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Everything posted by cyclonecj

  1. In addition to all of my purchases, I can also add that I have turned my boss into a Monoprice fan. We used to buy Cat-5 network cables by the case close to $10 each. Monoprice has them for about $2 each, & they seem to be much better quality. Thats a big difference when we buy 1000+ cables!
  2. Time to bring this one back to life! Having lunch outside Casper hot dog in orinda, & looked up to see this.
  3. Hey guys... Been watching this thread. I have been running an Unraid server for about 5 years, & have never had a problem. I only have 3 drives in it with an older HP motherboard in it. It easily outruns everything I have ever tried to do to it, so speed has never been a concern. Something else I have been using is Subsonic. It’s a free program used for streaming to anything in your house, & you can also port it out to the internet, making your library accessible anywhere. Also works on Ipad, Iphone, android, etc. Check it out!
  4. Everything looked good to me, except that I see my my bank acct will be shrinking!
  5. Gill is right about the separation of sound, but you have to keep in mind that anytime you have a large screen, the sound will not be centered in the picture. In my setup, splitting the source moves most of the mid-range sounds into the center of the pic, since they are coming from both the mid & bass drivers. However, I found that getting used to it was easier than having all of the sound either above or below the screen. The exception is using a projector with an acoustically transparent screen, & the center speaker behind it. Anything else is a compromise.
  6. I have a split La Scala between a pair of Belle's & it works great. The bass bin is behind a cloth panel on the bottom.
  7. I saw that last one in SF bay... I was on a boat just off Angel Island.. Awesome show...
  8. You guys are obviously not in California.... All we get is IOU's.
  9. Cambridge Spelling Research I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt!
  10. Try this one... http://www.cyclonecj.com/KlipschLogo.gif
  11. There are 2 on my web site you can steal... http://www.cyclonecj.com/ As for the hi-res pic... Printed & posted in my office!
  12. I have one of these amps & replaced trhe caps a few years ago myself. Getting the circuit board out was a slight problem, but I was able to do the whole job within about 2 hours. Amp has been working excellent since then.
  13. I have a pair of La Scalas installed in the high school gym where I work. They have no problem filling the gym during sports events & rallys, with 1500 students trying to scream over the top of them. For graduation, we take a pair up to the football stadium, & they always fill the stadium.
  14. You can also pick up any standard repeater & disassemble it. Find the IR sensor & de-solder it from the board, & extend it out. Its tiny & not easily visible. Hide the main unit & place the sensor somewhere near the TV. If she still objects to this, find a new wife.[] Edited for clean-up... not sure where all that extra came from!
  15. Those are the CA-800T outdoor... I have 8 of them in the band practice rooms. They do sound real good. I have (I think) another pic of them from Mythbusters a few nights ago. They look the same except for the black logo. Same mounting knob on the side.
  16. From One Tree Hill aired on nov 2nd. There is a close-up that shows the Klipsch logo, but I still cant identify the model. The web site shows a similar one in black. (XL-23)
  17. Yep.... but all of the good shirts (in my size) are gone. Oh well... Maybe next time
  18. Seems that the main klipsch site is down.
  19. I have a single split without the bright trim. I made it look better by hiding it! Click here for the old thread scroll down about 1/2 way.
  20. Stopped by East Bay motorsports in Hayward Ca to pick up some bike parts. They have about 10 RS-10s around the showroom under LCD monitors running ads. I took a pic with my phone but it corupted the pic. This pic is from Google maps:
  21. In 79, I paid $1300 for a pair of La Scala's. No idea about the k-horns.
  22. Just to throw one more into the mix... I have been using a Supertemp XY9-60D for about 10 years now. Its nice to be able to set any temp I want and have it keep it there. Second one on the page
  23. Take a look HERE for all the info you need.
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