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Everything posted by garymd

  1. A truly spectacular performance! Thanks to Larry for once again putting this all together so flawlessly and to The Mighty Thebes for choosing the concert. It was really great seeing the gang, meeting a some new folks and catching up with the Chuckster after all these years. I hope we can do it sooner rather than later next time. Mike - Very nice meeting your lady friend. She's definitely a keeper! The concert was incredible, particularly the 20 year old prodigy on piano who gave us an AMAZING performance then came out for an encore (probably more to impress the 1st violinist than us common folk). And yes, the cannon shots were quite something! I hope everyone made it home safely.
  2. You're quite welcome, Michael. I hope it works out for you.
  3. I think the target audience must be Klipsch owners.
  4. Hey Travis. Long time, no chat. Also smoke-free since Aug 07 - began Chantix in May 07 but cheated a bit until August 8th when I had my final smoke. Never had the urge to go back even once. Yes, Chantix helped both me and the wife quit 4 1/2 years ago. Seems a lifetime ago.
  5. You will never be happy with the sound of the Denon for music. Sorry but that's just the way it is. I went through the same thing with my Cornwalls about 10 years ago when I replaced my mid-70s high-watt receiver with an AVR. I ended up getting a small vintage tube amp to use for music and kept the AVR for HT using a Niles switch box to go back and forth. As far as selling your speakers.....I bought my Cornwalls new long before the kids came along and used them sparingly for almost 20 years (the speakers, not the kids) until they grew up and moved out (the kids, not the speakers). I cranked them up on occasion when nobody else was home but I'm really glad I never sold them (came close a few times). They get much more use now that we're empty nesters. Good luck!
  6. I suddenly felt an urge to check the forum. I suppose my ears were burning. []
  7. For my VRDs, I'm just fine with the reasonably priced Valve Arts. I currently use the slightly higher priced Penta Labs KT88s that Craig recommended. They have just a touch more bass but not a very noticable difference. From my experience, I haven't found VRDs as output tube sensitive as some other KT88 amps like my old Macs so I spend my money on vinyl instead. I know of others who swear by their 6550s and have spent a small fortune on them. I'll stick to the theory that what I don't hear can't hurt me (financially that is). Edit: As to your initial question, I've also had excellent results replacing single tubes. I understand the potential problems stated above but have never encountered one myself. I think it's worth trying to do it on the cheap before spending money on a new quad. Use one of your spares. You might be pleasantly surprised.
  8. Hey Mustang, What player do you use for SACDs? Do you do 5.1? Edit: Nevermind. I see you have an Oppo. I look forward to your review! BTW - You can get a 9% discount right now at Acoustic Sounds if you promise to give them some kind of thumbs up on their Facebook page. I've never been on Facebook in my life but told them I would anyway. Also, you get free shipping if you spend some ridiculous amount ($250 I think). I'm embarrassed to say I got the free shipping.[:$] But hey, it was my first LP binge in a few months.[<)]
  9. http://store.acousticsounds.com/d/77001/Pink_Floyd-Wish_You_Were_Here-Hybrid_Multichannel_SACD I believe Acoustic Sounds also owns Analogue Productions (or the other way around), the label on which it was released. When I called to order, they told me they took 18,000 orders for it in the 3 days since it was released. I have at least 4 versions of WYWH (2 on vinyl and now 2 on CD/SACD). It's one of those new releases where you hear tons of stuff you never before noticed. Lots of horns, great soundstage, etc. I'm not sure this version is exactly what the band intended you to hear when it was originally released but it sure sounds amazing to me. The 5.1 layer is supposed to be all that and a bag of chips too.
  10. Anyone else buy the new SACD? I listened tonight for the first time and although I only do 2-channel SACD, this one was very well done. 2 big thumbs up![Y][Y]
  11. I'll put my money on something from the KG series. KG4s maybe? The badges and grills don't look Heresy-like to me. Ask the seller if they have a passive in the back. Still, any way you slice it, $40 is a steal.
  12. I know I'm going WAY back but this one thread made jazz fanatics out of me and quite a few other forum members. A list of recommended jazz albums was created (by Boomac) using this thread that many of us kept as a sort of "jazz bible" until we were up to speed. We had threads like this going all the time back then. For some of us, we've already "been there, done that." http://community.klipsch.com/forums/t/26437.aspx?PageIndex=1
  13. An HF81 stocked with Mullards for $200. Nice score.
  14. Hey Bryan - I bought that LP about 10 years ago and although I haven't played it in a long time, my Khorns are still in one piece. I think you're safe. Crank it up and report back!
  15. Stop by my house and you can find out for yourself.[]
  16. "At 15 what made you limp for 5 mins will now make you limp for a week." Could you rephrase that please?
  17. Pointless to audition Jubs IMO. Come to Maryland or go elsewhere and hear Khorns. The goal here is to listen to what others consider great-sounding Khorns (not to toot my horn but many here have a similar setups as mine and we all agree they sound terrific) to decide if you like the Khorn sound in the first place.
  18. Do you have a scale to check the tracking weight? I'm guessing around 1.75g is about right (check the cart specs). It sounds like they set it up improperly and you absolutely need (and have every right) to take it back. In the meantime, don't play your good records. If they can't get it right, get your money back and start over. Find someone who can do it right or learn to do it yourself with help from your forum friends. It's not that difficult. The Denon/step up would be a good next step IMO. I have one on my Thorens and it sounds terrific.
  19. My 2 cents... Just go with the $50 Shure M97 as Groom suggested and save your money for a better table. I had a Technics DD table for many years and you can do much better. Like I said, just my 2 cents.
  20. Late to the party as usual. Not even a flicker at my house. As I said the day before Irene arrived, because I was prepared and had the generator ready to go, nothing would happen. Lots of debris but that's about it. Thanks for asking, Gilbert. I haven't been to my house on the DE shore yet. We're heading down tomorrow with our finger's crossed, hoping we don't need to use the cornwalls and a paddle to assess the damage. I wonder if cornwalls float?
  21. I'm staying put, because I have a generator like Gary. Don't I wish! Larry has a really nifty setup. One flip of a switch and you'd never know there was an outage. I heard the nearby Naval Hospital is using Larry's basement as backup for emergency heart bypass surgeries.
  22. Congrats, Josh! I'm sure you absolutely love the stereo amp. There's never been one moment I'd ever considered giving up my VRDs (cherry also). Can't believe anyone here wouldn't take a check from a long-time, all-around good-guy forum member like you, but karma certainly worked in your favor and you're getting a brand spankin' new killer amp straight from the master's bench. Please keep us posted. Photos and reviews required as always. Hope all else is well. Gary
  23. Quake was awesome. Thanks for asking. Not looking forward to Irene but I changed the oil in the generator and have 15 gallons of gas on hand. In other words, it'll miss us by at least 100 miles.
  24. Ha! You just wanted to see if I was paying attention. Very funny.[] Edit: I think this was the last thread I started.
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