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Everything posted by polizzio

  1. Wow, has to be one of the best appearing/finished horn subs I've ever seen. Veneered and oil finished F20 build, a visual beauty. Bet it kicks azz too.
  2. Read this article, I believe the 19 yo. There was physical and DNA evidence. Something or someone made her go away. https://www.thedailybeast.com/kobe-bryants-disturbing-rape-case-the-dna-evidence-the-accusers-story-and-the-half-confession
  3. The crazy thing with Redbox is I can rent a blu ray disc at one for their kiosks for $2, yet to stream the same (using my bandwidth to boot) is $4. They know exactly what they are doing, charging double for convenience. I have done both but mostly pick up a disc when out and about. There are two kiosks < a mile from my house. And the AV quality is better utilizing the physical disc imo.
  4. KB purchased his wife a 4 million dollar diamond ring to make amends. She was all good after receiving the ring.
  5. You got that right. How about a $1000 amp power cable that connects to a $2 outlet and ordinary romex wire in my walls? And i have seen a single power cable for.........wait for it...........$13,000 on a high end audio products website.
  6. This article (well written at that) discusses several observations USNRET mentioned earlier. The pilot of KB's aircraft was a flight instructor and had > 8000 hours of flight time. The article mentions the atmos conditions were so poor @ the time police helos had been grounded. From viewing overhead video on youtube of the impact site from a news helo, the impact was devastating. Only really identifiable piece is a section of the tail and a piece of the main structure. Debris field sure appears like the helo flew right into the side of a hill, with considerable velocity. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pilot-bryant-helicopter-tried-avoid-060826690.html
  7. Elden, I'm right there with you on dust. You just cannot stop it, just isn't gonna happen. 80% of it is human shed skin and hair, and fabric/textile particles from clothing, linens, and towels. If you have inside pets, its much much worse. I just spent some time sealing the return air to my HVAC unit, and closely examining the entire system for air leakage. Our HVAC units are just "big mixers" or conveyors of dust particles, in addition to heating and cooling our homes. But there are techniques and living habits to help control dust in the home. Yes, I'm sort of OCD.
  8. polizzio

    What I Got Today!

    That is simply murder. They had a similar case in South Carolina a couple few ago, cop shot a black man fleeing him several times in the back. Another guy recorded it with his phone. Had he not, the cop probably wouldn't have been charged and convicted. I'm sure Canada is safer overall from gun violence than the USA. USA has a long long history with firearms, our constitutional right (2nd amendment) to keep and bear arms. Long history of thieves and robbers too.
  9. polizzio

    What I Got Today!

    New sub, good choice. Congrats.
  10. polizzio

    What I Got Today!

    We live in a violent world, some countries are def worse than others. Human kind have a long history of violence and wars, thousands of years. Many of us in the USA do not count on the police to protect us all of the time. I'm not looking for trouble, but i will defend myself to the bitter end if need be. Somebody breaking into my home while I am here better be prepared. I'll call the police to pick up the bodies and write a report. Ditto while out on the streets, it's a long shot but I will do whatever to survive if I get jammed up. We just don't rely upon the government or law enforcement to protect us every moment of the day or night. When cops and criminals are the only one with firearms.....you are in real trouble. Sometimes the police cannot be trusted either. Power and authority corrupts some.
  11. Now that is rolling out the red carpet! Good on ya, sir.
  12. polizzio

    What I Got Today!

    So you purchased a couple glasses years ago, did you replace the glass yourself? That video I watched looks pretty simple but mine does have the two power meters where that receiver did not. Watching the video, I think I could replace it. Its pretty straight forward, remove knobs, approx 6-10 screws, then carefully remove front glass/face assembly. Then disassemble that and replace glass.
  13. polizzio

    What I Got Today!

    It was fully insured but I hear FedEx can drag their feet for months, and they may want to take possession of the damaged item. Still weighing my options @ this time. Waiting for a call back from Mac parts, and a local service shop about 50 miles from me for a ball park repair estimate.
  14. polizzio

    What I Got Today!

    Yes, i called Mac parts and left a message about cost and avail. Low and behold they have a you tube video of glass replacement on a Mac receiver, and it doesn't look that hard at all. And that receiver has a LOT more knobs and a built in EQ than my simple power amp. The guy packed it well, double boxed, but only if he had pulled the two knobs off the front I wouldn't be in this boat right now. Came from California. Heavy unit 60 lbs, shifted slightly and knob hit the foam board he used and .....wala...broken glass. I was so bummed when I took it out, but then thought 10 minutes later of Kobe and a helo ride so it will be made right. Its just a friggin amplifier. I talked to the seller and he's pretty accommodating, and apologized. We'll get there I think. Thanks for your reply sir.
  15. I saw the pics of your stained oak plywood creations. And your sub And read your concerns over dust buildup.
  16. polizzio

    What I Got Today!

    So my new to me McIntosh MC-150 amp arrived today via FedEx. Unfortunately the power knob took an impact in shipping and broke the glass. Bummer! But it sure sounds wonderful with my CW3. My first Mac. Anybody have an idea what it will cost parts and labor to replace the front glass?
  17. I enjoyed it. Those big boys are impressive for shear output I bet. Your construction was well executed and documented for sure. Are they now performing in your house/living space? I don't have the space for really large cabs at my place, so I'm safe. I am content with my corns and my sub. I'm learning here, I'm a rookie.
  18. I spent an hour+ reading your super MWM bass cab build and tuning thread early this morning. I gleaned a lot from that thread. You def are not an idiot. Smarter than most of us here. Abandoning the tv....that is pure brilliance imo. I need to work on that. You and Claude have it goin on!
  19. Hey I admit I watched 3/4 of the red carpet show before hand, and about 30 minutes of the actual grammy show, because I like looking at the women and what they are wearing I didn't see the Steven Tyler performance but judging from the comments here it must have been pretty poor. I turned off the boob tube 30 minutes into the grammys. Alecia Keyes intro and her playing on the piano and singing was enjoyable to me. I also saw Blake Shelton and his GF perform too.
  20. I just researched this couple days ago because i like the old style, mounting the transducer behind the motorboard from a purely visual aspect. Looks cleaner and one could veneer the cab and motorboard face/run no grill like the restorers (Team Bickle) from TX do. Looks really cool to me, but Klipsch went to transducers mounted on the front because of diffraction from the motorboard itself. I guess sealing of the rear panel was an issue too, but that seems pretty easy to overcome for a capable guy/owner. Excerpt from a Klipsch doc: "All of the drivers in the Heresy II were front mounted to reduce the diffraction effects caused by rear mounting and firing through the motor board."
  21. Haven't you read the latest news? The 2020 grammys were rigged. Straight from their CEO. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-51221137
  22. Because in our society, people put huge emphasis on wealth, looks, and popularity. Huge emphasis on appearance and wealth. I agree with you 100%, people die every hour in the US. Most people acknowledging the death of Kobe never met the man, or know him personally. And here is the proof..........eight other people died in that helo with KB. How many shout outs, memorandums, or RIPs you see for those individuals? Did they mention their names and families @ the grammies last night?
  23. Your 750 a la 900cc 2 stroke must have been a monster of a machine. 900cc triple....had to kick azz. Must have been a real struggle to keep the front end down.
  24. Appears to be a re-seller, but the cabs look mint in the pics (which is really rare, states one owner). Forte pair asking $795. No affil. https://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/ele/d/richardson-klipsch-forte/7062693280.html
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