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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. No problem, it´s an open shelves rack, lots of air.
  2. Thanks, then it would fit into my rack.
  3. Oh, i´m sure Your Leben sounds better, but then it also cost more – a lot. On the plus side, some "tuning " can be done by buying other tubes, wich con conviniently be bought on the same site. I always thought about pairing my Heresys to a small tube-amp and i´ve seen this one mentioned somewhere before. Good to read that it´s usable, even though it doesn´t cost a fortune. So Cube 7 reallly might be a good way to start with tubes. By the way, what height is the amp?
  4. MeloManiac, i always wanted to ask how that little amp sounds. I think it would be a great way to delve into tubes without spending a fortune.
  5. At my workdesk, my KG1.5 play very well with a A S 201, in my living room a Marantz SR6008 powers my Heresy 1 and RF3, also a good combo, i think. At some point i might get a A S 1000 just for stereo.
  6. Yes, let me try this "little bit of tinkering" @Shiva , i have most of the needed parts lying around here anyway. I´ll post my findings; these will be highly subjective of course, i can´t measure but using my ears. A very controversial theme, i see. Thanks for Your input Guys.
  7. I see. I searched them on ebay, a few pairs turned up, used ones are around 3000€, more or less.
  8. Out of interest, what did You import?
  9. So the 800€ really are a steal – if only i had the money, and the space to put them. If, if, if....
  10. For starters, not many people here know that Klipsch is a maker of fine speakers, with some history.
  11. They´re still there. I guess not many people here know what they are.
  12. These days some people sell items under value, because of covid i guess.
  13. You are right, but Klipsch got me confused, usually they state outright that a product is out of production. No past tense here: https://de.klipsch.com/products/palladium-home-theater-systems Must be a leftover of times that were.
  14. And i was mistaken, i think. Just took a look at the Klipsch Homepage and they are still sold. Somehow i got the impression they went out of production.
  15. Billy, i always wanted to ask, why was Palladium discontinued? Was it always meant to be limited? To expensive, didn´t sell the quantity as expected? It was a superb speaker-line, from what i´ve read.
  16. Darn, haven´t got 800€ lying around, somebody lend me a few bucks!! No really, if i had the money, i would... I would like to audition some Palladiums, wonder what they sound like.
  17. So You couldn´t convert them to become Klipsch disciples?
  18. AndreG.

    What I Got Today!

    This stuff came in today. I noticed that my AVR gets quite warm and we´re still in cool spring here in Germany. So i want to be ready for warmer summmer days and will put these two fans on my Marantz, i just have to figure out where best to place the heat-sensor. Does anyone know how to remove what look like seperate grills on top of the newer Marantz machines? Ed.: Forget the question. I just noticed that these "covers" are just sheets of slotted plastic, underneath is the metal casing as ususal. What purpose could these sheets serve? – No idea...
  19. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    This weeks additions to my collection: This is the Springsteen box i was asking about a few days ago. Listened to two discs so far, mostly stuff from the 70´s & early 80´s, solos and also with E-Street-Band. Like it very much, especially when he´s just playing the guitar and singing you get the feeling you´re sitting in his living-room.
  20. Wow, this will be a tough one, i guess... I know my original Heresys lack bass, the 4s have it, but then again, one could argue that it´s a whole new speaker. Honestly, i couldn´t decide – yet. I´ll wait for further coments from the heavy-weights.
  21. @MicroMara to what length, approximately, did You cut your cables before terminating them with your spades ect.?
  22. Pair of Palladium P17B in Germany, 800€, no affiliation: https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/klipsch-high-end-lautsprecher-palladium-p17b-1-paar-/1728438270-172-645
  23. Alright, jumper-cables it will be. And i just remembered, i still have a set of spades lying around i didn´t use, so i just need one set set of additional bananas.
  24. A colleague brought this gentleman to my attention today:
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