10. It's not the "where" of the posts that causes that, rather the "what."
  11. Probably "sold" them to himself and they're stashed away somewhere she don't know about!
  12. I'm new here during your lapse so we've never met, which might be a good thing considering I'd like to know the GPS coordinates of that place, and a schedule of when nobody will be there for a couple hours. Seriously nice stuff! Congrats.
  13. If all the drivers emit their proper quantity and quality of sound, tell the seller $450 and he can keep the wire. If you don't, I will.
  14. I like your idea. The thing of it is, that by wiring the highs to the 8-ohm tap and the lows to the 4-ohm tap, you'll be sending nominally half the voltage to the lows compared to the 8-ohm tap. The impedance will be "more properly" matched (likely), but the output level of the lows in relation to the highs will change (likely). I'm guessing the result will be a brighter sound. Maybe it will be more a more proper lows-to-highs balance, but maybe (likely?) the tweeters are matched correctly to the woofers in terms of output already and the experiment will fail in that regard. That said, attenuating the tweeters by 3 dB if necessary (likely?), with both sets of drivers then fed from "proper" taps each, may yield a real sonic improvement (better control over the woofers?). Maybe not... Shouldn't cost very much more than your time to find out (and report back right here, of course!).
  15. Replaced K-69-A with ______?
  16. Perform any sonic "testing" yet?
  17. Shouldn't harm anything except perhaps the balance between the lows and highs. In other words, it may help, but it may hurt the overall sound quality only. Those models were prior to dual sets of inputs being provided? If so, too bad. It would be an exceedingly simple way to test the theory... Though that (separating inputs) could be an innocuous modification in and of itself, and maybe worth a try.
  18. With that in mind, refer to my second-to-last post before this one...
  19. (I don't believe the magnetic field actually causes harm to a CRT beyond diverting the electron beam from its assigned pattern, which distorts the image being generated.)
  20. Not just any 8 ga. leads. Gotta be Mil-Spec, built up from, I believe, 2 12s and a 14 combined! Would have to look it up to be certain. Wait, if you're talking about the caps themselves, I don't remember. I think they have plates with threaded holes for bolted connections.
  21. I hope you are kidding I read it in the "capacitor orientation" thread right here in this sub-forum. It must be true!
  22. Nah, it's for faster passing of transient leading edges. I've heard that 1.5 kV units are even better at that!
  23. Cool, painting images of reflected ceiling fixtures was a good idea. I wonder if it would be possible to laser etch them so they appear to move around as you change your position relative to the speaker?
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