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  1. This would be for a Klipschorn, but it might also be for a LaScala, a Belle, or a Heresy. I am wondering what might happen if I used a 15 inch powered subwoofer in a Klipschorn. The way this might happen would be to put the woofer itself in the Klipschorn (it would be one that needed a new woofer anyway) and run the woofer leads on the Klipschorn crossover to the subwoofer amp. This would mean that the subwoofer amp would need to have speaker level inputs as well as line level inputs. You should be able to take the leads from the crossover and split the pair into two pairs for each speaker input in the subwoofer amp, putting a mono signal to each channel in the subwoofer amp. If successful, you might strengthen and extend that bottom end. Ideally, you might take a Klipschorn all the way down to 20 hz. Having said all that, it appears that a Klipschorn crossover sends signals below 400 hz to the woofer. A powered sub would likely cut off at 100 hz or 150 hz, leaving a gap for signals under 400 hz and over that cutoff frequency. We don't want that. So, would it be possible to bypass that control on the subwoofer amp so that none of the signal was cutoff? Then, (theoretically) the Klipschorn crossover would send everything under 400 hz to the subwoofer amp and in turn that would be passed on to the subwoofer's woofer, now the woofer inside the Klipschorn. If would be easy enough to mount the subwoofer amp somewhere around back of the Klipschorn so it looks good. Although all frequencies could then go through, the Klipschorn crossover would not let high frequencies ever reach the subwoofer amp. Before you make the "drawing a mustache and/or glasses on the Mona Lisa" comment, note that I did NOT say I was going to do this. I said I was wondering about it. I do realize that if this were done, it would have to be done two times for two speakers. Also, the cost might be ridiculous. However, I would like to stay focused on the "what if" and not go to the "why would you?". So, is it possible (and reasonably easy) to bypass the control on a powered subwoofer amp that sets the cutoff frequency, such that all frequencies received go to the amp and to the woofer? If some models could allow this, which ones are they? What other technical issues or challenges or tasks might arise and how would they be dealt with? FYI, I have a very old Klipschorn cabinet in very good shape and I am going to restore the guts and use it as a center channel, flanked by a pair of LaScala's. I would run a mono signal to the Klipschorn and a stereo signal to the LaScala's, using separate amps. Once I get the Klipschorn up and running, the rest is relatively easy. I don't mind having to use multiple amps. So, let the conversation begin.
  2. Well after many years of someday... I finally bought my first pair of Klipsch speakers, a pair of walnut Heresy III's. Over the years I have lusted after my own pair. I remember when I was a kid in the 70's reading an article where the writer was miking things around his house (I don't remember the reason), he got distracted and inadvertently left things set up. He had a Klipsch horn as part of the setup, and someone came to visit. When his mike picked up the car door closing, he was astonished and went on to write a great deal how it sounded EXACTLY like a car door closing. That description of the faithful representation of the sound is what started my interest. Later in life mid to late 80's I was in the Navy and the BX had some pretty high end stuff LaScalla's included, a friend of mine had the money and got a pair, I loved those speakers. I often quote him "If you want to dissipate power, buy a toaster, if you want to hear music, buy Klipsch". Well the Polks I could afford during that period finally gave up the ghost so I replaced them with the Heresy's and a REL T9. They are breaking in as we speak. These are for the living room system. I have to say they sound good. The size has not put the wife off too much I originally thought LaScalla but with the space constraints the Heresy's made more sense. I have to admit the look on her face would have been priceless! They are being driven by a Pioneer receiver (for now) and I'm looking for a nice tube something to put in front them. My main system consists of BAT VK-5SE pre, and VK 60 amp Dunlavy towers, but these sound nice, and affords the opportunity to play music softly and sound good. Thanks for being here and i hope to contribute soon. Ric
  3. Check 'em out! Reference Premiere HD Wireless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=430sT1V19oI R-15PM Powered Monitors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J82ToPHor8 Heritage-inspired products https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLUdGib2L4o New Headphones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAD1oKAxXB4
  4. Some teaser info here: http://www.klipsch.com/blog/klipsch-at-ces-2016-preview/
  5. Hi guys, So, my local HiFi store has a pair of late 70's Belles for sale. Being new to hi end audio I was intrigued and then blown away by the sound. I love speakers that look like furniture instead of modern art. This started me exploring the world of Klipsch and all the heritage designs. Looking at the belle build plans online I just don't get why the speaker would have just a small vent of sorts to move air through. Why not use a smaller speaker and have its whole face moving air? Why a 15 in. monster and not a 10 inch? Now if it's the same principle as blowing across a glass bottle or flute, then I guess it makes sense. Thanks! Derek
  6. Friends, I'm finally letting my beloved CW's go. They're in really nice shape (no dings or scratches), consecutive Serial #s, original Type B X-overs, CWL. $1200 and local pickup (unless you want to take on the task of arranging shipping). Happy Holidays. Tex58
  7. http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/ele/5440427026.html Cornwall speakers have been reposted, near perfect condition!
  8. For sale are a pair of Klipsch Quartet floor standing speakers. They are completely original and perform flawlessly. Aesthetically they are a solid 9, with only a few minor scratches on the risers and one scratch on the top of one of the boxes. I've had these speakers for about 3 years, 2 of them were spent in a closet. Just figured someone else might get more enjoyment out of them. More images upon request. Local (San Antonio) cash sale only. Sorry, No Shipping. Price is $350, firm & fair.
  9. Folks, I am going to try again. I have a black Academy for sale in very good condition. Corners are sharp, bottom paint is dull and has a drag mark but nothing breaking through the paint. Screen is excellent and original, no snags or frayed corners. The logo color is fading a bit on the right side (see pics). Drivers excellent; I have not had this thing in system since I have had it, dreams of a 5.1 Cornwall HT didn't materialize. Asking $300.00 in Knoxville, TN.
  10. Our photo guy - Philly D - updated the on-white product photography in all finishes, grilles on/off and multiple angles for the Klipschorn, La Scala, Cornwall and Heresy. It's a lot harder than one would think and truly a monumental task. The photos look freakin' great. Check them out: Klipschorn La Scala Cornwall Heresy
  11. For those interested... We just updated our CES mini-site's Museum page to list more of the things we are displaying in our CES booth. Lots of history! We'll post actual pics from the booth soon. http://ces.klipsch.com/museum.html
  12. None of the statements below constitute an official Klipsch statement. These are my personal opinions and thoughts. Please treat them as such... I don't post a lot here (always lurking, though), so I'm not going to pretend like everyone here knows me. In short, I'm the guy who runs social media for Klipsch. I have been the voice of the Klipsch Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube Google+, etc accounts for almost three years now. Anyway, in the thread about the big launch we're having at CES 2015, things got a little heated. I don't like to run social media way the traditional way - kissing every customers butt no matter what they say. BUT I do take great pride in being a far more transparent and open representative than you would find at other consumer-oriented brands. In that spirit, I would like to tackle a few subjects and many more in order to continue this transparency and openness. This is gonna be quite rambling and incoherent, but I just want to get a few things out there. I LOVE Klipsch...This is my life. This is how I feed myself (sometimes) and put clothes on my back. I spend way too much time thinking about all of this stuff and that is the same thing for 90% of the people who work there. I love coming into work and it's not like I'm getting rich off this job. I love what the company stood for and what it stands for now. We Love You...From my readings here, I think people are feeling detached from the company here - that we don't care about out. This couldn't be further from the truth. We always ask "Well, what are the forums guys gonna think about X?" Did our marketing drift away from you guys? YES. We admitted that and have taken the necessary steps to appeal both to YOU and the grander audience that we need in order to survive and thrive. We Need You...You want Klipsch to make certain products? You want Klipsch to make more stuff in the United States? TELL YOUR DEALERS! Screaming about it on the forums does almost nothing. We have to make a business case to make a new speaker and that means dealer buy-in. The fact about Klipsch business is that so little of it is done directly. We rely heavily on our dealers to move product because we simply do not have the advertising or marketing budgets to move tons of product on our own. Paul W. Klipsch...Not a single day goes by, where someone does not mention him or his audio principles. When Mark Casavant introduced the latest line to the entire company, PWK was in his very first sentence. His audio principles are literally drilled into us every single. The engineers and product managers are absolutely instructed to make products that stick to these principles. Heck, I even have four photos of him in my so-much-better-than-Chad's cube. PLUS, many of our new marketing initiatives are centered around him aka "Good Poop" blog posts, our CES 2015 audio museum, brand video, etc. As a marketing department, we are working closer than ever with Jim Hunter whose wealth of PWK knowledge is ridiculous. Jim takes almost every single visitor/guest on a tour of Klipsch HQ in which he provides in-depth commentary of PWK and his speakers. All of this is why I take great offense at some posters here who act like we have forgotten him or don't care about his legacy. That is utter horse manure through and through. Heritage Sales...Certain people seem to take great offense still that we make products that aren't Heritage. Come on, guys! If we didn't make Reference, we would have to lay off everyone. It's really that simple. No one, past or present, would/should/could want that. The ugly truth is that many/most companies would just shut down the line and move on. I know a lot of you guys recognize this already, so I apologize if it seems condescending. We would love to expand on the Heritage line but there needs to be a business case. It doesn't matter if someone from the past would be in charge. The situation would be the same. We can't just make every awesome speaker we think of, unfortunately. Made in America...Reading the above paragraph, one might think "Oh, Alex is a young punk who hates Heritage and just buys a bunch of Chinese-made crap." Deep breath! I love, love, love our Heritage line and Made in America products. I am actually saving up for Heresy speakers that I will surely pass down to my kids (if that ever happens). Oh and right now I am wearing a Gitman shirt, Flint & Tinder denim, Flint + Tinder underwear, and Chippewa Boots - all products made in America. The initiative with the Made in America blog series and partnerships with companies like Tanner Goods, Woodchuck USA, Imogene + Willie, etc is my baby and it's an initiative that has backing from everyone. We want to make more stuff in America. Even Vlad and the headphone team are looking for creative ways to get Hope involved. We'll see what happens. Heritage Opportunity...We have a unique opportunity to take advantage of a growing consumer segment - the hipster with disposable income. A popular trend right now is buying handmade and American-made products that, yes, are a little more expensive than the comparable made in China product. Our friends Tanner Goods charge $450 for their Portland-made backpack and they sell quite a few of them! It's quite remarkable. With our current Heritage lineup, we have a unique opportunity to target these consumers. We are looking for unique channels of distribution for Heritage that goes beyond audio-specific dealers. Heritage Marketing...There is a ridiculous misconception that we haven't marketed Heritage products at all and that's why they're not selling. Wrong, wrong, wrong! I don't know how many of you follow our social media channels or blog, but we talk about our Heritage speakers a ton. Also, be sure to check out the relatively new video we made for the line. Plus, our partnership with Classic Album Sundays is centered around the Heritage Series. If you don't know what it is, CAS is special listening sessions in certain parts of the world where you listen to an album all the way through with Klipschorns or La Scalas and a speaker guest speaker explaining the album. These events are great, but they are expensive, so we can't do it in as many places as we'd like. Klipsch Professional...We are making a new push with Klipsch Professional. We have great opportunities to grow here. You should see a lot of cool stuff coming through this department in the next few years. A lot of the growth will also be done behind the scenes. Concepts...Sometimes we make concepts that we aren't allowed to talk about with you guys. These can be Hope-built products that would certainly peak a lot of your interests. Sometimes, these get canned for lack of dealer support. Watch both our own and third party of the Klipsch at CES carefully! Chad and I are asking for permission to show you guys stuff, so we can drum up support for certain things, but no promises. Website Homepage...Our website currently features a bunch of products that aren't favorites here. That's because they are on discount and we have rarely ever done discounts directly through our website. It is an experiment. In any case, website hero slides will go back to our more heritage-y marketing that we all prefer on 1/1/2015. This industry is tough for high-end...Here's a little taste of the market for you. The average selling price for soundbars + bluetooth speakers dropped over 40% in only year! Isn't that crazy? We don't do the low-end market particularly well and we recognize that. In fact, we have recommitted to the high-end market. See this recent article from the Indiana Business Journal. Mistakes...We have made mistakes both in products and in marketing. There is absolutely not denying it. BUT I think everyone here is really going to like the direction we're going in both these departments going forward. Things have change SIGNIFICANTLY in the three years I've been here and I think, now, it's finally for the better. Soundbars...If you read the article above, you will know that CEO Paul Jacobs said "You can’t replace the experience of a premium home theater system with a sound bar.” Everyone here should be VERY happy about that statement and it's absolutely true. We are committed to superior home theater and two channel solutions. That's our bread and butter. That being said, our soundbars do sound great. I know from personal experience that people on these very forums thought they were hearing professional Klipsch speakers but it was actually a R-20B soundbar. So, with that in mind, let's not always scream and shout that these products can't possibly sound any good, please. No Voxx, No Klipsch...I can't go into too much detail but the reality is that when Fred Klipsch (who PWK sold the company to) decided to sell Klipsch, there were two choices - Klipsch lives through Voxx or it dies an unrecognizable death. I know many of you have fears they will run us into the ground, but, at this point, it is what it is and we ALL need to make the best about it. It's been what - 4 years? Time to move on. Criticism...Parts of this post probably come off as me being quite butt hurt and unable to take any criticism. Part of that is true haha! I should let more things go, but I think that also does show how much I care about this place. Anyway, criticism does make us better. It definitely does. That being said, sometimes this place can be brutally negative even when it doesn't make any sense. We need you guys to be part of the solution. Anyway, I hope this was worth reading in some way. I really hope it didn't come off as dick-ish or condescending. I know a lot of you recognize already what I just typed out. I am just trying to be open and honest. If you have any questions, fire them over. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Again, none of the statements above constitute an official Klipsch statement. These are my personal opinions and thoughts. Please treat them as such.
  13. I currently have a set of 1974 Cornwalls with ALK Cornscala-wall networks and a 24” Tuba THT. That I really love. I have them set up in my basement which has unfinished walls, and I have used Roxul as insulation in the walls and ceilings. The Room sounds very good. I am very much wanting to move to a completely horn loaded speaker. I have never heard a la scala or a belle or a khorn for that matter, but am pretty convinced I would like the sound based on my experience with my folded horn subwoofer. La Scalas can be had around here for 800-1000 bucks and with those what I am seeing is the desire to replace the stock mid horn (same issue as my CW). I have been watching for belles for 2 years with nothing showing up. With my recent DIY success of the THT I am thinking I can build a Belle or a La Scala and improve on it with better horns and drivers as funds improve. I read a few threads today, the bass bin of the LaScala vs the Belle, the Belle seems to be the winner as far as aesthetics and function. So I am thinking of building a Belle from scratch instead of buying a lascala and replacing most of it. I am thinking of using a Fastrac midhorn, and using the K55 Drivers, K33 woofers, K77 tweeters and the ALK networks I have in my CW to populate the belle. Ultimately if I really like the way it turns out, upgrading to the Kappa 15C woofers, B&C tweeters and a possible new 2" midrange if I can do that and allow me to return the CW to its original unmolested state. Will my ALK Cornscala-wall network allow all of these changes? Should I think about building something else? I am not really wanting to desecrate my ’74 decorator CW but want to move to a horn loaded bass. Looking at the Belle plans, everything is done in ¾” sheet. I know that the LaScala II is made out of 1” to reduce flex, is that worth doing to the belle? Maybe just the outer skin? I have CAD and could make those adjustments pretty easily. I am open to any and all criticism and recommendations, Thanks.
  14. Hi, I'm currently running a 5.1 reference setup with RF-82 IIs for the fronts. I'm thinking about upgrading the fronts to RF-7 IIs or would it be better to upgrade my entire system to Heritage speakers? If I did go the Heritage route, I'm looking at the Cornwall III or La Scala II. Between the Cornwall III and La Scala II, which is better? Also, I'm doing this upgrade for a 5.1 Home Theater setup. I watch movies about 90% of the time and sometimes listen to music. Please help. Thanks!
  15. No affiliation and no pictures. Could be a deal. http://indianapolis.craigslist.org/ele/4610006651.html
  16. hello, I have a complete 5.2 klipsch heritage home theater set up im looking to sell. I would like to get $2000 for all of it and would like to sell it all at once. local pickup in kansas city. all equipment is in really good condition. thanks... Here is the lineup. Denon - 2311ci pair - klipsch forte I oiled oak Pair - klipsch forte II oiled oak single - heresy oak stained birch pair - M&K v75 subs black pair - solid oak 15" stands for fortes.
  17. Hot off the video presses, just in time for 'murrica's birthday. And proof we still are who we are, as much as we can be. Bonus points if you can name the guy behind the voice. (a lot of bonus points because I really doubt anyone would know). Enjoy!
  18. A few years ago I gave my dad a pair of RF 3 speakers. Today, he came over and we sat around listening to some LP's. My pair of forte's recently purchased from a fellow forum member where so wonderful that dad now wants a pair... So here they are. Willing to trade for a decent pair of 3 way Klipsch.
  19. Does anyone know of any Klipsch dealers in North Carolina with Heritage series speakers available to audition? I'd especially like to hear the La Scala II and the Heresy III speakers, but I can't find a dealer that actually has these set-up for demo. Most dealers seem to only have these as special order. Dealers in central NC would be closest to my location. Thanks.
  20. Hey everybody ! Picked up a set of Cornwall 1's last year on craigslist for $550 & a 550 mi. Round trip to pick them up here in central CA. !! Decent shape, they oiled up & look pretty nice. Ordered & installed new Crites x-overs earlier this year. Helped, but I think they still sound kind of flat & "tired", but since I don't know their history & they're almost 42 years old. So I figured what the hell, called bob (Crites) & ordered the new cast woofers and sent him my mids & tweeters to let him work his magic !! I'm using a pioneer elite sc-65 & an oppo bdp-105 to power them. Tube amp next year !! I'll repost in a couple of weeks & let everyone know if my $552 was money well spent !!
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