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Everything posted by dodger

  1. Moby Grape One of their better songs: "Can I walk Down Your Street Naked If I Want To." Loved the "interview," Amy.
  2. Harlot. Worked for them. Had bumper stickers with a photo of a female very made up holding pearls. Heart shaped picture. Wherever they played the one guitarist and I would make sure all Official vehicles got one free on the right rear bumper.
  3. ---------------- On 4/26/2005 10:26:31 AM jwcullison wrote: Craig Very good question. Listen to music 98% of the time in 2 channel. However, come to favor some of the DVD Audio available. For me to listen to music in 5 channel mode right now is a let down due to the quality of my Front end compared to evreything else. The center and surrounds right now are fine for movies. Stink for music. The build I have for the front end isn't complete but I will have a complete post on this project some time next week under "Updates and modifications". Dodger What is your take on comparison of the MAC tube amps you listed? I'm sure this has been chronicled elswhere on the forum jc ---------------- Greetings: Noting all of the factors that used to be in my sig, and being sure to note opinion: 60s with teles and Genalex 2404s teles and RCA Blackplate or 1962 GE matched quads 30s close to 240s EDIT: Please note that I have owned my 60s and 240s since the 1970s, thus I do have a bias toward them. I am not saying anything against the 30s. END EDIT The 1900 is one of McIntosh's nicest Receivers. Being SS a category of its own. In its slant legged cabinet it is also pleasing to the eye. I use my C-20 as my main Pre-Amp, the MX-110 (newer version) in a secondary or a change around. I like them both. As some will point out, there are better than the McIntosh, but for the length of time I have owned them, price paid, mating with Klipsch I would find them hard to beat. I've also had a 2105 and a C-26, both of which to me, the tubes beat easily. I was loaned a C-28 and a C-32 again, to me I preferred the tube. I enjoy the sound, the looks and the quality. A trio to me that can't be beat. dodger
  4. With McIntosh, you can have a "Performance Certified" and spend quite a bit. But in going through the Amplifiers and Pre-Amplifiers one tests the caps and resistors to see if they are within spec. Change the ones that fail to meet. The remaining that meet spec and show no sign of malfunction can be left in place. To change them all will change the sound. If one is worried about a safety hazard, new parts can fail while the parts left in place continued. The cord, main caps, power supply and all fused areas are of great import to make sure that there is no drop from spec. Cleaning the tube sockets, RCA inputs and Speaker terminals is also helpful as is cleaning the hum adjustments and switches. I've owned MC 60s, (2) MC 240s, a pair of MC 30s, C-20, MX 110, 1900. dodger
  5. In this thread the statement that if they were Bose it would not happen - paraphrased. How does one know that? I have seen Baby Grand Pianos moved in such a manner that strings broke. A friend worked for an overnight delivery company (not FedEx). I stopped by to visit him and while there I saw a package clearly marked Fragile kicked from one side of the area to the other. Not a shoving motion, a kick. Can shippers be rough with a 90 pound speaker? Watch if one drops it off of the back of the truck. It can land flat, appear to be fine but everything inside is jarred. Aircraft part inspection follows another guideline than a standard product inspection. Documentation after a crash has made that apparent - it's almost like an evidence chain of custody. Things can jar loose. It's unfortunate but it can happen with any product. And with any shipping company.
  6. After 30 years? Quality, beauty and craftsmanship are forever.
  7. Hey Wheelman: Though never trying it myself, a friend said a couple light coats of Krylon Clear Acrylic will help hold. Good Luck, dodger P.S. sent a shirt, but will do another
  8. ---------------- On 4/24/2005 8:21:32 PM Speedball wrote: Hey Ear, For sure it ought to be an instant Felony for causing hardship to others. ---------------- There is always the remedy of Filing A False Report if done Criminally or Filing A Frivilous Lawsuit if a Civil Matter. Then there is the ability to go after a Person both Criminally and in a Civil manner. It's too bad that does not get the press coverage. People want to read the sensational.
  9. Sorry, memory was in complete error. My apologies. dodger EDIT: Though there was a thread dealing with access to the Forum at work not long ago. END EDIT
  10. If we go with the usual way warnings and changes come and so, this may be deemed healthy in a couple of years. Kind of like the reason we pay so much for prescriptions - the testing to make sure that the medication is safe. Then it can be pulled off for health reasons a couple of years later. dodger
  11. For a number of things that have kept my mind off of a number of physical problems, for the same that made me feel younger. For being a great person to be a friend with and to deal with. For understanding the importance of certain dates. For letting me vent. Some people in certain areas very seldom ever are thanked - you deserve it. Win dodger
  12. I will let each speak for themself, if they do on their technical reasoning. Dean has asked many questions, researched, tried various products that he uses. In photos I have seen of his work, he makes some of the best solder connections that I have ever seen. Taking nothing away from the others. Popbumper did get caught at work but I am unsure of why he has not been on from home. Unless a suspension was given or termination. Hot water at home then. dodger
  13. ---------------- On 4/22/2005 2:14:54 PM dblue wrote: While I agree that this sandwich is ridiculous, I also think that people are responsible for their own actions. I would NEVER eat one of these monstrosities, but that doesn't mean Burger King shouldn't be able to sell it if people will buy it. Also, I can't wait 'till the no-carb fad dies. Wanna lose weight? Exercise. ---------------- I agree. People choose. An old saying is people choose their own death, but people choose their own life. I do not feel it should be removed. As I stated, people must take responsibility for their own actions. Good or Bad. For those of us over 40, I don't know how we made it without the protectins that are now in place. Common sense and responsibility are going out the window. We need fences and signs to tell the young not to play on Railroad Tracks.?
  14. Happy Birthday Randy. At least you can still smell the daisies instead of pushing them up. Win
  15. I am sorry to hear of your losses. You have my sympathies. Remember to keep talking when needed. Don't hold it in. Congratulations on the job, maybe it's one way of fully preparing . I don't know. Life is strange, there are reasons, it just takes time to find them. But always stand together. dodger
  16. As one who does have high blood pressure, low cholesterol, but high triglycerides, and has had that affirmed via fasting blood tests there are more factors. My Primary Care is also a PhD in Nutrition and did part of his Fellowship on Heredity. I have been studied up the ying yang. There is more to Good and Bad Cholesterol levels than diet. There is even a Commercial out noting that. I have one Sister-in-Law that is close to being a Vegetarian, yet her levels are near 275. Her triglycerides are low, as is her blood pressure, and resting heart rate. She is 5'5" 130 pounds and goes on Century rides plus teaching Spinning classes five days a week. Anyone can write a book on diet, exercise. Other than watching calorie intake, fats, and exercising a number of diets have come under fire. A main reason is not lack of knowledge of nutrtion, but what works for one does not work for all. Because of other factors. I am not saying don't eat them, just keep track of all of those factors. Normally, I am within one or two pounds of my weight when graduating. Both of my Parents were the same way. But on both sides, high blood pressure is a factor. I'm 52. I still have two pair of jeans from high school that fit and won't wear out. Other than skim milk as I drink close to three quarts per day, I have never watched my calorie intake. I don't have to worry about diets. Pride would not let me get to that point if I had to. EDIT: A number of reports state Atkins was obese at the time of his death. END EDIT 2ND EDIT: What also has not not really mean been mentioned is moderation. One cannot blame triglyicerides, fats, trans fatty foods for moderation. That's like suing either McDonald's or Burger King for being obese. One has to take responsibility for one's own actions. The Eagles had a song, "Get Over It." The same with being thin. I could eat more. Before anyone, including me, states anything about Nutrition Training, including electives, it may be good to find out. Atkins was a Cardiologiogist who wrote a book, that died obese. I have read more than 200 books regarding World War II, plus I took a Class on it. My choices were History Before 1812 - History Before The Events Leading To World War II or the Events Leading to and Including World War II. That was an easy choice. But I am no expert as there are far too many Events within that period.
  17. ---------------- On 4/20/2005 3:47:10 PM djk wrote: Hey, meuge? You don't have a clue as to what causes cholesterol in the blood stream. I eat 1-1/2 lbs of meat/cheese/eggs every day (that's like 3 of those sandwiches). My cholesterol normally runs about 124 when doing this, with a very good ratio on the HLD/LDL. Triglycerides are the problem. As with cholesterol, the triglycerides found in your blood are manufactured by your liver when you eat more calories than your body needs. There are many factors that can cause a high triglycerides level. They include an excessive level of calories, carbohydrates, and alcohol in your diet (unless you have: uncontrolled diabetes, hypothyroidism or kidney disease). The USDA Food Pyramid, the AMA, ADA, AHA, are all trying to kill you with their diet recommendations (too many carbs). I have been on the 'double cheeseburger' diet for about 6 months now and have lost in excess of 90 lbs and my blood chemistry looks great. If you need a diet to follow, 'The Zone' (Barry Sears) is probably the best for 80% of all people. If you need to loose a lot of weight fast, the 'Atkins' is probably the best (and safest). The only difference between the 'Zone' and 'Atkins' is the starch (bread, rice, pasta). ---------------- Heredity, exercise, metabolism, vitamins, other foods all play a role. What works for one, may not work for another. My Triglycerides are are definitely high while my Cholesterol is in the 120s - the good even my bad is low. This is after a fasting blood test. Not just one. So there may be exceptions. Fat is fat - some have it, some don't. At 5'8 1/2" 140 pounds, I'm on high blood pressure meds. I know people 5'3" 195, not muscle with lower blood pressure and a lower resting heart rate. dodger
  18. If you were you take it in another direction, there is a Cartridge, Pre-Amp and Amplifier interface. Why, I still do not know. BUT, if the person hears a difference, there must be something to it. As with Ortofon and my C-20 there is a good match. I don't want to see another cable makes or does not make a difference. It takes the fun out. Besides, other than posting something different why revisit the same yes it does - no it doesn't. dodger
  19. It may be today or within the next week - National Noise Awareness Day. Amazing the levels we are subjected to without any realization. We still have AHL hockey - between the boat horns when the home team scores a goal, the fact that fan NOISE - yelling, screaming, clapping etc. to a fake noise level meter. Then add air rushing noise when you have your window in your car open, those alone exceed safe levels. Then whatever happened to quiet restaurants? It seems as is we are afraid to have it quiet. Luckily I have custom hearing protectors, molded to my ear canal, I chose minus 20 db flat. I have minus 30 I can snap in.. Or for other events I use the silicone that swimmers use. I can also get the foam type free. The noise isn't worth it. dodger
  20. Well they FINALLY announced the answer to what President is on the $3.00 bill. No-one. The treasury has never issued a $3.00 bill. There is a foul as they never answered who the fifth face is. I want to extend my thanks, my wife extends hers. We will be in touch as agreed. Win dodger
  21. ---------------- On 4/20/2005 10:30:21 AM silversport wrote: Frzn, Thanks so much...they are wrapped in black felt so maybe as a gasket??? These were 1984s similar to yours so I am guessing that this was just another disgrace heaped upon my K'Horns by the previous owner...good to know I am getting closer to better. Bill ---------------- Well look at it this way - by the time you're through and they are operating correctly, you'll know that you'll have done all the legwork, sanding, staining, change-over and fitting pieces correctly. With the thanks as you noted and expertise. You've done a great job. dodger
  22. Another Company has reported the theft of Social Security Numberbers, and other Personal Information. One of the Companies that reported before has increased the numbers. While this will not lower I.D. theft, it may reduce fraud. At this point, I can go to my two largest Grocery Store Store chains, shop, take out A credit Card, swipe it, put it back in my wallet. No signature check / comparison, no gender comparison, nothing. I sign electronically, say thank you and leave. If the Card has been reported stolen, I may get caught or if savvy, I may leave. Progress, speeding transanctions, potentially helping fraud. The banks complain about losses. How many times has your signature been compared? Maybe we should contact our banks. dodger
  23. I do wish Him well. As a non-Catholic, I still see the Pope as a Leader. True 78 doesn't really give a showing for a long Reign, but I hope that it is a good one. Does anyone remember a Pope being chosen in what seems as short a time?
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