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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. If i was to make a guess what led You...
  2. Congratulations on Your new set-up, looks great! I can´t wait to get my Heresys running... But for that, i have to change my to change my hifi-rack as well so i can fit those in. I will build my own rack as my next project, already have the wood panels standing in the other room. Planing on using my HEs for stereo only. So, what´s next? Still lots of space in that picture. ^^
  3. The video is depressing, wonder how Marlene Dietrich would comment about this cover:
  4. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Ok ^^, while watching the Humungus in Mad Max 2, Max is eating a can of dog-food. Do You remember JohnJ. ?
  5. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    If only i could find that can of dog-food right now!
  6. Two of my favourite pieces from this OST. Sadly the mics on the second track can´t cope with the ochestra...
  7. No You´re not, but have You thought about having a new cabinet made or make one yourself? What would You do with the left-over speaker, a waste, no?
  8. Did have a look at the brochures about the KG2 & KG.0-line. Owning the 1.5 myself (and beeing happy about every time they play.), i have to say i´m really intrigued by these KG2s, looking at them, they really look like smaller Fortes. I´d love to listen to them - well, little chance of that, i guess...
  9. Correct me if i´m wrong, but wasn´t the KG-line what the R, RF and RPs are today? KG were sold during the 80´s and 90´s and then replaced. + what Billybob said.
  10. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Guessed as much, really old news. Wish i could have seen it on the big screen...
  11. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Lot´s of music i´ve come to like over the years i first heard in movies. Does anyone here know "Heavy Metal"? Several animated chapters, combine to a movie. Part of the BGM was BOCs "Veteran of the Psychic Wars", like that one too. This movie started my interest in Journey as well, or Steve Nicks, or, or... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_Metal_(film)
  12. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    This will keep me busy for some time:
  13. AndreG.

    What I Got Today!

    You could also say:"You can´t cheat physics."
  14. AndreG.

    What I Got Today!

    I saw the specs for the three-way jubs some time ago and those were as tall as i am, so i meant that huge. That said, i know my RF3s are quite small and my Heresys even smaler. I hope i get the chance to hear Jubilees at some point ( wich could be difficult in Germany). That´s a given, i´m not sure how the saying goes in english, but it should be something like:" There is no replacement for displacement." Legends tend to come in big packaging, right?
  15. AndreG.

    What I Got Today!

    Have seen @USNRETs picture above. Never realized it before, but those are seriously huge speakers. I couldn´t think of any room to fit them, physically or audio-wise. My congrats, sound must be awesome!
  16. According to Wikipedia: No. "Kobato loved Japanese enka music when she was a child, and Tokyo Jihen led her to rock.[52] She attended a vocal school around 2012, but started playing guitar with the formation of Band-Maid the following year.[53] Atsumi started singing when she was 14 and Band-Maid is her first band. Tōno is a big fan of Carlos Santana, has played classical piano since she was a child, and began playing guitar when she joined her high school band club. Hirose is a fan of Deep Purple and Maximum the Hormone, particularly the latter's female drummer Nao Kawakita, and also played trombone and piano. Misa likes Paz Lenchantin,[52] The Smashing Pumpkins and Jimi Hendrix; she started playing piano at around 3 or 4 years of age, and also played trumpet, alto horn, and guitar."
  17. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Queensryche are still around. After some trouble and legal disputes it looks like they replaced their lead-vocalist. I own some CDs myself but haven´t listened to their latest stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queensrÿche
  18. "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" - I try to see it every time when it airs on TV.
  19. Welcome to the forum! Some basic information would make it easier for us to help You. For example, how much money do You plan on spending, do you want to buy new, or maybe used speakers or fine as well? (Saves budget for other things, AVR maybe?) What space do You have? Right now You say you own bookshelvers, would you consider floorstanders for mains as well? Bigger is better, most of the times. As for the center, i would say, go for the RC62II, again, bigger is better. Wait until @wuzzzer chimes in, he is more knowledgeable than me. Just my two cents, for starters and enjoy Your quest with Klipsch!
  20. Hello, i own RF3s, the complete set, in my HT and i'm very happy with them. You won't go wrong if You buy that set.
  21. If the OP considers to get pre-owned speakers, i can certainly recommend the KG line. Have set up my KG1.5s as my music-output for my Mac. My screen is 22" for size and the speakers are paired to a small Yamaha amp. I don´t feel like adding a sub at this time.
  22. Or he could make some himself. I made mine, for my KG1.5s and i am no carpenter. Will save him quite a few bucks.
  23. Yes, and it´s mentioned in the review as well, high quality parts are desirable but un-economical in mass-production.
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